Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Young Woman Or Old Lady? (Optical Illusion) T-Shirt

Ad: Young Woman Or Old Lady? (Optical Illusion) T-Shirt

Featuring classic optical illusion design of either a young woman or an old lady. Gifts for anyone who desire to do a double-take on the two women that are embedded in the picture. Psychology humor gifts featuring differences in visual perception and the gestalt phenomenon. myTees

Zealandia Earth's Newest Continent T-Shirt

Ad: Zealandia Earth's Newest Continent T-Shirt

In 2017, a team of eleven geologists concluded that Zealandia was a continent in its own right, rather than being a microcontinent or continental fragment. It is an almost entirely submerged mass of continental crust which had met the definition of continent (elevation above the surrounding area, distinctive geology, a crust thicker than the ocean floor), with New Zealand's North and South Islands and New Caledonia rising above the Pacific Ocean. Although there is no formal scientific body recognizing Zealandia as a continent, continental fans all around the world will enjoy acknowledging "Zealandia Earth's Newest Continent". Classic scientific attitude t-shirt for any fan of geology, plate tectonics, or earth science! myTees

If I Am Lost In Translation Just Blame My RNA T-Shirt

Ad: If I Am Lost In Translation Just Blame My RNA T-Shirt

Are you frequently lost in translation? Showcase your chemistry and biochemistry geek side with this ribonucleic acid molecule humor gift tee that says "If I Am Lost In Translation Just Blame My RNA". Science humor gift for all those who are often lost in translation! No need to be a translator to enjoy! myTees

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Earth's Layers (Earth Science Geology) T-Shirt

Ad: Earth's Layers (Earth Science Geology) T-Shirt

Showcase your scientific side with any of these educational earth science gifts featuring "Earth's Layers". From core to exosphere structure of the Earth. Make others do a double-take about how Earth is structured, chemically and rheologically, today! myTees

Nikola Tesla Capacity Of Earth Charge Electrified T-Shirt

Ad: Nikola Tesla Capacity Of Earth Charge Electrified T-Shirt

Nikola Tesla, father of today's wireless society and inventor of the radio, once asked the following: "A point of great importance would be first to know what is the capacity of the earth? And what charge does it contain if electrified?" Electrical engineers, scientists, physicists, inventors, and those into electricity and magnetic forces will enjoy this philosophical and scientific quote on any of these gifts! Timeless question for all those who know about alternate currents! myTees

Powered By Biochemistry (Krebs Cycle) T-Shirt

Ad: Powered By Biochemistry (Krebs Cycle) T-Shirt

Face it -- you are powered by biochemistry. No need to be a biochemist to enjoy any of these wry biochemistry attitude gifts featuring the Krebs cycle, also known as the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle, along with the caption "Powered By Biochemistry". Memorable scientific educational gift for all who know about cellular metabolism! myTees

Monday, June 17, 2024

P53 Pathways Inside (Cell Molecular Biology) T-Shirt

Ad: P53 Pathways Inside (Cell Molecular Biology) T-Shirt

P53 is a tumor suppressor protein, as encoded by the TP53 gene, and plays a key role in preventing genome mutation, and thus, by extension, plays a key role in preventing cancer. Showcase your educational, scientific side with any of these gifts featuring "P53 Pathways Inside". No need to be an oncologists, cell biologist, or molecular biologist to enjoy! myTees

Quantum Physics Where Physics And Metaphysics Meet T-Shirt

Ad: Quantum Physics Where Physics And Metaphysics Meet T-Shirt

If you know about the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, you'll enjoy any of these gifts featuring the dualistic nature of wave-particle physics, with an illustration of whether Schrödinger's cat is dead and/or alive in the hypothetical box. Comes with the tongue-in-cheek physics attitude saying: "Quantum Physics Where Physics And Metaphysics Meet". Make others do a double-take on the quantum mechanics / quantum physics world today with any of these memorable conversational gifts! myTees

Sunday, June 16, 2024

How Well Do You Know Virus Classification? T-Shirt

Ad: How Well Do You Know Virus Classification? T-Shirt

Microbiologists and virologists will enjoy this educational, scientific gift tee featuring various viruses. Showcasing the Baltimore Classification of viruses, which is based on the method of viral mRNA synthesis. Memorable scientific t-shirt for die-hard taxonomists of viruses with the query "How Well Do You Know Virus Classification?" myTees

Nicotine Crosses The Blood-Brain Barrier T-Shirt

Ad: Nicotine Crosses The Blood-Brain Barrier T-Shirt

No need to be a smoker or a chemist to know that nicotine crosses the blood-brain barrier with this chemical awareness gift tee. Featuring the chemical structure of nicotine. Educational, scientific fun for those who understand nicotine's potent effects! myTees

