Thursday, November 20, 2014

Merger Ahead Consider Yourself Forewarned (Sign) Post Cards

tagged with: merger ahead, merge zone, transportation, signs, signage, humor, attitude, psychology, organizational psychology, consider yourself forewarned, warning, funny, geek, engineer, psychologist, engineering, organizational structure, forewarned, words and unwords, office politics, reorganization, wordsandunwords, traffic sign, traffic, wordsunwords, saying, truism, satire, sarcasm, office humor

Are you involved in mergers and acquisitions or has your organization been merged into another? Organizational psychology fans will enjoy any of these transportation signs featuring the merge zone warning, along with the organizational truism saying for anyone who has been involved in a reorganization: "Merger Ahead Consider Yourself Forewarned". Make others do a double-take with any of these signage humor gifts! Memorable office politics gifts for all!

»visit the wordsunwords store for more designs and products like this

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