Friday, August 20, 2021

To Analyze Clumps Of Data Cophenetic Correlation Trucker Hat

Ad: To Analyze Clumps Of Data Cophenetic Correlation Trucker Hat

Those who work with tons of data will enjoy this wry stats humor hat featuring the formula for calculating the cophenetic correlation coefficient. Says: "To Analyze Clumps Of Data Just Calculate Cophenetic Correlation Coefficient" with the caption "Note: Magnitude of c should be close to 1 for a high-quality solution." Cophenetic correlation represents a measure how faithfully a dendrogram preserves the pairwise distances between the original unmodeled data points. Make others do a double-take with intelligent biostatistical humor with this definitional stats hat! myStatistician

#stats #statistics #biostatistics #analyze #TruckerHat

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