Monday, October 18, 2021

Penrose Tiling (Five-Fold Symmetry) Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Ad: Penrose Tiling (Five-Fold Symmetry) Two-Tone Coffee Mug

A Penrose tiling is a non-periodic tiling generated by an aperiodic set of prototiles. Penrose tilings are named after mathematician and physicist Roger Penrose who investigated these sets in the 1970s. The aperiodicity of the Penrose prototiles implies that a shifted copy of a Penrose tiling will never match the original. Showcase your Penrose tiling sense of style with this mug featuring reflection symmetry and fivefold rotational symmetry. Perfect mug for any mathematician or physicist with an aperiodic sense of style! myMathematician

#penrose #tiling #mathematician #physicist #reflection #TwoToneCoffeeMug

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