Wednesday, April 03, 2024
A Definition Of Jerk (Physics Equation Humor) T-Shirt
Do you know how to define jerk? Do you know about the definition of jerk in physics? In physics, jerk, also known as jolt, surge, and lurch, is the rate of change of acceleration -- meaning the derivative of acceleration with respect to time, the second derivative of velocity, or the third derivative of position. Make others do a double-take with wry physics and engineering humor with this tee which features "A Definition Of Jerk" -- or rather the physics definition of jerk and its three variants! myTees
Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis T-Shirt
Ever heard of pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis? Make others do a double-take with this definition tee featuring a very long word -- often cited to be one of the longest words -- in the English language. No need to be a practitioner in the medical field to enjoy tongue-twisting definitional humor today! myTees
Tuesday, April 02, 2024
Cytogeneticist Inside (Karyotype) T-Shirt
Showcase your wry molecular biologist side with any of these gifts featuring a karyotype of human chromosomes under fluorescence along with the caption "Cytogeneticist Inside". Memorable gifts for anyone interested in what their chromosomes look like! myTees
Historic Route US Highway 99 (California) T-Shirt
If you enjoyed the sights and sounds of US Highway 99, you'll enjoy any of these vintage attitude transportation sign gifts featuring Historic Route US Highway 99. Make others do a double-take on memory lane with any of these highway signage gifts! No need to be a Californian to enjoy! myTees
Love Geology Unconditionally Fault Driven World Baby T-Shirt
Showcase your wry sense of geological humor with any of these gifts featuring a map of the plates of the Earth, along with the scientific saying "Love Geology Unconditionally It's A Fault Driven World No Matter Which Plate You're On". No need to be a seismologist, geologist, or earth scientist to enjoy educational attitude about the planet that we all live on! Psyche humor for all who love unconditionally, with a double-entendre on the word "fault"! myTees
Monday, April 01, 2024
Sunday, March 31, 2024
It's All Downhill From Here (Transportation Sign) T-Shirt
Do you feel sad or melancholy at times? Do you feel that your life is going downhill? Or, alternatively, are you going to coast all the way downhill? Look no further than any of these transportation signage humor gifts featuring the warning sign for downhill ahead along with the truism saying that you often here: "It's All Downhill From Here". Memorable transportation sign attitude gifts for all who are going downhill -- whether physically, mentally, or emotionally. Fun gag gifts for those feeling blue and who are interested in warning others! myTees
Frozen In Venice (1708) by Gabriele Bella T-Shirt
Do you believe that we're headed for another mini-Ice Age due to low sunspot activity -- i.e., another Maunder Minimum? Showcase your meteorological attitude with this tee featuring a frozen lagoon in Venice in 1708 as painted by Gabriele Bella. Featuring people ice skating on it. Make others do a double-take at what places can freeze over during another mini-Ice Age! myTees
Don't Take Gneiss For Granite (Geology Humor) T-Shirt
No need to be a geologist or geology major to enjoy any of these tongue-in-cheek scientific truism saying gifts featuring gneiss, a common and widely distributed type of rock formed by high-grade regional metamorphic processes from pre-existing formations that were originally either igneous or sedimentary rocks, along with the saying "Don't Take Gneiss For Granite". It means, of course, "Don't Take Nice For Granted"! Memorable geological attitude gifts for geologists, earth scientists, volcanologists, and anyone who enjoys some gneiss and granite humor! myTees
Saturday, March 30, 2024
I Have A Layered Outlook On Life (Geology Humor) T-Shirt
Do you have a psychological and geological view on life? Do you see life as a bunch of layers, much like geological layers? Showcase your wry scientific side with any of these gifts featuring Grand Canyon stratigraphy, along with the saying "I Have A Layered Outlook On Life". Make others do a double-take on exactly what you mean with a dose of educational, geological fun! Memorable gifts for geologists or fans of the Grand Canyon! myTees
Perfectionism Is Ingrained In My DNA Genes T-Shirt
Are you a perfectionist? Do you believe that there is a genetic basis for perfectionism? Showcase your wry molecular biology sense of humor with any of these gifts featuring DNA replication along with the following saying: "Perfectionism Is Ingrained In My DNA". Memorable biology geek humor gifts for all who love to be perfect! myTees
Photosynthesis (Carbon Dioxide + Water) T-Shirt
No need to be a botanist or biochemist to understand the important of photosynthesis, the process of creating energy from light. Technically, photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide and water in order to produce oxygen and sugar. Make others do a double-take about the photosynthesis with any of these colorful scientific attitude gifts, featuring the chemical formula for photosynthesis! myTees
Friday, March 29, 2024
Speed Limit 186,282.397 MPS (Physics Humor) T-Shirt
No need to be a physics major or a student of physics to enjoy this wry signage gift tee featuring the speed limit of light as a joke. Speed limit sign says "186,282.397 MPS" - that's miles per second! Showcase your speed limit of visual observation with wry scientific traffic sign / transportation signage humor when you wear this geek attitude t-shirt! myTees
Warning! Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Inside (Anatomy) T-Shirt
Those who have carpal tunnel syndrome will enjoy this anatomical humor tee featuring hand anatomy from the medical textbook Gray's Anatomy along with the saying "Warning! Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Inside". Medical geek humor tee for anyone with carpal tunnel syndrome! myTees
Thursday, March 28, 2024
Dad Is In My Genes (DNA Replication) T-Shirt
No need to be a father or to have a living Dad to enjoy any of these wry molecular biology DNA replication gifts, with the saying "Dad Is In My Genes". Comes with all key labels in DNA replication. Make others do a double-take with this scientific truism. Perfect "Father's Day" or "Grandfather's Day" gifts for all generations! myTees