Saturday, May 07, 2022

Life Cycle Of Green Algae Postcard

Ad: Life Cycle Of Green Algae Postcard

Are you a fan of green algae? Biologists botanists ecologists and oceanographers will enjoy any of these educational scientific gifts featuring the "Life Cycle Of Green Algae" -- specifically Acetabularia mediterranea. Make others do a double-take on this fascinating organism with these biological attitude gifts! myEcology

Friday, May 06, 2022

Antiquated Code (International Morse Code) Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: Antiquated Code (International Morse Code) Jigsaw Puzzle

Do you use Morse code in your hobby? No need to be an amateur radio operator to enjoy any of these gifts featuring International Morse Code along with the saying "Antiquated Code". Make others do a double-take over the antiquated code that you are familiar with today! myProgrammer

#antiquated #code #words #unwords #JigsawPuzzle

Paradigm Shift Begins With Psychology Postcard

Ad: Paradigm Shift Begins With Psychology Postcard

Think different with this duck/rabbit illusion with the caption "Paradigm Shift Begins With Psychology". Perfect gift for all fans of scientific revolutions from within! myPsychology

Don't Be Mean Be Above Average Stats Advice Humor Apron

Ad: Don't Be Mean Be Above Average Stats Advice Humor Apron

In the world of statistics mean means average. Showcase your wry statistical sense of humor with this bell curve distribution (normal distribution curve Gaussian curve) all-over print apron featuring the following stats truism saying: "Don't Be Mean Be Above Average". Make everyone do a double about what you are referring to with a dose of statistical attitude today with this apron! Memorable apron for any calm and rational statistician! myStatistician

Ada Lovelace World's First Computer Programmer Watch

Ad: Ada Lovelace World's First Computer Programmer Watch

No need to be a feminist to appreciate this watch featuring a portrait of Ada Lovelace "World's First Computer Programmer". She was an English mathematician and writer chiefly known for her work on Charles Babbage's early mechanical general-purpose computer the Analytical Engine. Her notes on the engine include what is recognized as the first algorithm intended to be processed by a machine. myProgrammer

#worlds #first #computer #programmer #words #Watch

Love Geology Unconditionally (Geology Humor) T-Shirt

Ad: Love Geology Unconditionally (Geology Humor) T-Shirt

Plate tectonics humor comes alive with this colorful educational earth science gift tee featuring the various tectonic plates of the world. Make others do a double-take when you showcase this memorable wry truism geology saying: "Love Geology Unconditionally - It's A Fault Driven World No Matter Which Plate You're Standing On". Double entendre geology pun for all those who are fans of geology! Perfect gift for die hard geologists with a sense of tongue-in-cheek geology attitude! myPsychology

It Takes A Lot Of Work To Exist (Thermodynamics) Coffee Mug

Ad: It Takes A Lot Of Work To Exist (Thermodynamics) Coffee Mug

No need to be a physics major or physicist to enjoy any of these gifts featuring the Carnot heat engine along with the wry truism saying "It Takes A Lot Of Work To Exist 24 Hours A Day 7 Days Per Week 365 Days Per Year". Specifically these gifts feature the second law of thermodynamics. Since any thermodynamic engine requires such a temperature difference it follows that useful work cannot be derived from an isolated system in equilibrium; there must always be an external energy source and a cold sink. Educational physics attitude gifts for all who work in the thermodynamic sense of the word! myPhysics

#carnot #heat #engine #thermodynamics #second #CoffeeMug

Unleash Your Statistical Self Hypothesis Testing Margarita Drink Mix

Ad: Unleash Your Statistical Self Hypothesis Testing Margarita Drink Mix

Statistician will enjoy this stats humor drink mix featuring statistical error summarized in a chart including Type I and Type II errors along with the geek humor saying: "Unleash Your Statistical Self Do Hypothesis Testing". Memorable stats humor drink mix for any statistician or anyone who engages in hypothesis testing! myStatistician

Life Is A Monty Hall Problem Three Doors Humor Bandana

Ad: Life Is A Monty Hall Problem Three Doors Humor Bandana

Statistical probabilistic humor is found on this bandana featuring the infamous Monty Hall problem of three doors and one goat behind one door along with the following saying: "Life Is A Monty Hall Problem". Memorable bandana for anyone with a quirky statistical geek attitude toward life's probabilities! myStatistician

Reboot Needed Brain Anatomy Geek Humor Planner

Ad: Reboot Needed Brain Anatomy Geek Humor Planner

Do you need a reboot now and then? Showcase your wry computer geek speak sense of humor as applied to the anatomical human brain with this planner featuring all key parts of the brain along with the saying "Reboot Needed". Make others do a double-take about how you think and what your brain needs with tongue-in-cheek sense of humor with this "Reboot Needed" planner! myAnatomical

