Showcase your wry biochemical side with a dose of educational scientific fun with this iPhone Lifeproof case featuring the Krebs cycle (also known as the citric acid cycle tricarboxylic acid cycle) along with the saying "My World Revolves Around Krebs". Memorable geek humor iPhone Lifeproof case for anyone who loves energy! myBiochemistry
Monday, May 02, 2022
My World Revolves Around Krebs Biochemistry Humor
I Am Comfortable In My Skin (Dermal Layers) T-Shirt
No need to be a dermatologist to enjoy this tee featuring all key anatomical parts of the human skin along with the following truism saying: "I Am Comfortable In My Skin". Make others do a double-take on what you mean with a dose of wry anatomical biological attitude today! myAnatomical
Sweet Genes Inside DNA Replication Humor Coffee Mug
Ad: Sweet Genes Inside DNA Replication Humor Coffee Mug
Make others do a double-take with a dose of sweet scientific humor with this mug featuring all key components of DNA replication along with the saying "Sweet Genes Inside". Memorable molecular biology humor mug for anyone with a sweet tooth or a sweet personality! myMolecularBiology
#sweet #genes #inside #CoffeeMug
Mature RNA Inside Biology Humor Wrapping Paper
Ad: Mature RNA Inside Biology Humor Wrapping Paper
Face it -- you are naturally a genetic engineer. Showcase educational scientific attitude with this wrapping paper featuring RNA splicing along with the saying "Mature RNA Inside". Science humor truism wrapping paper for anyone who understands exons introns and gene splicing in general! No need to be a molecular biologist to enjoy! myMolecularBiology
#junk #mature #inside #WrappingPaper
Information Transfer Inside Brain Anatomy Humor Bandana
Face it - you are constantly processing data. Showcase your wry brainy side with this bandana featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Information Transfer Inside". Make others do a double-take at what your brain does all the time with a dose of scientific fun with this bandana! myPsychology
Corporate Restructuring Ahead Yellow Diamond Sign Socks
Has your position been outsourced? Has your department been reorganized or dissolved? Showcase your wry sense of corporate humor with this pair of socks featuring the diamond yellow warning sign along with the saying "Corporate Restructuring Ahead". Includes chainsaw picture on the sign. No need to work in mergers and acquisitions to enjoy! Perfect geek humor pair of socks for anyone who has had one's position restructured or who works in a dynamic ever-changing industry! myPsychology
Particle Physics Is An Elementary Matter Model
Ad: Particle Physics Is An Elementary Matter Model
Make others do a double-take on the world of particle physics with this Lifeproof FRE iPhone 7 case featuring the Standard Model of Elementary Particles along with the following geek humor saying: "Particle Physics Is An Elementary Matter." Memorable Lifeproof FRE case for any physicist or physics major who thinks in terms of leptons quarks electrons gluons neutrinos and bosons! myPhysics
#particle #physics #elementary #matter #standard
Heterotroph Flow Chart - You Are Here Coffee Mug
You are a heterotroph -- not an autotroph. Showcase this biological fact with this flow chart diagram with the "You Are Here" callout pointing toward heterotroph. Biology humor mug for anyone who knows that one cannot produce food on one's own! myEcology
Primary Consciousness Inside Neuron Synapse Humor 3 Ring Binder
Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry neurological attitude with this binder featuring all key parts of a neuron / synapse along with the saying "Primary Consciousness Inside". Memorable geek humor binder for any biologist psychologist or neurologist! myPsychology
Sunday, May 01, 2022
Will Code For Food (Android Software Developer) T-Shirt
Are you willing to code for food? If you're just starting out you might. Showcase your wry software engineer / software developer sense of humor with a dose of Android attitude with any of these Android robot (bug droid) gifts along with the caption "Will Code For Food". Includes Android peeking out of a cupcake doughnut and eclair -- from just a couple of years ago. Memorable software developer humor gifts for all who work with Android open source code! Note: Portions of this page are modifications based on work ([--]) created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License ([--]). myProgrammer
#will #code #food #android #TShirt
Do Not Disturb Brain At Work Anatomical Advice Slip-On Sneakers
