Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Rarely Do I Reach Economic Equilibrium (Economics) Poster

Ad: Rarely Do I Reach Economic Equilibrium (Economics) Poster

Showcase your wry economics sense of humor with this poster featuring a cross-out over a supply-and-demand curve along with the following saying that will make others do a double-take on how you feel about household budgeting: "Rarely Do I Reach Economic Equilibrium". myEconomics

#money #words #unwords #household #Poster

Winning At Bridge Is A Matter Of Attention Span Apron

Ad: Winning At Bridge Is A Matter Of Attention Span Apron

Showcase your wry bridge / duplicate bridge attitude with this all-over print apron featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Winning At Bridge Is A Matter Of Attention Span". Make others do a double-take at what it takes to win at the game of bridge / duplicate bridge today with this all-over print apron. myBridgeTeacher

#winning #bridge #matter #Apron

It's Not Worth A Synapse To Worry Right Now Humor 3 Ring Binder

Ad: It's Not Worth A Synapse To Worry Right Now Humor 3 Ring Binder

Showcase your wry neuron / synapse sense of humor with this educational scientific binder featuring a neuron / synapse along with the saying "It's Not Worth A Synapse To Worry Right Now". Make others do a double-take with a dose of geek humor advice with this binder! myPsychology

#worth #synapse #3RingBinder

I Love Chocolate Theobromine Molecule Chemistry Face Mask

Ad: I Love Chocolate Theobromine Molecule Chemistry Face Mask

If you love chocolate you'll enjoy this polyester face mask featuring the chemical molecule theobromine the active ingredient that makes chocolate what it is along with the following caption in Love Letters font: "I Love Chocolate". Make others do a double-take at your love of chocolate from a chemist's perspective with this molecular structure geek humor polyester face mask! myBiochemistry

#chocolate #theobromine #FaceMask

Are You Saturated Yet? Chemistry Humor 3 Ring Binder

Ad: Are You Saturated Yet? Chemistry Humor 3 Ring Binder

Do you feel saturated by life? Are you saturated by chemistry? Showcase your wry geek side with this tongue-in-cheek biochemistry / chemistry binder featuring a graph of the substrate concentration versus the reaction rate. Caption says it all: "Are You Saturated Yet?" Make others do a double-take with this enzyme kinetics humor binder today! myBiochemistry

#enzyme #kinetics #substrate #3RingBinder

This Machine Is Powered By Citric Acid Chemistry Metal Sign

Ad: This Machine Is Powered By Citric Acid Chemistry Metal Sign

If you love to eat fruits with plenty of citric acid in them such as oranges lemons and limes you'll enjoy this science humor metal parking sign featuring the molecular structure of citric acid along with the saying "This Machine Is Powered By Citric Acid". Memorable scientific attitude parking sign for any citric acid fan! myBiochemistry

#this #machine #powered #MetalSign

A Definition Of Jerk Physics Equation Geek Humor Face Mask

Ad: A Definition Of Jerk Physics Equation Geek Humor Face Mask

Do you know how to define jerk? Do you know about the definition of jerk in physics? In physics jerk also known as jolt surge and lurch is the rate of change of acceleration -- meaning the derivative of acceleration with respect to time the second derivative of velocity or the third derivative of position. Make others do a double-take with wry physics and engineering humor with this polyester face mask that features "A Definition Of Jerk" -- or rather the physics definition of jerk and its three variants! myPhysics

#physics #jerk #second #derivative #FaceMask

Protein Synthesis Inside (Cell Biology) T-Shirt

Ad: Protein Synthesis Inside (Cell Biology) T-Shirt

Showcase this biological truism with this detailed look at protein synthesis on this tee. Wry saying says it all: "Protein Synthesis Inside". No need to be a cell biologist to showcase how you build proteins via amino acids in the ribosome. Colorful scientific diagram complete with labels. myBiochemistry

#saying #attitude #biology #TShirt

Magnetic Quadrupole Moment Round Clock

Ad: Magnetic Quadrupole Moment Round Clock

No need to be a physicist or scientist to enjoy this clock featuring the magnetic quadrupole moment. Showcase how similar poles repel each other with this memorable educational magnetism clock! Scientific fun for all those who know that like poles repel each other! myPhysics

#magnetism #physics #physicist #magnetic #quadrupole #RoundClock

Are You Saturated Yet? Chemistry Humor Bandana

Ad: Are You Saturated Yet? Chemistry Humor Bandana

Do you feel saturated by life? Are you saturated by chemistry? Showcase your wry geek side with this tongue-in-cheek biochemistry / chemistry bandana featuring a graph of the substrate concentration versus the reaction rate. Caption says it all: "Are You Saturated Yet?" Make others do a double-take with this enzyme kinetics humor bandana today! myBiochemistry

#enzyme #kinetics #substrate #Bandana

Speed Limit 186282.397 MPS (Speed Of Light) Notebook

Ad: Speed Limit 186282.397 MPS (Speed Of Light) Notebook

Wry physics humor comes alive on this traffic sign notebook featuring the speed limit sign of 186282.397 MPS (miles per second) -- which is technically light speed. Make others do a double take with this geek sign humor notebook. For all those who travel at the speed of light -- literally in terms of processing what you can see and figuratively! myPhysics

#speed #limit #physics #light #Notebook

Make Everyday An Open Source Day Earth Day Java Throw Pillow #make #everyday #an #open #source #ThrowPillow

Ad: Make Everyday An Open Source Day Earth Day Java Throw Pillow #make #everyday #an #open #source #ThrowPillow

Freemason's Cipher (Cryptography) Throw Pillow #freemason's #cipher #cryptography #simple #ThrowPillow

Ad: Freemason's Cipher (Cryptography) Throw Pillow #freemason's #cipher #cryptography #simple #ThrowPillow