Smooth Rhythm Inside (Medical Anatomical Heart) T-Shirt

Ad: Smooth Rhythm Inside (Medical Anatomical Heart) T-Shirt

Showcase your wry medical and anatomical sense of humor with any of these gifts featuring a Gray's Anatomy (medical textbook) heart drawing along with the saying "Smooth Rhythm Inside". Make others do a double-take at the heartbeat within you with any of these science attitude gifts with a dose of educational fun today! myAnatomical

Be Nice To Your Partner You Only Play With One Large Tote Bag

Ad: Be Nice To Your Partner You Only Play With One Large Tote Bag

Showcase your wry bridge / duplicate bridge sense of humor with this tote bag featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Be Nice To Your Partner You Only Play With One When You Play Bridge". Memorable bridge saying tote bag for anyone who loves to pick up partners at the partnership desk during any bridge tournament! myBridgePlayer

Brain Power Is For Real Brain Anatomy Attitude 3 Ring Binder

Ad: Brain Power Is For Real Brain Anatomy Attitude 3 Ring Binder

If you like to think contemplate and decide then you know that "Brain Power Is For Real". Showcase your wry geek side with this educational anatomical binder featuring the various parts of a brain and the truism saying about brain power. Memorable binder for anyone who uses one's brain and knows that brain power is for real! myAnatomical

Bridge A Test Of Your Skill Versus Opponents' Luck Tile

Ad: Bridge A Test Of Your Skill Versus Opponents' Luck Tile

Wry bridge humor is alive and well on any of these gifts featuring the four card suits along with the following bridge saying: "Bridge A Test Of Your Skill Versus Opponents' Luck". No need to be an experienced bridge player to enjoy tongue-in-cheek bridge attitude today with these memorable bridge saying gifts! myBridgePlayer

Reboot Needed Brain Anatomy Geek Humor 3 Ring Binder

Ad: Reboot Needed Brain Anatomy Geek Humor 3 Ring Binder

Do you need a reboot now and then? Showcase your wry computer geek speak sense of humor as applied to the anatomical human brain with this binder featuring all key parts of the brain along with the saying "Reboot Needed". Make others do a double-take about how you think and what your brain needs with tongue-in-cheek sense of humor with this "Reboot Needed" binder! myAnatomical

Unleash Your Statistical Self Hypothesis Testing Mouse Pad

Ad: Unleash Your Statistical Self Hypothesis Testing Mouse Pad

Statistician will enjoy any of these stats humor gifts featuring statistical error summarized in a chart including Type I and Type II errors along with the geek humor saying: "Unleash Your Statistical Self Do Hypothesis Testing". Memorable stats humor gifts for any statistician or anyone who engages in hypothesis testing! myMathematician

#unleash #your #statistical #selfdo #hypothesis #MousePad

Proof Is In The Pi (Pi On Baked Pie Geek Humor) Matchboxes

Ad: Proof Is In The Pi (Pi On Baked Pie Geek Humor) Matchboxes

Wry pi fan humor is alive and well on this matchbox featuring pi the mathematical constant and irrational number on a baked pie along with the following saying that will make others scratch their heads and wonder what you are referring to: "Proof Is In The Pi". myMathematician

#mathematician #irrational #number #math #humor #Matchboxes

Nitroglycerin Makes My Heart Work Better T-Shirt

Ad: Nitroglycerin Makes My Heart Work Better T-Shirt

If you take nitroglycerin for medical/health reasons you'll enjoy this wry chemical humor gift tee that features the nitroglycerin molecule. Says: "Nitroglycerin Makes My Heart Work Better". Let others know that there is nitroglycerin (dynamite) within you with a dose of scientific attitude when you wear this t-shirt! myWork

#nitroglycerin #chemical #molecule #chemistry #biochemistry #TShirt

Warning! High Dopamine Levels Inside Baby Bodysuit

Ad: Warning! High Dopamine Levels Inside Baby Bodysuit

No need to be truly wired in modern society to enjoy any of these geek humor gifts with the saying "Warning! High Dopamine Levels Inside". Featuring the dopamine molecule a catecholamine neurotransmitter involved in the control of movements the signaling of error in prediction of reward motivation and cognition. Make others do a double-take with wry educational scientific humor with any of these dopamine saying gifts! myWarning

#dopamine #warning #high #levels #BabyBodysuit

Warning! Cognitive Intervention Needed Brain Humor Matchboxes

Ad: Warning! Cognitive Intervention Needed Brain Humor Matchboxes

Showcase your wry brain anatomical sense of humor with this matchbox featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the following advice that will make others do a double-take on what you need: "Warning! Cognitive Intervention Needed". myWarning

#brain #words #unwords #warning #Matchboxes