Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Notice We Are Off CO2 Scale Holocene Epoch Socks #atmospheric #carbon #dioxide, #atmospheric #scientist, #Socks

Ad: Notice We Are Off CO2 Scale Holocene Epoch Socks #atmospheric #carbon #dioxide, #atmospheric #scientist, #Socks

Signs Of Life Inside EMT Medical Heartbeat Humor Socks #signs #of #life #inside, #inside, #Socks

Ad: Signs Of Life Inside EMT Medical Heartbeat Humor Socks #signs #of #life #inside, #inside, #Socks

Duplicate Bridge For Longevity Four Card Suits Matchboxes #duplicate #bridge, #bridge #teacher, #bridge #Matchboxes

Ad: Duplicate Bridge For Longevity Four Card Suits Matchboxes #duplicate #bridge, #bridge #teacher, #bridge #Matchboxes

Wave-Particle Duality Inside Uncertainty Principle Fabric #waveparticle #duality #inside, #quantum #mechanics, #Fabric

Ad: Wave-Particle Duality Inside Uncertainty Principle Fabric #waveparticle #duality #inside, #quantum #mechanics, #Fabric

Climate Change Is Here We Are Living Pyrocene Era Pickleball Paddle #climate #change, #global #warming, #forest #PickleballPaddle

Ad: Climate Change Is Here We Are Living Pyrocene Era Pickleball Paddle #climate #change, #global #warming, #forest #PickleballPaddle

Create A Sustainable World Go Vegetarian Advice Face Mask #create #a #sustainable #world, #go #FaceMask

Ad: Create A Sustainable World Go Vegetarian Advice Face Mask #create #a #sustainable #world, #go #FaceMask

Genius Is In My Genes DNA Replication Fabric #genius #is #in #my #genes, #Fabric

Ad: Genius Is In My Genes DNA Replication Fabric #genius #is #in #my #genes, #Fabric

Just Think Linear Regression (Statistics) T-Shirt

Ad: Just Think Linear Regression (Statistics) T-Shirt

Statisticians, economists, psychologists, and social scientists who think in terms of hypothesis testing and statistics will enjoy any of these gifts featuring linear regression along with the saying "Just Think Linear Regression". Educational statistical geek attitude gifts for all who do statistics! myStatistician

#regression #geek #humor #words #TShirt

Practicing Neurologist Inside Neuron Synapse LED Sign #neuron, #words #and #unwords, #neurology, #LEDSign

Ad: Practicing Neurologist Inside Neuron Synapse LED Sign #neuron, #words #and #unwords, #neurology, #LEDSign

Life Runs On Its Own Cycle (Krebs Cycle - TCAC) T-Shirt #citric #acid #cycle, #krebs #cycle, #TShirt

Ad: Life Runs On Its Own Cycle (Krebs Cycle - TCAC) T-Shirt #citric #acid #cycle, #krebs #cycle, #TShirt

The Rock Cycle Geology Earth Science Scarf #the #rock #cycle, #rocks, #geology, #Scarf

Ad: The Rock Cycle Geology Earth Science Scarf #the #rock #cycle, #rocks, #geology, #Scarf

Love Bridge It's A Relaxing Game (Four Card Suits) Throw Pillow #duplicate #bridge, #it's #a #relaxing #ThrowPillow

Ad: Love Bridge It's A Relaxing Game (Four Card Suits) Throw Pillow #duplicate #bridge, #it's #a #relaxing #ThrowPillow

Just Passing Through Space & Time Light Cone Socks #light #cone, #hypersurface #of #the #Socks

Ad: Just Passing Through Space & Time Light Cone Socks #light #cone, #hypersurface #of #the #Socks

The Walrus And The Carpenter (Looking Glass) Adult Apron #wonderland, #alice's #adventures #in #wonderland, #AdultApron

Ad: The Walrus And The Carpenter (Looking Glass) Adult Apron #wonderland, #alice's #adventures #in #wonderland, #AdultApron

Monday, July 31, 2023

Correlation Cheat Sheet (Correlation Coefficients) Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: Correlation Cheat Sheet (Correlation Coefficients) Jigsaw Puzzle

Showcase your knowledge of statistical correlations with any of these gifts featuring various correlations and their respective correlation coefficients. Make others do a double-take with this educational, scientific "Correlation Cheat Sheet". Memorable gifts for statistician, psychologists, economists and anyone who knows about correlations! myStatistician

#math #stats #statistician #statistics #correlation #JigsawPuzzle

Climate Change Is Here We Are Living Pyrocene Era Planner #climate #change, #global #warming, #forest #Planner

Ad: Climate Change Is Here We Are Living Pyrocene Era Planner #climate #change, #global #warming, #forest #Planner

Keep Calm And Code On Software Developer Bugdroid Jigsaw Puzzle #software #developer, #words #and #unwords, #JigsawPuzzle

Ad: Keep Calm And Code On Software Developer Bugdroid Jigsaw Puzzle #software #developer, #words #and #unwords, #JigsawPuzzle

100% Locavore Pile Of Vegetables 3 Ring Binder #one #hundred #percent #locavore, #pile #3RingBinder

Ad: 100% Locavore Pile Of Vegetables 3 Ring Binder #one #hundred #percent #locavore, #pile #3RingBinder

Tsunami Puerto Rico Trench Plate Tectonics Earth Socks #earth #scientist, #plate #tectonics, #tsunami, #Socks

Ad: Tsunami Puerto Rico Trench Plate Tectonics Earth Socks #earth #scientist, #plate #tectonics, #tsunami, #Socks

Warning! Sitting Is The New Smoking Cross-Out Sign Mouse Pad #warning, #sitting #is #the #new #MousePad

Ad: Warning! Sitting Is The New Smoking Cross-Out Sign Mouse Pad #warning, #sitting #is #the #new #MousePad