Sunday, July 13, 2014

Be Timely- Or Rather, Don't Be Late White Rabbit Mug

tagged with: wonderland,lewis carroll,john tenniel,white rabbit,watch,be timely,or rather don't be late,words and unwords,procrastination,procrastinator,timely,timeliness,humor,attitude,word play,alice's adventures in wonderland

Are you a fan of White Rabbit? Showcase your Wonderland side with a dose of White Rabbit timeliness with any of these gifts featuring John Tenniel's infamous drawing of White Rabbit all dressed up and looking at a watch as found in Lewis Carroll's "Alice's Adventures In Wonderland". Make others do a double-take with a dose of intelligent Wonderland adventure with any of these gifts featuring the following saying "Be Timely- Or Rather, Don't Be Late". Sound advice for any procrastinator who loves word play!

»visit the wordsunwords store for more designs and products like this

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