Monday, October 03, 2022

Genetic Counselor Inside (DNA Replication) Gift Box #biologist #genetic #counselor #inside #biology #GiftBox

Ad: Genetic Counselor Inside (DNA Replication) Gift Box #biologist #genetic #counselor #inside #biology #GiftBox

We All Live A Mirrorlike Existence (Wonderland) Coffee Mug

Ad: We All Live A Mirrorlike Existence (Wonderland) Coffee Mug

No need to have read Lewis Carroll's sequence to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland to enjoy this Wonderland mug. Featuring Alice stepping through the looking glass as illustrated by John Tenniel in Through The Looking Glass and What Alice Found There. Make others do a double-take about life and mirrors with this endearing and enchanting saying "We All Live A Mirrorlike Existence" on this timeless mug. Truism humor for all who look at and through mirrors when critically looking at themselves! myPsychology

Frequencies Of Life Are A Relative Matter Physics Bandana

Ad: Frequencies Of Life Are A Relative Matter Physics Bandana

Showcase your wry physics attitude with this bandana featuring the Doppler effect the change in frequency of a wave (or other periodic event) for an observer moving relative to its source. This bandana comes with the following truism saying that will make others do a double-take and wonder exactly what you mean: "The Frequencies Of Life Are A Relative Matter". myPhysics

#frequencies #life #Bandana

Just Call Me Cerebral Brain Anatomy Humor 3 Ring Binder

Ad: Just Call Me Cerebral Brain Anatomy Humor 3 Ring Binder

Showcase your wry cerebral sense of humor with a dose of anatomical fun with this binder featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Just Call Me Cerebral". No need to be a brain surgeon or philosopher or psychologist to enjoy pensive geek humor today! myPsychology

I'm So Happy I Could Just Cry (Alice Mock Turtle) Two-Tone Coffee Mug #i'm #so #happy #words #and #TwoToneCoffeeMug

Ad: I'm So Happy I Could Just Cry (Alice Mock Turtle) Two-Tone Coffee Mug #i'm #so #happy #words #and #TwoToneCoffeeMug

If It Weren't For Krebs I Wouldn't Be Functional Planner

Ad: If It Weren't For Krebs I Wouldn't Be Functional Planner

No need to be a biologist or biochemist to enjoy wry science humor with this planner featuring the Krebs cycle -- also known as the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCAC). Comes with the following funny scientific truism saying: "If It Weren't For Krebs I Wouldn't Be Functional". Showcase your biochemistry geek side with this planner that will make others do a double-take about where you get your energy from! myBiochemistry

A Closer Look At My Power Cycle Krebs Cycle Planner

Ad: A Closer Look At My Power Cycle Krebs Cycle Planner

Face it - you are powered by the Krebs cycle. Showcase this biochemical fact with a dose of Krebs cycle attitude on this geek humor planner featuring the Krebs cycle -- also known as the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle. Comes with the scientific truism saying: "A Closer Look At My Power Cycle". Make others do a double-take at what you are powered by today with a dose of educational scientific attitude! myBiochemistry

Ethanol A Cleaner Form Of Energy (Molecule) Square Sticker #ethanol #a #cleaner #form #of #SquareSticker

Ad: Ethanol A Cleaner Form Of Energy (Molecule) Square Sticker #ethanol #a #cleaner #form #of #SquareSticker

Notice We Are Off CO2 Scale Holocene Epoch Face Mask #atmospheric #carbon #dioxide #atmospheric #scientist #FaceMask

Ad: Notice We Are Off CO2 Scale Holocene Epoch Face Mask #atmospheric #carbon #dioxide #atmospheric #scientist #FaceMask

Limnology A Subset Of Ecology Lake Oceanography Socks #environment #lake #hawea #oceanography #limnology #Socks

Ad: Limnology A Subset Of Ecology Lake Oceanography Socks #environment #lake #hawea #oceanography #limnology #Socks

