Sunday, December 14, 2014

da Vinci Greatest Deception Men Suffer Opinions Bumper Stickers

tagged with: philosophy, quote, quotation, human nature, scientist, artist, opinions, greatest deception, renaissance, self-portrait, leonardo da vinci, da vinci, genius, observation, inspirational, motivational, entrepreneur, science, words of wisdom, wisdom, wordsandunwords, words and unwords, wordsunwords, saying, truism, advice, deception, truisms

Leonardo da Vinci, Renaissance scientist, artist, and polymath, was an astute observer of human nature. Recreated on these classical gifts with a self-portrait of da Vinci is one of his quotes on the greatest deception that people suffer from -- their own opinions. Quotation says: "The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions." Thoughtful philosophical, inspirational truism quote gifts for all those with opinions!

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