Monday, July 14, 2014

Mount Saint Helens May 18, 1980 Will Happen Again Shirts

tagged with: mount saint helens may 18, 1980 remember, it will happen again, geologist, geology, seismology, volcano, volcanology, volcanologist, mount saint helens, cascades, cascades region, mountain, pacific northwest, earth science, earth scientist, eruption, erupt, wordsunwords, attitude, reminder, wordsandunwords, words and unwords, saying, may 18 1980, mt st helens

No need to be a geologist, seismologist, or volcanologist to enjoy this picture of Mount Saint Helens erupting on May 18th, 1980. Remind others that another eruption on Mount Saint Helens will happen again with any of these geological gifts! Memorable gifts for all those who were in the Pacific Northwest / Cascade region in mid-May 1980!

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