Sunday, December 21, 2014

Warning! Approaching Arsenic Alchemist (Sign) Shirt

tagged with: alchemist, chemist, chemistry, chemical, alchemy, alchemical, signs, symbol, medieval, metalloid, warning approaching arsenic alchemist, arsenic, compound, chemical element, poison, wordsunwords, wordsandunwords, words and unwords, humor, attitude, warning, methods, techniques

No need to be a chemist interested in turning lead into gold or interested in the practice of chemistry during medieval times to enjoy wry scientific humor with any of these sign gifts featuring the saying "Warning! Approaching Arsenic Alchemist". Comes with alchemical symbol for arsenic, a notoriously poisonous metalloid with many allotropic forms, including a yellow (molecular non-metallic) and several black and grey forms (metalloids). Make others do a double-take about your desire to work with poison with any of these alchemical symbol gifts!

»visit the wordsunwords store for more designs and products like this

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