Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Statistical Anomaly Inside Bell Curve I Am Here Socks

Ad: Statistical Anomaly Inside Bell Curve I Am Here Socks

Are you a statistical anomaly? Showcase your wry stats geek sense of humor with this pair of socks featuring the bell curve (normal distribution curve) along with the "I Am Here" call-out and the saying "Statistical Anomaly Inside". Make others do a double-take at what a six-sigma event you truly are with this statistical humor pair of socks! No need to be a statistician to enjoy! myStatistician

#statistical #anomaly #inside #bell #curve #Socks

Bridge Is A Game Of Signs Symbols Significance Fabric #game #of #bridge, #duplicate #bridge, #Fabric

Ad: Bridge Is A Game Of Signs Symbols Significance Fabric #game #of #bridge, #duplicate #bridge, #Fabric

Inefficient Working Body Located Inside Physics Doormat #carnot #heat #engine, #lazy #lifestyle, #Doormat

Ad: Inefficient Working Body Located Inside Physics Doormat #carnot #heat #engine, #lazy #lifestyle, #Doormat

Running On The Krebs Cycle (Science Humor) Coffee Mug #tricarboxylic #acid #cycle, #atp, #citric #CoffeeMug

Ad: Running On The Krebs Cycle (Science Humor) Coffee Mug #tricarboxylic #acid #cycle, #atp, #citric #CoffeeMug

Totally Solid At My Core Layers Of The Earth iPhone 13 Case #totally #solid #at #my #core, #iPhone13Case

Ad: Totally Solid At My Core Layers Of The Earth iPhone 13 Case #totally #solid #at #my #core, #iPhone13Case

Be Kind To Your Partner When You Play Bridge Water Bottle #duplicate #bridge, #be #kind #to #WaterBottle

Ad: Be Kind To Your Partner When You Play Bridge Water Bottle #duplicate #bridge, #be #kind #to #WaterBottle

Particle Physicist Inside Standard Model Higgs 3 Ring Binder #particle #physicist #inside, #inside, #particle #3RingBinder

Ad: Particle Physicist Inside Standard Model Higgs 3 Ring Binder #particle #physicist #inside, #inside, #particle #3RingBinder

Wonderland Which Way I Ought To Go Quote Pickleball Paddle #alice #in #wonderland, #lewis #carroll, #PickleballPaddle

Ad: Wonderland Which Way I Ought To Go Quote Pickleball Paddle #alice #in #wonderland, #lewis #carroll, #PickleballPaddle

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Are You Normally So Dense About Statistics? Wireless Charger

Ad: Are You Normally So Dense About Statistics? Wireless Charger

Showcase your wry statistical side with this wireless charger featuring the normal distribution cumulative density function with standard deviation of 1.0 on a graph along with the following tongue-in-cheek rhetorical question: "Are You Normally So Dense About Statistics?" Stats geek humor wireless charger for anyone who knows about the cumulative density function and who may wonder why others are not so knowledgeable about it! myStatistician

#normally #dense #WirelessCharger

Summarizing Statistics Normal Distribution Curve Water Bottle

Ad: Summarizing Statistics Normal Distribution Curve Water Bottle

Can you summarize statistics? No need to be a statistician to enjoy this water bottle featuring the normal distribution curve (bell curve), complete with percentages under the curve and Z-scores along with the caption that says it all: "Summarizing Statistics". myStatistician

#bell #curve #educational #summarizing #statistics #WaterBottle

Team Photosynthesis Light-Dependent Reactions Socks #team #photosynthesis, #photosynthesis, #lightdependent #reactions, #Socks

Ad: Team Photosynthesis Light-Dependent Reactions Socks #team #photosynthesis, #photosynthesis, #lightdependent #reactions, #Socks

If I Am Lost In Translation Just Blame My RNA Postcard #rna, #dna, #messenger #rna, #lost #Postcard

Ad: If I Am Lost In Translation Just Blame My RNA Postcard #rna, #dna, #messenger #rna, #lost #Postcard

COBOL Compiles Only Because Of Luck Mouse Pad #programmer, #cobol, #computer #programmer, #programming, #MousePad

Ad: COBOL Compiles Only Because Of Luck Mouse Pad #programmer, #cobol, #computer #programmer, #programming, #MousePad

Thomas Edison Owe Success Never Had Clock Workroom 3 Ring Binder #never #had #a #clock, #thomas #3RingBinder

Ad: Thomas Edison Owe Success Never Had Clock Workroom 3 Ring Binder #never #had #a #clock, #thomas #3RingBinder

Life Is Uncertain. Eat Dessert First. (Humor) Adult Apron #dessert, #dessert #sayings, #chocolate #dessert, #AdultApron

Ad: Life Is Uncertain. Eat Dessert First. (Humor) Adult Apron #dessert, #dessert #sayings, #chocolate #dessert, #AdultApron

Warning! Recession Ahead (Yellow Diamond Sign) T-Shirt #warning, #economics, #words #and #unwords, #TShirt

Ad: Warning! Recession Ahead (Yellow Diamond Sign) T-Shirt #warning, #economics, #words #and #unwords, #TShirt

Nikola Tesla Needle In Haystack Theory Calculation 3 Ring Binder #theory, #genius, #calculation, #ninety #percent #3RingBinder

Ad: Nikola Tesla Needle In Haystack Theory Calculation 3 Ring Binder #theory, #genius, #calculation, #ninety #percent #3RingBinder

Duplicate Bridge Is A Mental Sport Four Card Suits Water Bottle #mental #sport, #bridge #game, #duplicate #WaterBottle

Ad: Duplicate Bridge Is A Mental Sport Four Card Suits Water Bottle #mental #sport, #bridge #game, #duplicate #WaterBottle

Leonardo da Vinci Relaxation Work Judgment Power Plaque #leonardo #da #vinci, #da #vinci, #Plaque

Ad: Leonardo da Vinci Relaxation Work Judgment Power Plaque #leonardo #da #vinci, #da #vinci, #Plaque

An Ant's Work Is Never Done Worker Ant Anatomy Matchboxes #an #ant's #work, #is #never #Matchboxes

Ad: An Ant's Work Is Never Done Worker Ant Anatomy Matchboxes #an #ant's #work, #is #never #Matchboxes