Thursday, July 17, 2014

Retirement Is A State Of Mind (Anatomical Brain) Hat

tagged with: retirement,, "state, of, mind",, retire,, "human, brain",, brain,, "brain, anatomy",, medical,, psychological,, "words, and, unwords",, "retirement, psychology",, humor,, geek,, funny,, attitude,, saying,, truism

Do you believe that retirement is a state of mind? No need to work in the medical or psychological field to enjoy any of these gifts featuring the human brain, complete with all key parts labeled, along with the saying "Retirement Is A State Of Mind". If you're thinking about retirement and just can't do so, you'll be happy to know that retirement truly is a state of mind with any of these geek humor gifts!

»visit the wordsunwords store for more designs and products like this

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