Morse Code Is My Style Of Texting Intl Morse Code 3 Ring Binder

Ad: Morse Code Is My Style Of Texting Intl Morse Code 3 Ring Binder

Pilots amateur radio operators and any fan of International Morse Code will enjoy this binder featuring the saying "Morse Code Is My Style Of Texting". Make others do a double-take on how you think and what code you understand with this Morse code attitude binder today! myCryptography

#morse #code #style #3RingBinder

Not Yet Retired ... Still Thinking Neuron Synapse T-Shirt

Ad: Not Yet Retired ... Still Thinking Neuron Synapse T-Shirt

No need to be a soon-to-be retiree or semi-retired to enjoy wry anatomical humor with any of these gifts featuring a neuron / synapse along with the following saying: "Not Yet Retired ... Still Thinking". Make others do a double-take on the fact that you are still an engaged human being with a dose of medical / biological geek attitude today! myAnatomy

#neuron #still #thinking #TShirt

Train Your Brain Eliminate Sensation Of Fatigue Face Mask

Ad: Train Your Brain Eliminate Sensation Of Fatigue Face Mask

Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry brainy attitude with this polyester face mask featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the following sound advice for any avid exerciser (e.g. marathons ultra-marathons): "Train Your Brain Eliminate The Sensation Of Fatigue". myAnatomy

#brain #brainy #train #FaceMask

Anglo-Saxon Runes (Linguistics Cryptography) T-Shirt

Ad: Anglo-Saxon Runes (Linguistics Cryptography) T-Shirt

No need to be a cryptographer or linguist to enjoy any of these runes in the Anglo-Saxon Fuþorc on this tee. Contains all 34 runes in the Anglo-Saxon Fuþorc their names meanings and values in the Latin alphabet. Showcase your ancient language side today with this timeless educational tee from another culture! myCryptography

#fuorc #anglosaxon #runes #latin #TShirt

Insufficient Storage Inside Brain Anatomy Humor Apron

Ad: Insufficient Storage Inside Brain Anatomy Humor Apron

Let your wry anatomical side shine with this all-over print apron featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the following brainy saying: "Insufficient Storage Inside". Make others do a double-take about your memory capacity whenever you cook or create with this all-over print psyche humor apron! myAnatomy

#insufficient #storage #inside #brain #Apron

Emergence Do You See A Dalmatian? Optical Illusion Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: Emergence Do You See A Dalmatian? Optical Illusion Jigsaw Puzzle

No need to be a dalmatian fan to enjoy any of these gifts featuring the optical illusion of a dalmatian appearing from the background of black and white splotches. Includes the following caption that will make others do a double-take on the psychological phenomenon known as emergence: "Do You See A Dalmatian?" myOpticalIllusion

#emergence #JigsawPuzzle

Evolution Of My Life Phyltc Grdlism Punctd Equlbra Postcard

Ad: Evolution Of My Life Phyltc Grdlism Punctd Equlbra Postcard

Wry scientific humor comes alive on any of these gifts featuring a visual image of two theories of evolution -- both phyletic gradualism where evolutionary change is slow and punctuated equilibrium where evolution occurs rapidly over a short period of time. Evolution attitude saying is included: "The evolution of my life can be viewed from both phyletic gradualism and punctuated equilibrium perspectives." Memorable evolutionary psychology humor for all those who know about how one's life can be viewed from both phyletic gradualism and punctuated equilibrium perspectives. No need to be a biologist or geologist or paleontologist to enjoy! myEvolution

#biology #clades #cladistics #punctuated #equilibrium #Postcard

Beekeepers Are Like Bees We Go Through Stages T-Shirt

Ad: Beekeepers Are Like Bees We Go Through Stages T-Shirt

Beekeeper / apiarist humor is alive and well on this tee featuring three different life stages of the honey bee along with the following saying: "Beekeepers Are Like Bees We Go Through Stages". Make others do a double-take at the stages of a honey bee today with a dose of beekeeper attitude! myBeekeeper

#beekeeping #words #unwords #TShirt

Team Euclid T-Shirt

Ad: Team Euclid T-Shirt

No need to be a die-hard mathematician or math teacher to wear this artistic gift tee that says "Team Euclid". Featuring Sanzio's infamous painting of what the ancient Greeks must have discussed. Let others know that you are completely on the Euclidean geometry side of mathematics with this "Team Euclid" t-shirt! myMathematician

#team #euclid #sanzio #math #geometry #TShirt

We Are All Coded For Genes (DNA Replication) Water Bottle

Ad: We Are All Coded For Genes (DNA Replication) Water Bottle

No need to be a molecular biologist or geneticist to enjoy any of these scientific truism featuring the key parts of DNA replication along with the saying "We Are All Coded For Genes". Make others do a double-take on what they are coded for -- whether they like it or not! myMolecularBiology

#coded #WaterBottle

Wired For Chess Reflective Chess Set Large Christmas Stocking

Ad: Wired For Chess Reflective Chess Set Large Christmas Stocking

Chess players who are wired for chess will enjoy this chess saying xMas stocking featuring a reflective chess set and the following chess truism: "Wired For Chess". Make others do a double-take at what you are wired for with a dose of wry chess attitude today with this xMas stocking! No need to be a chess teacher or Grandmaster to enjoy! myChess

#wired #chess #reflective #LargeChristmasStocking

Heart-Stopping Rhythm Inside Anatomical Heart Poster

Ad: Heart-Stopping Rhythm Inside Anatomical Heart Poster

No need to be a cardiologist or heart surgeon to enjoy wry anatomical attitude with this poster featuring a medical illustration of the human heart along with the following saying: "Heart-Stopping Rhythm Inside". myHeartbeat

#heartstopping #rhythm #inside #anatomy #human #Poster