Saturday, August 19, 2023
A Balanced Diet For Morning, Noon & Night MyPlate Cloth Placemat #a #balanced #diet, #for #morning #ClothPlacemat
Do You Know Where Great Pacific Garbage Patch Lies T-Shirt #do #you #know #where,the #great #TShirt
History Of Earth (Geological Time) Canvas Print #history #of #earth, #geological #timeline, #CanvasPrint
Summarizing Statistics (Bell Curve Distribution) Poster
Ad: Summarizing Statistics (Bell Curve Distribution) Poster
Statisticians and stats teachers will enjoy this poster featuring the bell curve (normal distribution curve) along with the caption that says it all: "Summarizing Statistics". myStatistician
#bell #curve #educational #summarizing #statistics #Poster
Warning! MSG Inside Chemical Molecule iPhone 13 Case #monosodium #glutamate, #msg, #msg #inside, #iPhone13Case
College Fjord Prince William Sound, Alaska T-Shirt #picture #earth, #earth #science, #earth #TShirt
Meet Me In Wonderland Queen Alice Frog Doorway Planner #queen #alice, #words #and #unwords, #Planner
Warning Bees Ahead Three Bees Yellow Diamond Sign iPhone 13 Case #sign, #bees #ahead, #warning, #yellow #iPhone13Case
Duplicate Bridge A Psychological Game Notebook #four #card #suits, #psychological #game, #Notebook
E=mc^2 Energy Always Exhibits Relativistic Mass T-Shirt #equation, #words #and #unwords, #mass, #TShirt
Antarctica Global Warming Climate Change Continent Scarf #antarctica, #global #warming, #climate #change, #Scarf
If You Love Animals You Wouldn't Mind Eating Your Planner #if #you #love #animals, #pile #Planner
Genius Is In My Genes DNA Replication Humor Socks #genes, #biotechnology, #educational, #dna #replication, #Socks
Just A Normally Distributed Genius Stats Humor Apron #stats, #statistics, #statistician, #statistical, #bell #Apron
99.7% Confident Fall Within 3 Standard Deviations T-Shirt
Ad: 99.7% Confident Fall Within 3 Standard Deviations T-Shirt
Showcase your confidence with this wry statistical humor gift tee! Make others wonder what you mean with this tautological stats saying: "I Am 99.7% Confident That I Fall Within 3 Standard Deviations From The Mean". Perfect gift for any budding or experienced statistician! myStatistician
#stats #statistics #bell #curve #humor #TShirt
Are We Heading Towards A Fiscal Cliff? (Econ Sign) T-Shirt #are #we #heading #towards, #a #TShirt
Work Is For People Who Do Not Play Bridge Coffee Mug #duplicate #bridge, #bridge #game, #bridge #CoffeeMug
Acetyl-CoA Don't Even Think Of Metabolism Without Poster #acetylcoa, #citric #acid #cycle, #metabolism, #Poster
History Of Earth (Geological Time) Round Clock #history #of #earth, #geological #timeline, #RoundClock
Winning At Bridge Is Hard To Do When Cards Do Not Apron #bridge #game, #lifemaster, #game #of #Apron
Quantum Mechanics Proof That Life Is Relative Socks #proof #that #life #is #relative, #Socks
A Wide Range Of Correlations Inside Statistics Socks
Ad: A Wide Range Of Correlations Inside Statistics Socks
No need to be a statistician to know about correlations and correlation coefficients. Showcase your wry statistical side and make others guess what you mean with this pair of socks featuring a variety of correlations and their correlation coefficients. Comes with the saying "A Wide Range Of Correlations Inside". myStatistician
#statistics #geek #humor #wide #Socks
It Was Another Emotional Day Alice Mock Turtle Face Mask #it #was #another #emotional #day, #FaceMask
Friday, August 18, 2023
Statistics In A Nutshell Stats Cheat Sheet Apron
Ad: Statistics In A Nutshell Stats Cheat Sheet Apron
Showcase your statistical side with wry stats humor with this all-over print apron that includes the normal distribution curve cheat sheet, along with the caption "Statistics In A Nutshell". Excellent conversational piece apron for any budding and experienced statistician -- or anyone who wants to let others know all about statistics! myStatistician
#statistics #nutshell #stats #Apron