Sunday, September 03, 2023

Will A Plate Lead To Better Food Choices Pyramid Face Mask #food #groups, #query, #words #and #FaceMask

Ad: Will A Plate Lead To Better Food Choices Pyramid Face Mask #food #groups, #query, #words #and #FaceMask

Igneous Is Bliss (Geology Ignorance Is Bliss) T-Shirt #geology, #igneous #is #bliss, #earth #TShirt

Ad: Igneous Is Bliss (Geology Ignorance Is Bliss) T-Shirt #geology, #igneous #is #bliss, #earth #TShirt

Just Call Me Radioactive (Radioactive Sign) Coffee Mug #signs, #signage, #physics, #physicist, #nuclear #CoffeeMug

Ad: Just Call Me Radioactive (Radioactive Sign) Coffee Mug #signs, #signage, #physics, #physicist, #nuclear #CoffeeMug

Nikola Tesla Let The Future Tell The Truth Quote Card #nikola #tesla, #serbianamerican, #genius, #radio, #Card

Ad: Nikola Tesla Let The Future Tell The Truth Quote Card #nikola #tesla, #serbianamerican, #genius, #radio, #Card

Wanted A Dependable Bridge Partner Four Card Suits Fabric #wanted #a #dependable #bridge #partner, #Fabric

Ad: Wanted A Dependable Bridge Partner Four Card Suits Fabric #wanted #a #dependable #bridge #partner, #Fabric

Leonardo da Vinci Collage (Collection of Works) T-Shirt #leonardo #da #vinci, #da #vinci, #TShirt

Ad: Leonardo da Vinci Collage (Collection of Works) T-Shirt #leonardo #da #vinci, #da #vinci, #TShirt

Statistical Outlier Inside (Bell Curve Humor) Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: Statistical Outlier Inside (Bell Curve Humor) Jigsaw Puzzle

Showcase your wry statistical side with this puzzle gift featuring the normal distribution curve (bell curve), complete with "I Am Here" call-out, along with the saying "Statistical Outlier Inside". myStatistician

#bell #curve #statistical #words #JigsawPuzzle

Are You Saturated Yet? (Chemistry Humor) Coffee Mug #enzyme #kinetics, #science #humor, #substrate, #CoffeeMug

Ad: Are You Saturated Yet? (Chemistry Humor) Coffee Mug #enzyme #kinetics, #science #humor, #substrate, #CoffeeMug

Mariana Trench Deepest Point In Earth's Oceans Postcard #plate #tectonics, #trench, #mariana #trench, #Postcard

Ad: Mariana Trench Deepest Point In Earth's Oceans Postcard #plate #tectonics, #trench, #mariana #trench, #Postcard

Be As Royal As You Can Be Wonderland Advice Socks #wonderland, #be #as #royal, #royal #Socks

Ad: Be As Royal As You Can Be Wonderland Advice Socks #wonderland, #be #as #royal, #royal #Socks

Duplicate Bridge Players Can Never Overanalyze Window Cling #duplicate #bridge, #words #and #unwords, #WindowCling

Ad: Duplicate Bridge Players Can Never Overanalyze Window Cling #duplicate #bridge, #words #and #unwords, #WindowCling

Wanted A Partner With A Good Hand Four Card Suits Trivet #bridge #humor, #words #and #unwords, #Trivet

Ad: Wanted A Partner With A Good Hand Four Card Suits Trivet #bridge #humor, #words #and #unwords, #Trivet

Particle Physicist Inside (Standard Model Higgs) Poster #particle #physicist #inside, #inside, #particle #Poster

Ad: Particle Physicist Inside (Standard Model Higgs) Poster #particle #physicist #inside, #inside, #particle #Poster

Environmental Genetics Motto DNA Loads Environment Magnet #biology, #dna, #environment #pulls #the #Magnet

Ad: Environmental Genetics Motto DNA Loads Environment Magnet #biology, #dna, #environment #pulls #the #Magnet

Be Prepared Consequences Climate Change Vegetarian Socks #vegetarian, #pile #of #vegetables, #be #Socks

Ad: Be Prepared Consequences Climate Change Vegetarian Socks #vegetarian, #pile #of #vegetables, #be #Socks

Wizard Of Wireless Nikola Tesla Baby Bodysuit #wizard #of #wireless, #nikola #tesla, #BabyBodysuit

Ad: Wizard Of Wireless Nikola Tesla Baby Bodysuit #wizard #of #wireless, #nikola #tesla, #BabyBodysuit

Just Call Me Statistically Significant Stats Humor Fabric

Ad: Just Call Me Statistically Significant Stats Humor Fabric

Showcase your wry statistical sense of humor the next time you create with this fabric featuring the bell curve distribution, complete with percentages under the curve, along with the saying "Just Call Me Statistically Significant". myStatistician

#normal #distribution #curve #statistics #statistician #Fabric

Think Linear (Linear Regression) T-Shirt

Ad: Think Linear (Linear Regression) T-Shirt

Whether or not you are a statistician, if you do statistics, you'll enjoy this "Think Linear" gift tee featuring linear regression. Statistics humor for anyone who thinks that we live in a linear world! myStatistician

#statistician #statistical #statistics #stats #think #TShirt

Statistical Outlier Inside (Bell Curve Humor) Placemat

Ad: Statistical Outlier Inside (Bell Curve Humor) Placemat

No need to be a statistician or statistical outlier to enjoy any of these wry statistical humor gifts featuring the normal distribution curve (bell curve) along with the call-out "I Am Here" and the saying "Statistical Outlier Inside". Make others do a double-take on how truly exceptional you are from a statistical point of view today with these educational geek humor stats attitude gifts! myStatistician

#bell #curve #statistical #words #Placemat

Just Be Prepared For Wacky Weather El Nino La Nina Window Cling #enso, #el #nino, #la #nina, #WindowCling

Ad: Just Be Prepared For Wacky Weather El Nino La Nina Window Cling #enso, #el #nino, #la #nina, #WindowCling