Thursday, August 03, 2023

Theobromine Chocolate Molecule Active Ingredient Paper Plates #theobromine, #chemical #molecule, #chocolate #molecule, #PaperPlates

Ad: Theobromine Chocolate Molecule Active Ingredient Paper Plates #theobromine, #chemical #molecule, #chocolate #molecule, #PaperPlates

Software DNA Inside (DNA Replication) Two-Tone Coffee Mug #molecular #biologist, #software #engineer, #words #TwoToneCoffeeMug

Ad: Software DNA Inside (DNA Replication) Two-Tone Coffee Mug #molecular #biologist, #software #engineer, #words #TwoToneCoffeeMug

Do Not Disturb Brain At Work (Anatomical Humor) Poster #do #not #disturb, #brain #at #Poster

Ad: Do Not Disturb Brain At Work (Anatomical Humor) Poster #do #not #disturb, #brain #at #Poster

Get The Veggie Glow Eat Vegetables Wireless Charger #get #the #veggie #glow, #eat #WirelessCharger

Ad: Get The Veggie Glow Eat Vegetables Wireless Charger #get #the #veggie #glow, #eat #WirelessCharger

Subduction Leads To Orogeny Plate Tectonics Humor Water Bottle #subduction #leads #to #orogeny, #subduction, #WaterBottle

Ad: Subduction Leads To Orogeny Plate Tectonics Humor Water Bottle #subduction #leads #to #orogeny, #subduction, #WaterBottle

Wall Street Is Paved With Too Much Beta Alpha 3 Ring Binder #wall #street, #sign, #value #investor, #3RingBinder

Ad: Wall Street Is Paved With Too Much Beta Alpha 3 Ring Binder #wall #street, #sign, #value #investor, #3RingBinder

Nikola Tesla Progressive Development Of Man Quote Planner #wireless, #genius, #father #of #radio, #Planner

Ad: Nikola Tesla Progressive Development Of Man Quote Planner #wireless, #genius, #father #of #radio, #Planner

Wanted A Good Bridge Partner Four Card Suits Water Bottle #bridge #partner, #bridge #game, #game #WaterBottle

Ad: Wanted A Good Bridge Partner Four Card Suits Water Bottle #bridge #partner, #bridge #game, #game #WaterBottle

Just Having Linear Thoughts Statistics Humor Bandana

Ad: Just Having Linear Thoughts Statistics Humor Bandana

If you are familiar with regression and linear regression techniques, you'll enjoy wry stats humor with this bandana featuring a graph, along with the statistical truism "Just Having Linear Thoughts". No need to be mathematician, statistician, or psychologist to enjoy! myStatistician

#graph #just #having #linear #thoughts #Bandana

Support Photosynthesis Exhale (Biochemistry Humor) Mouse Pad #support #photosynthesis #exhale, #photosynthesis, #lightdependent #MousePad

Ad: Support Photosynthesis Exhale (Biochemistry Humor) Mouse Pad #support #photosynthesis #exhale, #photosynthesis, #lightdependent #MousePad

Geological Time Scale (Geological Age) Coffee Mug #earth #science, #geology, #geologist, #earth's #CoffeeMug

Ad: Geological Time Scale (Geological Age) Coffee Mug #earth #science, #geology, #geologist, #earth's #CoffeeMug

Wonderland Time Has Come Through Looking Glass Watch #john #tenniel, #poem, #lewis #carroll, #Watch

Ad: Wonderland Time Has Come Through Looking Glass Watch #john #tenniel, #poem, #lewis #carroll, #Watch

Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd) T-Shirt #leo, #horoscope, #lion, #july #23 #TShirt

Ad: Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd) T-Shirt #leo, #horoscope, #lion, #july #23 #TShirt

Where's The Hand You Held In Bidding? Bridge Game Playing Cards #where's #the #hand, #you #held #PlayingCards

Ad: Where's The Hand You Held In Bidding? Bridge Game Playing Cards #where's #the #hand, #you #held #PlayingCards

Baryon Decuplet (Particle Physics) Napkin #baryon #decuplet, #particle #physics, #particle #Napkin

Ad: Baryon Decuplet (Particle Physics) Napkin #baryon #decuplet, #particle #physics, #particle #Napkin

Team Photosynthesis Light-Dependent Reactions 3 Ring Binder #team #photosynthesis, #photosynthesis, #lightdependent #reactions, #3RingBinder

Ad: Team Photosynthesis Light-Dependent Reactions 3 Ring Binder #team #photosynthesis, #photosynthesis, #lightdependent #reactions, #3RingBinder

My Mind Is Consumed By Dietary Proportions Mug #diet, #nutrition, #dietician, #nutritionist, #funny, #Mug

Ad: My Mind Is Consumed By Dietary Proportions Mug #diet, #nutrition, #dietician, #nutritionist, #funny, #Mug

Nikola Tesla Man Who Invented The 20th Century Bandana #nikola #tesla, #20th #century, #inventor, #Bandana

Ad: Nikola Tesla Man Who Invented The 20th Century Bandana #nikola #tesla, #20th #century, #inventor, #Bandana

I Wish The World Was As Linear As This (Humor) Fabric

Ad: I Wish The World Was As Linear As This (Humor) Fabric

Showcase your wry statistical linear regression side when you create with this fabric that says "I Wish The World Was As Linear As This". Fabric for all those who know about linear regression, who have drawn a straight line through data points, and who know about wayward politics of people and institutions such that aggregate data never resemble a straight line in the first place. No need to be a statistician, economist, sociologist, or political scientist to enjoy educational tongue-in-cheek stats humor fun with this fabric! myStatistician

#datapoints #linear #regression #statistician #Fabric

I Function On A Complex Cycle (Krebs Cycle) Round Clock #humor, #complex #cycle, #krebs #cycle, #RoundClock

Ad: I Function On A Complex Cycle (Krebs Cycle) Round Clock #humor, #complex #cycle, #krebs #cycle, #RoundClock