Monday, July 03, 2023

Negative Revenue Positive Losses (Oxymorons) T-Shirt #economics #political #economy #oxymorons #negative #TShirt

Ad: Negative Revenue Positive Losses (Oxymorons) T-Shirt #economics, #political #economy, #oxymorons, #negative #TShirt

We All Regress To The Mean Eventually Stats Humor Wrapping Paper #stats #linear #regression #statistician #words #WrappingPaper

Ad: We All Regress To The Mean Eventually Stats Humor Wrapping Paper #stats, #linear #regression, #statistician, #words #WrappingPaper

Sunday, July 02, 2023

Thrusting Makes The Bedrock Geology Orogeny Poster #geology #thrusting #makes #the #bedrock #Poster

Ad: Thrusting Makes The Bedrock Geology Orogeny Poster #geology, #thrusting #makes #the #bedrock, #Poster

Which State Of Matter Are You In? Chemistry Water Bottle #temperature #which #state #of #matter #WaterBottle

Ad: Which State Of Matter Are You In? Chemistry Water Bottle #temperature, #which #state #of #matter, #WaterBottle

Wonderland The Cheshire Cat Planner #john #tenniel #wonderland #alice's #adventures #Planner

Ad: Wonderland The Cheshire Cat Planner #john #tenniel, #wonderland, #alice's #adventures #Planner

All (Bridge) Hands Can Be Played Either Direction 3 Ring Binder #duplicate #bridge #the #questions #are #3RingBinder

Ad: All (Bridge) Hands Can Be Played Either Direction 3 Ring Binder #duplicate #bridge, #the #questions #are, #3RingBinder

Make Everyday Genes Day (Jeans Day) T-Shirt #biology #biologist #medical #medicine #doctor #TShirt

Ad: Make Everyday Genes Day (Jeans Day) T-Shirt #biology, #biologist, #medical, #medicine, #doctor, #TShirt

Nothing But A Statistical Anomaly (Stats Humor) Mouse Pad #stats #statistics #statistical #anomaly #anomalies #MousePad

Ad: Nothing But A Statistical Anomaly (Stats Humor) Mouse Pad #stats, #statistics, #statistical #anomaly, #anomalies, #MousePad

Totally Solid At My Core Layers Of The Earth 3 Ring Binder #totally #solid #at #my #core #3RingBinder

Ad: Totally Solid At My Core Layers Of The Earth 3 Ring Binder #totally #solid #at #my #core, #3RingBinder

Nappes Between Thrusts Is What Orogeny Is All 3 Ring Binder #orogeny #mountain #building #earth #scientist #3RingBinder

Ad: Nappes Between Thrusts Is What Orogeny Is All 3 Ring Binder #orogeny, #mountain #building, #earth #scientist, #3RingBinder

Statisticians Do It Within 3 Standard Deviations Wristwatch #statisticians #stats #statistics #bell #curve #Wristwatch

Ad: Statisticians Do It Within 3 Standard Deviations Wristwatch #statisticians, #stats, #statistics, #bell #curve, #Wristwatch

Disciplined Probabilistic Mind Inside Bell Curve Face Mask #disciplined #probabilistic #mind #inside #statistics #FaceMask

Ad: Disciplined Probabilistic Mind Inside Bell Curve Face Mask #disciplined, #probabilistic #mind, #inside, #statistics, #FaceMask

Wanted A Bridge Partner Who Plays At My Level Matchboxes #duplicate #bridge #who #plays #at #Matchboxes

Ad: Wanted A Bridge Partner Who Plays At My Level Matchboxes #duplicate #bridge, #who #plays #at #Matchboxes

Whooo...Are...You? Alice Caterpillar Wonderland Fabric #wonderland #caterpillar #alice #john #tenniel #Fabric

Ad: Whooo...Are...You? Alice Caterpillar Wonderland Fabric #wonderland, #caterpillar, #alice, #john #tenniel, #Fabric

Cell Culture Inside Eukaryotic Cell Matchboxes #cell #culture #inside #eukaryotic #eukaryote #Matchboxes

Ad: Cell Culture Inside Eukaryotic Cell Matchboxes #cell #culture #inside, #eukaryotic, #eukaryote, #Matchboxes

Synaptic Pruning Inside Neuron Synapse Neurology Bathroom Mat #neuron #psychology #neuropsychologist #words #and #BathroomMat

Ad: Synaptic Pruning Inside Neuron Synapse Neurology Bathroom Mat #neuron, #psychology, #neuropsychologist, #words #and #BathroomMat

It May Be Counterintuitive Always Look Down Invest Tote Bag #economics #value #investing #sign #signage #ToteBag

Ad: It May Be Counterintuitive Always Look Down Invest Tote Bag #economics, #value #investing, #sign, #signage, #ToteBag

Institutional Behavior Does Not Look Like This Socks #linear #regression #statistician #institutional #behavior #Socks

Ad: Institutional Behavior Does Not Look Like This Socks #linear #regression, #statistician, #institutional #behavior, #Socks

Saturday, July 01, 2023