If your brain is constantly working you'll enjoy this pair of slip-on sneakers featuring all key parts of the human brain along with the following saying that will make others do a double-take before communicating with you: "Do Not Disturb Brain At Work". Classic anatomical geek humor slip-on sneakers for anyone with a brain and who does not want to be disturbed! myPsychology
Particle Physics Is Nothing But A Pool Of Massless Baby T-Shirt
Ad: Particle Physics Is Nothing But A Pool Of Massless Baby T-Shirt
No need to be a particle physicist to enjoy wry scientific humor with any of these gifts featuring the Standard Model of the Higgs field including the following saying: "Particle Physics Is Nothing But A Pool Of Massless Particles That Travel Through The Higgs Field". Educational physics saying gifts for all who think about quarks leptons photons and of course the Higgs boson! myPhysics
#leptons #higgs #boson #quarks #physicist #BabyTShirt
Particle Physics Is An Elementary Matter Model Face Mask
Ad: Particle Physics Is An Elementary Matter Model Face Mask
Make others do a double-take on the world of particle physics with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring the Standard Model of Elementary Particles along with the following geek humor saying: "Particle Physics Is An Elementary Matter." Memorable cotton/polyester face mask for any physicist or physics major who thinks in terms of leptons quarks electrons gluons neutrinos and bosons! myPhysics
#particle #physics #elementary #matter #standard #FaceMask
Are You Normally So Dense About Statistics? Notebook
Showcase your wry statistical side with this notebook featuring the normal distribution cumulative density function with standard deviation of 1.0 on a graph along with the following tongue-in-cheek rhetorical question: "Are You Normally So Dense About Statistics?" Stats geek humor notebook for anyone who knows about the cumulative density function and who may wonder why others are not so knowledgeable about it! myStatistician
Lateral Thinker Inside Brain Geek Humor 3 Ring Binder
Are you a lateral thinker? Do you think in a non-linear manner? Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry brainy attitude with this binder featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Lateral Thinker Inside". Any creative thinker will enjoy this binder! myAnatomical
I Have Always Been Called Thick-Skinned Skin Layer Planner
Are you a thick-skinned person? Showcase your mettle with a dose of wry anatomical humor with this planner featuring the five layers of the epidermis the largest organ of the human body along with the truism saying "I Have Always Been Called Thick-Skinned". Make others do a double-take with tongue-in-cheek educational health and medicine humor! Memorable planner for any athlete entrepreneur or anyone who has been called thick-skinned! myAnatomical
Duplicate Bridge Is A Nietzschean Game (Humor) T-Shirt
Ad: Duplicate Bridge Is A Nietzschean Game (Humor) T-Shirt
German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once wrote "What does not destroy me makes me stronger." If you are an avid duplicate bridge player you'll enjoy any of these wry duplicate bridge saying gifts featuring the four card suits (heart club diamond spade) and the truism: "Duplicate Bridge Is A Nietzschean Game Because Whatever Hand Does Not Kill You Makes You Stronger". Make others do a double-take at the bridge table the next time you play and go down 1100 with any of these tongue-in-cheek bridge humor gifts! No need to be a fan of Nietzsche's philosophy to enjoy! myBridgePlayer
Warning! Polymath Inside (Brain Anatomy Logo) T-Shirt
Are you a polymath? Showcase your wry psychological sense of humor with any of these gifts featuring an anatomical human brain along with the following advice to others: "Warning! Polymath Inside". Make others do a double-take at all of the subjects that you know about with a dose of psychological humor today! myAnatomical
Keeping The Bidding Alive Redouble 4 Card Suits Face Mask
Ad: Keeping The Bidding Alive Redouble 4 Card Suits Face Mask
No need to be a bridge teacher to enjoy this informative bridge attitude polyester face mask featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Keeping The Bidding Alive Redouble". Make others do a double-take on the what the function of a redouble is in the great game of bridge today with this polyester face mask! myBridgePlayer
Love Your Brain It's The Only One You Have Advice Planner
Showcase your wry brainy sense of humor with a dose of anatomical attitude with this planner featuring the different anatomical parts of the human brain along with the saying "Love Your Brain It's The Only One You Have". Neurological and psychological geek attitude for anyone with a brain! myAnatomical