Monday, August 07, 2023
Nikola Tesla Harnessed Cosmic Rays Motive Device Bandana #nikola #tesla, #scientist, #electrical #engineer, #Bandana
SAYC Is My Language Four Card Suits Face Mask #sayc #is #my #language, #standard #FaceMask
Work Is For People Who Do Not Play Bridge Planner #duplicate #bridge, #bridge #player, #bridge #Planner
Just Call Me Statistically Significant Stats Humor 3 Ring Binder
Ad: Just Call Me Statistically Significant Stats Humor 3 Ring Binder
Showcase your wry statistical sense of humor with this binder featuring the bell curve distribution, complete with percentages under the curve, along with the saying "Just Call Me Statistically Significant". Memorable geek humor binder for anyone who has an ego and is into statistics! myStatistician
#normal #distribution #curve #statistics #statistician #3RingBinder
All The Way With mRNA Messenger RNA Molecular Bio Square Sticker #biochemistry, #biochemist, #mrna, #messenger #rna, #SquareSticker
Do Not Stress Out Over The Faults Of The World Wireless Charger #do #not #stress #out, #over #WirelessCharger
Have You Gone Through The Mirror Today? Wonderland Face Mask #psyche, #psychology, #mirror, #looking #glass, #FaceMask
Warning! Biohazard Inside (Signage Humor) Water Bottle #warning, #biohazard #inside, #inside, #biohazard, #WaterBottle
Consistency, Not Brilliance Desired Bridge Partner White Cotton Face Mask #bridge #humor, #bridge #partner, #words #WhiteCottonFaceMask
Parity In Quantum Mechanics Physics Water Bottle #quantum #state, #quantum #mechanics, #physicist, #WaterBottle
Stop Treating Soil Like Dirt Soil Horizons 3 Ring Binder #stop #treating #soil #like #dirt, #3RingBinder
Biotin (Vitamin H Or B7) Chemical Molecule Postcard #biotin, #vitamin, #vitamins, #chemical #molecule, #Postcard
Charles Darwin (Darwin HMS Beagle Phylogenetics) Coffee Mug #naturalist, #charles #darwin, #darwin, #hms #CoffeeMug
To Analyze Clumps Data Cophenetic Correlation Apron
Ad: To Analyze Clumps Data Cophenetic Correlation Apron
Those who work with tons of data will enjoy this wry stats humor all-over print apron featuring the formula for calculating the cophenetic correlation coefficient. Says: "To Analyze Clumps Of Data Just Calculate Cophenetic Correlation Coefficient", with the caption "Note: Magnitude of c should be close to 1 for a high-quality solution." Cophenetic correlation represents a measure how faithfully a dendrogram preserves the pairwise distances between the original unmodeled data points. Make others do a double-take with intelligent biostatistical humor with this definitional stats attitude all-over print apron! myStatistician
#stats #statistics #biostatistics #analyze #Apron