Friday, October 07, 2022

Warning! Slow Bridge Player Ahead Four Card Suits 3 Ring Binder

Ad: Warning! Slow Bridge Player Ahead Four Card Suits 3 Ring Binder

Are you a slow bridge player? Do you play bridge slowly with your partner? Showcase your wry bridge / duplicate bridge attitude with this binder featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Warning! Slow Bridge Player Ahead". Warn others at the bridge table with a dose of bridge humor with this binder! myBridgePlayer

Chess Is My Second Nature (Reflective Chess Set) Poster #chess #saying #chess #teacher #words #Poster

Ad: Chess Is My Second Nature (Reflective Chess Set) Poster #chess #saying #chess #teacher #words #Poster

Heartbeat Is My Modus Operandi Electrocardiogram Socks #heartbeat #is #my #modus #operandi #Socks

Ad: Heartbeat Is My Modus Operandi Electrocardiogram Socks #heartbeat #is #my #modus #operandi #Socks

Congratulations On Your Graduation! (White Rabbit) Throw Pillow #congratulations #on #your #graduation #white #ThrowPillow

Ad: Congratulations On Your Graduation! (White Rabbit) Throw Pillow #congratulations #on #your #graduation #white #ThrowPillow

Wonderland Alice Humpty Dumpty Conversation Quote Notebook #alice #humpty #dumpty #quote #quotation #Notebook

Ad: Wonderland Alice Humpty Dumpty Conversation Quote Notebook #alice #humpty #dumpty #quote #quotation #Notebook

Just Call Me Cerebral Brain Anatomy Humor Face Mask

Ad: Just Call Me Cerebral Brain Anatomy Humor Face Mask

Showcase your wry cerebral sense of humor with a dose of anatomical fun with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Just Call Me Cerebral". No need to be a brain surgeon or philosopher or psychologist to enjoy pensive geek humor today! myPsychology

Quantum Superposition Is Hard To Explain (Physics) T-Shirt

Ad: Quantum Superposition Is Hard To Explain (Physics) T-Shirt

No need to be a physicist to understand the concept of quantum superposition the fundamental law of quantum mechanics that defines the collection of all possible states that an object can have. Includes Schrödinger's cat and the problem of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics applied to everyday objects. Make others do a double-take when you try to explain how hard it is to explain quantum superposition with any of these scientific attitude gifts! myPhysics

#physics #quantum #superposition #words #TShirt

Wonderland Alice Humpty Dumpty Conversation Quote Doormat #alice #humpty #dumpty #quote #quotation #Doormat

Ad: Wonderland Alice Humpty Dumpty Conversation Quote Doormat #alice #humpty #dumpty #quote #quotation #Doormat

Fit To Snore Red King Snoring Sleeping Wonderland iPhone 13 Case #wonderland #fit #to #snore #snoring #iPhone13Case

Ad: Fit To Snore Red King Snoring Sleeping Wonderland iPhone 13 Case #wonderland #fit #to #snore #snoring #iPhone13Case

This Machine's Sleep Is Powered By Melatonin iPhone 13 Case

Ad: This Machine's Sleep Is Powered By Melatonin iPhone 13 Case

Melatonin is the sleep molecule. Showcase your wry biochemical molecule side with this iPhone 13 case featuring the chemical structure of melatonin along with the scientific truism saying "This Machine's Sleep Is Powered By Melatonin". Whether you ingest melatonin or not get a good night's sleep with this chemical attitude iPhone 13 case! myBiochemistry

Climate Change Is Here We Are Living Pyrocene Era Square Sticker #climate #change #global #warming #forest #SquareSticker

Ad: Climate Change Is Here We Are Living Pyrocene Era Square Sticker #climate #change #global #warming #forest #SquareSticker

Geology Is A Core Subject (Earth Science Attitude) Metal Ornament

Ad: Geology Is A Core Subject (Earth Science Attitude) Metal Ornament

Do you view geology as a core subject? Showcase your wry scientific side with any of these geological attitude gifts featuring the various layers of the Earth along with the scientific truism saying "Geology Is A Core Subject". Make others do a double-take about Earth's core with a dose of earth science humor today! Memorable gifts for any geologist! myEarthScience

#geology #core #subject #MetalOrnament

Ground Yourself Spend More Time With Dirt Humor Bandana #ground #yourself #soil #science #spend #Bandana

Ad: Ground Yourself Spend More Time With Dirt Humor Bandana #ground #yourself #soil #science #spend #Bandana

Make Everyday An Open Source Day (Java Duke) T-Shirt #make #everyday #an #open #source #TShirt

Ad: Make Everyday An Open Source Day (Java Duke) T-Shirt #make #everyday #an #open #source #TShirt

Geologist Embedded Within Subduction Zone Planner

Ad: Geologist Embedded Within Subduction Zone Planner

Is there a geologist embedded within you? Showcase wry earth science humor with this planner featuring a subduction zone complete with labels along with the tongue-in-cheek scientific truism "Geologist Embedded Within". Whether you are a geologist or seismologist or not you'll enjoy educational plate tectonics humor with this memorable scientific saying planner! myEarthScience

#earth #science #geology #words #Planner

Tragedy Of The Commons A Fact Of Modern Life Socks #tragedy #of #the #commons #deforestation #Socks

Ad: Tragedy Of The Commons A Fact Of Modern Life Socks #tragedy #of #the #commons #deforestation #Socks

Geologist Embedded Within Subduction Zone Face Mask

Ad: Geologist Embedded Within Subduction Zone Face Mask

Is there a geologist embedded within you? Showcase wry earth science humor with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring a subduction zone complete with labels along with the tongue-in-cheek scientific truism "Geologist Embedded Within". Whether you are a geologist or seismologist or not you'll enjoy educational plate tectonics humor with this memorable scientific saying cotton/polyester face mask! myEarthScience

#earth #science #geology #words #FaceMask

Life Thought How Correlated Are You With World Planner

Ad: Life Thought How Correlated Are You With World Planner

Showcase your wry statistical side with this planner featuring various correlations and their corresponding correlation coefficients along with the following existential stats query: "In Life & Thought How Correlated Are You With The Rest Of The World?" Do a double-take on the subject of correlation with a dose of statistical attitude today with this planner! myStatistician

Unleash Your Statistical Self (Bell Curve Humor) Coffee Mug

Ad: Unleash Your Statistical Self (Bell Curve Humor) Coffee Mug

No need to be a die-hard statistician to enjoy wry statistical humor with this stats attitude mug featuring the bell curve (normal distribution curve Gaussian curve) along with the saying "Unleash Your Statistical Self". Make others do a double-take with regard to what lies within whenever you think about statistics! myStatistician

Restructure How You Think Play Duplicate Bridge Hot Chocolate Drink Mix

Ad: Restructure How You Think Play Duplicate Bridge Hot Chocolate Drink Mix

No need to be an avid duplicate bridge player to enjoy this drink mix featuring the four card suits (heart club diamond spade) along with the duplicate bridge truism saying "Restructure How You Think Play Duplicate Bridge". Make others do a double-take at how to restructure their thought patterns and improve their cognitive skills with this wry bridge saying drink mix today! myBridgePlayer