Thursday, May 05, 2022

Lac Operon Classic Example Prokaryotic Gene Reg Stainless Steel Water Bottle

Ad: Lac Operon Classic Example Prokaryotic Gene Reg Stainless Steel Water Bottle

No need to be a molecular biologist to enjoy any of these featuring the classic example of prokaryotic gene regulation the lac operon. This is an operon required for the transport and metabolism of lactose in Escherichia coli and some other enteric bacteria. Gene regulation of the lac operon was the first complex genetic regulatory mechanism to be elucidated and is one of the earliest examples of prokaryotic gene regulation. Make others do a double-take with any of these educational molecular biology attitude gifts! myMolecularBiology

#operon #prokaryote #gene #regulation #StainlessSteelWaterBottle

Just Feeling Peachy Peach Anatomy Fruit Geek Humor Face Mask

Ad: Just Feeling Peachy Peach Anatomy Fruit Geek Humor Face Mask

Showcase your tongue-in-cheek food for thought side with this fruit attitude cotton/polyester face mask featuring peach anatomy. Comes with the truism saying that will make others do a double-take as to what you are referring to: "Just Feeling Peachy". Memorable peach humor cotton/polyester face mask for anyone with a fruity sense of humor! myPsychology

Photosynthesis Necessary For Life T-Shirt

Ad: Photosynthesis Necessary For Life T-Shirt

No need to be a biochemist or biologist to enjoy this educational gift tee featuring the light dependent reactions of photosynthesis along with the saying "Photosynthesis Necessary For Life". Showcase your knowledge of what goes on inside of a chloroplast with intelligent colorful scientific fun when you wear this t-shirt! myEcology

Habit A Form Of Neurological Implementation Neuron Scarf

Ad: Habit A Form Of Neurological Implementation Neuron Scarf

Do you form lots of habits? Showcase your wry neurological sense of humor with this educational scientific scarf featuring the different anatomical parts of a neuron / synapse along with the following truism saying about habit: "Habit A Form Of Neurological Implementation". No need to be a neurologist or psychologist to enjoy! myPsychology

Wednesday, May 04, 2022

Make Everyday An Open Source Day Java Duke iPhone 13 Case

Ad: Make Everyday An Open Source Day Java Duke iPhone 13 Case

No need to wait until Earth Day to celebrate the Open Source movement with this iPhone 13 case featuring Java's unofficial mascot Duke hugging a tree along with the saying that is open source advocates will love: "Make Everyday An Open Source Day". myProgrammer

#make #everyday #open #source #iPhone13Case

Organized Mind Inside Anatomical Brain Humor Face Mask

Ad: Organized Mind Inside Anatomical Brain Humor Face Mask

If you are an organized person you'll enjoy this anatomical brain attitude polyester face mask featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Organized Mind Inside". Make others do a double-take at how organized you truly are with this biological attitude polyester face mask today! myPsychology

Statistics Art Science Of Formalizing Intuitive Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Ad: Statistics Art Science Of Formalizing Intuitive Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Bell curve attitude is alive and well on this mug featuring the bell curve distribution (normal distribution curve Gaussian curve) along with the following saying: "Statistics - The Art & Science Of Formalizing The Intuitive". No need to be a psychologist or statistician or mathematician to enjoy! Memorable stats humor mug for anyone who knows about the discipline of statistics! myStatistician

Power Corrupts But We All Need Electricity T-Shirt

Ad: Power Corrupts But We All Need Electricity T-Shirt

Physics humor is alive and well on any of these gifts featuring power as a function of time along with the truism saying for our modern times: "Power Corrupts But We All Need Electricity". Memorable geek humor gifts for all who know about the definition of power from political and physics perspectives! myPhysics

#power #corruptsbut #need #TShirt

Understanding Type 1 And Type 2 Errors Statistics Serving Tray

Ad: Understanding Type 1 And Type 2 Errors Statistics Serving Tray

No need to be a statistician or psychologist to understand type I and type II statistical errors. Type I error is an α error or a "false positive": the error of rejecting a null hypothesis when it is actually true. Type II error is a β error or a "false negative": the error of failing to reject a null hypothesis when it is in fact not true. Showcase your knowledge and understand of who is right and who is wrong with this statistical attitude serving tray! myStatistician

To Bid Or Not To Bid That Is The Question? Bridge Apron

Ad: To Bid Or Not To Bid That Is The Question? Bridge Apron

If you have ever asked yourself whether you should bid or not you'll enjoy this bridge attitude all-over print apron featuring the four card suits along with the bridge truism query: "To Bid Or Not To Bid? That Is The Question". Make others do a double-take at the bridge table with your wry bridge attitude today with this all-over print apron! With apologies to William Shakespeare! myBridgePlayer

