Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Evolution Of My Life Phyltc Grdlism Punctd Equlbra Postcard

Ad: Evolution Of My Life Phyltc Grdlism Punctd Equlbra Postcard

Wry scientific humor comes alive on any of these gifts featuring a visual image of two theories of evolution -- both phyletic gradualism where evolutionary change is slow and punctuated equilibrium where evolution occurs rapidly over a short period of time. Evolution attitude saying is included: "The evolution of my life can be viewed from both phyletic gradualism and punctuated equilibrium perspectives." Memorable evolutionary psychology humor for all those who know about how one's life can be viewed from both phyletic gradualism and punctuated equilibrium perspectives. No need to be a biologist or geologist or paleontologist to enjoy! myEvolution

#biology #clades #cladistics #punctuated #equilibrium #Postcard

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