Sunday, August 06, 2023
Appalachian Orogeny Mountain Building Over Time Water Bottle #geology, #mountain #range, #earth #scientist, #WaterBottle
Wall Street Is Paved With Too Much Beta Alpha Bandana #wall #street, #sign, #value #investor, #Bandana
Study Of Brain Physiology (c. 1508) da Vinci Planner #study #of #brain #physiology, #leonardo #Planner
Take Time To Play Bridge Four Card Suits Apron #take #time #to #play #bridge, #Apron
Mean Thoughts Inside (Statistics Humor) Postcard
Ad: Mean Thoughts Inside (Statistics Humor) Postcard
Showcase wry statistical humor with any of these psychological stats gifts featuring the bell curve (Gaussian distribution curve), along with the definition saying "Mean Thoughts Inside". Shows the percentages of a normal distribution curve. No need to be a statistician, psychologist, or an angry person to enjoy! Perfect double entendre gifts for all who think about averages and statistics constantly! myStatistician
#mean #thoughts #inside #stats #teacher #Postcard
Oxytocin Love's Hormone Inside Chemistry Apron #nine #amino #acids, #biochemistry, #oxytocin, #Apron
Appalachian Orogeny (Mountain Building Over Time) #geology, #mountain #range, #earth #scientist,
I'm So Happy I Could Just Cry Alice Mock Turtle 3 Ring Binder #i'm #so #happy, #words #and #3RingBinder
Be Timely- Or Rather, Don't Be Late White Rabbit Planner #lewis #carroll, #john #tenniel, #white #Planner
Invest Carefully Always Look At The Downside Humor Apron #investor, #drawbridge #sign, #words #and #Apron
Wanted A Good Bridge Partner Four Card Suits Socks #bridge #partner, #bridge #game, #game #Socks
Both Wave & Particle Are Possible In Quantum World Bandana #quantum #world, #de #broglie #wave, #Bandana
Alternating Current Champion Nikola Tesla Notebook #genius, #wireless, #physics, #alternating #current, #Notebook
Having A Full Plate Always On My Mind Food Groups Face Mask #diet, #words #and #unwords, #food #FaceMask
Nikola Tesla Scientific Man Does Not Aim Immediate Jigsaw Puzzle #immediate #result, #lay #the #foundation, #JigsawPuzzle
Just Call Me Statistically Inclined Bell Curve Matchboxes
Ad: Just Call Me Statistically Inclined Bell Curve Matchboxes
No need to be a statistician to enjoy this wry statistical humor matchbox featuring the bell curve distribution (normal distribution curve, Gaussian curve) along with the saying that will make others do a double-take: "Just Call Me Statistically Inclined". Educational stats attitude matchbox for anyone who knows statistics! myStatistician
#just #call #statistically #inclined #Matchboxes
Correlated But Only To A Certain Degree Statistics Hot Chocolate Drink Mix
Ad: Correlated But Only To A Certain Degree Statistics Hot Chocolate Drink Mix
Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry stats attitude with this drink mix featuring various correlations and their respective correlation coefficients along with the saying "Correlated But Only To A Certain Degree". myStatistician
#statistics #only #certain #HotChocolateDrinkMix