Age Is Relative Geological Time Chart Geek Humor Doormat

Ad: Age Is Relative Geological Time Chart Geek Humor Doormat

Showcase your wry geological time attitude with this doormat featuring the eons epochs and periods throughout Earth's history along with the saying that says it all age geological age: "Age Is Relative". Memorable doormat for any geologist earth scientist or anyone who believes that age truly is a relative phenomenon! myEarthScience

#relative #geological #time #Doormat

The Lineage Of Algae (Taxonomy) T-Shirt #biology #biologist #ecology #ecologist #evolution #TShirt

Ad: The Lineage Of Algae (Taxonomy) T-Shirt #biology #biologist #ecology #ecologist #evolution #TShirt

Hypothesis Tester Inside (Bell Curve Humor) Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Ad: Hypothesis Tester Inside (Bell Curve Humor) Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Psychologists and statisticians who engage in hypothesis testing will enjoy this mug featuring the bell curve (normal distribution curve Gaussian curve) along with the saying "Hypothesis Tester Inside". Showcase your wry stats side with a dose of statistical attitude today! myStatistician

Think Linear Linear Least Squares Statistics Face Mask

Ad: Think Linear Linear Least Squares Statistics Face Mask

If you work with linear regression and linear least squares you'll enjoy this educational math and statistics cotton/polyester face mask featuring the truism saying "Think Linear - Linear Least Squares". Make others do a double-take today on why they should think in a linear manner. No need to be a mathematician statistician psychologist or economist to enjoy! myStatistician

Statistics The Taming Of Randomness Stats Humor Socks

Ad: Statistics The Taming Of Randomness Stats Humor Socks

Statistics by any other definition is essentially the taming of randomness. Showcase this fact with this statistics humor pair of socks featuring linear regression today! No need to be a statistician or stats major to enjoy wearing this stats attitude pair of socks! myStatistician

Warning! I Have A Love-Hate Relationship Bridge 3 Ring Binder

Ad: Warning! I Have A Love-Hate Relationship Bridge 3 Ring Binder

If you have a love-hate relationship with the game of bridge you'll enjoy this wry bridge / duplicate bridge saying binder featuring the four card suits. Comes with the truism saying that will make others do a double-take at the bridge table: "Warning! I Have A Love-Hate Relationship With The Game Of Bridge". Memorable binder for anyone who has had winning and losing streaks when playing duplicate bridge! myBridgePlayer

Forgetfulness Is Disastrous At Bridge Card Suits 3 Ring Binder

Ad: Forgetfulness Is Disastrous At Bridge Card Suits 3 Ring Binder

Are you forgetful on whether a particular card has been played at the bridge table and have gone down on a contract more than once? Showcase your wry bridge player side with a dose of sound bridge advice with this binder featuring the four card suits along with the following bridge saying: "Forgetfulness Is Disastrous At Bridge". Make others do a double-take the next time you play bridge with this memorable bridge saying binder! myBridgePlayer

Betty Botter Bitter Butter Better (Tongue Twister) T-Shirt #tongue #twister #rhyme #reason #linguist #TShirt

Ad: Betty Botter Bitter Butter Better (Tongue Twister) T-Shirt #tongue #twister #rhyme #reason #linguist #TShirt

Losing One's Mind Won't Solve Anything Brain Humor Face Mask

Ad: Losing One's Mind Won't Solve Anything Brain Humor Face Mask

Let your wry rational sense of humor shine with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the following sound brainy advice: "Losing One's Mind Won't Solve Anything". Classic geek humor face mask for any rational problem solver! myPsychology

Never Mind ... Brain Anatomy Psyche Humor Socks

Ad: Never Mind ... Brain Anatomy Psyche Humor Socks

Showcase your wry brainy sense of humor with this pair of socks featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Never Mind ...". Make others do a double-take on what you are referring to with a dose of geek psyche humor with this pair of socks! myPsychology