Eat ... Sleep ... Think Statistics (Bell Curve) Coaster

Ad: Eat ... Sleep ... Think Statistics (Bell Curve) Coaster

Bell curve knowledge is alive and well on any of these gifts featuring all key aspects of the normal distribution curve along with the saying that will make others do a double-take on the subject of statistics: "Eat ... Sleep ... Think Statistics". Classic statistics humor poster for all who think about statistics -- awake and asleep! myStatistician

Experienced Bridge Players Wear Their Poker Faces 3 Ring Binder

Ad: Experienced Bridge Players Wear Their Poker Faces 3 Ring Binder

Showcase your wry bridge player sense of humor with this binder featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Experienced Bridge Players Wear Their Poker Faces At All Times". myBridgePlayer

Develop Your Resilience Play Bridge Card Suits Fabric

Ad: Develop Your Resilience Play Bridge Card Suits Fabric

Showcase your bridge player side with a dose of sound bridge advice when you make items with this fabric featuring the four card suits along with the following saying: "Develop Your Resilience Play Bridge". Let others know about facing the vicissitudes of the great game of bridge -- and of course the vicissitudes in life -- today with this bridge saying fabric. myBridgePlayer

Sleep Deprived Bridge Player Inside Card Suits Fabric

Ad: Sleep Deprived Bridge Player Inside Card Suits Fabric

Are you a sleep deprived bridge player? Showcase your wry bridge / duplicate bridge attitude the next time you create with this fabric featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Sleep Deprived Bridge Player Inside". Memorable bridge saying fabric for anyone who plays in bridge tournaments and is sleep deprived because of it! myBridgePlayer

A Bridge Hand Never Goes To Waste Four Card Suits Doormat

Ad: A Bridge Hand Never Goes To Waste Four Card Suits Doormat

Showcase your wry bridge player side with this door mat featuring the four card suits along with the following bridge saying: "A Bridge Hand Never Goes To Waste". Make others do a double-take at every card they play with a dose of bridge attitude with this door mat. Perfect doormat for any bridge club! myBridgePlayer

Think Make The Neuronal Connections Happen Brain Planner

Ad: Think Make The Neuronal Connections Happen Brain Planner

If you love to think you'll enjoy this anatomical brain humor planner featuring the different parts of the brain with labels along with the following wry scientific advice saying: "Think Make The Neuronal Connections Happen". Make yourself and others do a double-take on the subject of thinking with this brainy thoughtful advice planner! myAnatomical

Have Not Failed Found 10000 Ways That Won't Work Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: Have Not Failed Found 10000 Ways That Won't Work Jigsaw Puzzle

Quote gifts for all those who work in professions with a high failure rate. Be inspired by inventor Thomas Alva Edison's words on looking on the bright side of trial-and-error with any of these classic inspirational and motivational Edison quote gifts! myWork

#thomas #edison #quote #work #JigsawPuzzle

Team Pi (Pi Mathematical Constant On A Pie) 3 Ring Binder

Ad: Team Pi (Pi Mathematical Constant On A Pie) 3 Ring Binder

Mathematicians and pi fans will enjoy this binder featuring pi the irrational transcendental number on a baked pie along with the caption "Team Pi". Make others do a double-take on the mathematician constant that we all know and love as pi along with a dose of tasty attitude! myMathematician

#team #mathematical #constant #irrational #3RingBinder

Catalysis At Work (Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel) Coffee Mug

Ad: Catalysis At Work (Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel) Coffee Mug

No need to be a chemist or physicist to enjoy any of these gifts featuring "Catalysis At Work". Specifically a diagram of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) is included. A PEMFC transforms the chemical energy liberated during the electrochemical reaction of hydrogen and oxygen to electrical energy. Educational scientific fuel cell attitude with any of these gifts! myWork

#catalysis #work #chemistry #chemist #CoffeeMug

Warning! Bridge Psychic Inside Four Card Suits Planner

Ad: Warning! Bridge Psychic Inside Four Card Suits Planner

No need to have the ability to read your opponents' cards to enjoy this bridge humor planner featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Warning! Bridge Psychic Inside". Make others do a double-take with a dose of bridge player attitude about what truly lies inside of you when playing the great game of bridge with this planner! myWarning

#bridge #humor #psychic #words #Planner