Life Is All About Showing That You've Got Guts T-Shirt

Ad: Life Is All About Showing That You've Got Guts T-Shirt

No need to be a scientist, biologist, or work in the medical field to understand wry digestive system humor. Comes with all key labels of the digestive system and wry anatomical humor truism saying: "Life Is All About Showing That You've Got Guts". Show your gutsy side to the world with any of these anatomical geek gifts! myTees

Monosodium Glutamate Sodium Salt Of Glutamic Acid T-Shirt

Ad: Monosodium Glutamate Sodium Salt Of Glutamic Acid T-Shirt

Do you find monosodium glutamate tasty? Do you work with salt? Wry chemistry attitude comes alive on this tee featuring the chemical structure of monosodium glutamate -- also known as MSG. Molecule structure with the definition saying "Monosodium Glutamate Sodium Salt Of Glutamic Acid". No need to be a foodie to enjoy scientific humor! myTees

Saturday, June 15, 2024

All Of My Ideas Are Like Beans (Bean Anatomy) T-Shirt

Ad: All Of My Ideas Are Like Beans (Bean Anatomy) T-Shirt

Showcase your love of the seed of ideas with this bean anatomy gift tee that says "All Of My Ideas Are Like Beans Destined To Grow On Beanstalks". Includes diagram of bean seed with all important labeled parts. Food for thought biological fun for anyone who lives in the world of ideas, beans, and beanstalks! myTees

Statistics If You Torture The Numbers Long Enough Baby T-Shirt

Ad: Statistics If You Torture The Numbers Long Enough Baby T-Shirt

No need to be a statistician to enjoy any of these statistical humor gifts featuring the bell curve (also known as the normal distribution curve or Gaussian curve). Comes with the wry statistical truism saying about the discipline of statistics: "Statistics - If You Torture The Number Long Enough, You Can Get Them To Say Anything". Make others do a double-take about the subject of statistics with a dose of educational humor today! myTees

PET Scan, Anyone? (Positron Emission Tomography) T-Shirt

Ad: PET Scan, Anyone? (Positron Emission Tomography) T-Shirt

Make others do a double-take with a dose of health and medicine humor with any of these gifts featuring a diagram showing positron emission tomography, along with the saying "PET Scan, Anyone?". Educational, scientific fun for all! No need to have been through a PET scan to enjoy! myTees

Friday, June 14, 2024

Second Law Of Thermodynamics Isolated System Baby T-Shirt

Ad: Second Law Of Thermodynamics Isolated System Baby T-Shirt

Physicists and physics majors will enjoy these gifts featuring the Second Law of Thermodynamics along with a diagram of a simple carnot cycle. Specifically the following text is included: "The second law of thermodynamics implies that no useful work can be derived from an isolated system in equilibrium; there must always be an external energy source and a cold sink." Make others do a double-take and test their knowledge of the Second Law of Thermodynamics today with these gifts! myTees

Chess The Art Of War (Matisse Font) T-Shirt

Ad: Chess The Art Of War (Matisse Font) T-Shirt

Avid chess players who view the chessboard as a war zone will enjoy any of these wry chess attitude gifts featuring a reflective chess set, along with the chess truism saying "Chess - The Art Of War" in Matisse font. Make others do a double-take the next time you play chess with any of these timeless chess humor gifts! myTees

Is It A Duck Or A Rabbit? (Optical Illusion) T-Shirt

Ad: Is It A Duck Or A Rabbit? (Optical Illusion) T-Shirt

Do you think that this picture is a duck or a rabbit? Make others do a double-take with any of these optical illusion gifts that asks "Is It A Duck Or A Rabbit?" Featuring infamous gestalt phenomenon picture of an entity that is both duck and rabbit. Optical illusion visual fun for all who imagine! myTees

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Think Green Power Think Vegetarian (Plant Cell) T-Shirt

Ad: Think Green Power Think Vegetarian (Plant Cell) T-Shirt

Do you think about green power? Do you know that eating meat also means consuming a lot of energy because of all the products needed to make the food to feed the animals? Showcase your scientific vegetarian sense of humor with this tee featuring a plant cell and the vegetarian truism saying "Think Green Power Think Vegetarian". Thoughtful vegetarian and vegan t-shirt for anyone who thinks about energy and sustainability! myTees

Pi My One And Only Constant In Life (Math Humor) T-Shirt

Ad: Pi My One And Only Constant In Life (Math Humor) T-Shirt

Do you think about pi, the mathematical constant, a lot? Have you been jilted by the tendency of everything in life to change? Showcase your wry mathematical sense of humor with any of these tongue-in-cheek pi gifts with the following saying: "Pi My One And Only Constant In Life". Make others do a double-take about what you are trying to say with a dose of geek attitude! myTees