Tuesday, September 05, 2023
The Wizard Of The West (Nikola Tesla) Coffee Mug #electrical #engineer, #inventor, #electrical #engineering, #CoffeeMug
I Wish The World Was As Linear As This (Humor) Throw Pillow
Ad: I Wish The World Was As Linear As This (Humor) Throw Pillow
Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry statistical humor with this throw pillow featuring linear regression along with the following sentiment that any statistician or social scientist can relate to: "I Wish The World Was As Linear As This". myStatistician
#datapoints #linear #regression #statistician #ThrowPillow
Indestructible Phineas Gage Cerebral Localization Window Cling #indestructible, #phineas #gage, #psyche, #psychology, #WindowCling
Glaciologist Inside Glacier Earth Science 3 Ring Binder #geology, #glaciologist #inside, #firn, #moulin, #3RingBinder
Game On! Four Card Suits Bridge Attitude Socks #game #on, #duplicate #bridge, #bridge #Socks
Quantum Mechanics Many Worlds Interpretation Water Bottle #film #reel #physics, #subject #to #WaterBottle
Jabberwocky Poem by Lewis Carroll (Black Adder) Jigsaw Puzzle #poem, #jabberwock, #jabberwocky, #through #looking #JigsawPuzzle
Monday, September 04, 2023
Statistically Confident Inside Bell Curve Humor Poster
Ad: Statistically Confident Inside Bell Curve Humor Poster
Showcase your wry statistical side with a dose of statistical confidence humor with this poster featuring the bell curve (normal distribution curve, Gaussian curve) along with the saying "Statistically Confident Inside". myStatistician
#statistics #bell #curve #statistical #confidence #Poster
Welcome To Pyrocene Era Air Quality Index Geek Mouse Pad #environmental #change, #environmental #protection #agency #MousePad
I Always Operate On A Convoluted Cycle Krebs Cycle Socks #chemistry, #biochemistry, #citric #acid #cycle, #Socks
Math Processor Inside Semiconductor Chip Equation Fabric #math, #mathematics, #math #processor #inside, #Fabric
Beware Of Merge Zones Organizational Integration Water Bottle #beware #of #merge #zones, #traffic #WaterBottle
A Balanced Diet For Morning Noon And Night MyPlate Bandana #food #groups, #myplate.gov #logo, #a #Bandana
Ad: A Balanced Diet For Morning Noon And Night MyPlate Bandana #food #groups, #myplate.gov #logo, #a #Bandana
Study Hydrology Because Water Is Everywhere Earth Matchboxes #earth #scientist, #hydrologist, #study #hydrology, #Matchboxes
Not Yet Retired ... Still Thinking Neuron Synapse Plaque #neuron, #still #thinking, #words #and #Plaque
Nikola Tesla Scientific Man Does Not Aim Immediate T-Shirt #immediate #result, #lay #the #foundation, #TShirt
Bridge Insomniac Inside Four Card Suits Humor Water Bottle #duplicate #bridge, #bridge #saying, #four #WaterBottle
Hard Work Is In My DNA Molecular Biology Humor Matchboxes #hard #work, #deoxyribonucleic #acid, #dna, #Matchboxes
Life Is A Series Of Stationary Pts Inflection Pts T-Shirt
Ad: Life Is A Series Of Stationary Pts Inflection Pts T-Shirt
Showcase your wry graphical side with this math/stats humor tee featuring stationary points and inflection points, along with the tongue-in-cheek truism saying "Life Is A Series Of Stationary Points & Inflection Points". Memorable tee for anyone who knows about the stationary points and inflection points in one's life! myStatistician
#math #stats #statistics #statistician #mathematician #TShirt