Tuesday, March 01, 2022

Antiquated Code International Morse Code Humor Bandana

Ad: Antiquated Code International Morse Code Humor Bandana

Do you use Morse code in your hobby or daily life? No need to be an amateur radio operator or pilot to enjoy this bandana featuring International Morse Code along with the saying "Antiquated Code". Make others do a double-take over the antiquated code that you are familiar with today with this bandana! myProgrammer

#antiquated #code #words #unwords #Bandana

Unleash Your Statistical Self Hypothesis Testing iPhone 13 Case

Ad: Unleash Your Statistical Self Hypothesis Testing iPhone 13 Case

Statistician will enjoy this stats humor iPhone 13 case featuring statistical error summarized in a chart including Type I and Type II errors along with the geek humor saying: "Unleash Your Statistical Self Do Hypothesis Testing". Memorable stats humor iPhone 13 case for any statistician or anyone who engages in hypothesis testing! myStatistician

Embrace Your Normal Self Bell Curve Humor Planner

Ad: Embrace Your Normal Self Bell Curve Humor Planner

No need to be a statistician or psychologist to enjoy wry statistical humor with this planner featuring the bell curve distribution (also known as the Gaussian curve normal distribution curve) along with the following saying that will make others do a double-take: "Embrace Your Normal Self". Classic geek humor planner for anyone who embraces one's own normal self with a dose of psychological statistical attitude style! myStatistician

Life Is Nothing But A Molasses Of Matter Physics Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: Life Is Nothing But A Molasses Of Matter Physics Jigsaw Puzzle

Quantum physics / particle physics attitude is alive and well on this jigsaw puzzle featuring the Standard Model of particle physics -- i.e. the Higgs field. Includes such particles as quarks leptons photons and Higgs boson. Make others do a double-take on the subject of life and matter with a dose of educational scientific fun with this physics truism saying puzzle featuring the line "Life Is Nothing But A Molasses Of Matter". myPhysics

#life #nothing #JigsawPuzzle

Bed Bug Nightmares (Cimex lectularius) Large Tote Bag

Ad: Bed Bug Nightmares (Cimex lectularius) Large Tote Bag

Do you have bed bug nightmares? Showcase your wry psyche sense of humor with this tote bag featuring a scanning electron micrograph of Cimex lectularius the common bed bug along with the caption "Bed Bug Nightmares". No need to be affected by bed bugs or an exterminator to enjoy! myPsychology

Hypothesis Tester Inside Bell Curve Stats Humor Doormat

Ad: Hypothesis Tester Inside Bell Curve Stats Humor Doormat

Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry bell curve attitude with this door mat featuring the normal distribution curve along with the following statistical statement for anyone who tests hypotheses: "Hypothesis Tester Inside". No need to be a statistician to enjoy tongue-in-cheek stats geek humor with this memorable and informative statistical saying doormat! myStatistician

Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle Physics Humor Fleece Blanket

Ad: Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle Physics Humor Fleece Blanket

Introduced first in 1927 by the German physicist Werner Heisenberg the Heisenberg's uncertainty principle states that the more precisely the position of some particle is determined the less precisely its momentum can be known and vice versa. In other words two variables that do not commute cannot be measured simultaneously—the more precisely one is known the less precisely the other can be known. Let your wry quantum mechanics side shine the next time you bundle up in this fleece blanket featuring an illustration of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle along with the following ponderous existential geek humor caption: "How Certain Are You Of Anything In This Uncertain World?" myPhysics

#heisenbergs #uncertainty #principle #quantum #mechanics #FleeceBlanket

Statistically Confident Inside Bell Curve Humor Bandana

Ad: Statistically Confident Inside Bell Curve Humor Bandana

Showcase your wry statistical attitude with a dose of bell curve humor with this stats geek humor bandana featuring the bell curve distribution (normal distribution curve Gaussian curve) along with the following saying: "Statistically Confident Inside". Make others do a double-take about how confident you feel today with this bandana! No need to be a psychologist statistician or stats teacher to enjoy. myStatistician

Embrace Your Normal Self Bell Curve Humor Large Christmas Stocking

Ad: Embrace Your Normal Self Bell Curve Humor Large Christmas Stocking

No need to be a statistician or psychologist to enjoy wry statistical humor with this xMas stocking featuring the bell curve distribution (also known as the Gaussian curve normal distribution curve) along with the following saying that will make others do a double-take: "Embrace Your Normal Self". Classic geek humor xMas stocking for anyone who embraces one's own normal self with a dose of psychological statistical attitude style! myStatistician

Embrace Your Normal Self Bell Curve Humor Slip-On Sneakers

Ad: Embrace Your Normal Self Bell Curve Humor Slip-On Sneakers

No need to be a statistician or psychologist to enjoy wry statistical humor with this pair of slip-on sneakers featuring the bell curve distribution (also known as the Gaussian curve normal distribution curve) along with the following saying that will make others do a double-take: "Embrace Your Normal Self". Classic geek humor slip-on sneakers for anyone who embraces one's own normal self with a dose of psychological statistical attitude style! myStatistician

Life Is Just A Buggy Proposition Mosquito Humor Scarf

Ad: Life Is Just A Buggy Proposition Mosquito Humor Scarf

Do you view life as a "buggy proposition"? Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry mosquito anatomy attitude with this scarf featuring all key anatomical parts of a mosquito along with the following life saying: "Life Is Just A Buggy Proposition". No need to be an entomologist to enjoy! myAnatomical

Warning! Polymath Inside (Brain Anatomy Logo) T-Shirt

Ad: Warning! Polymath Inside (Brain Anatomy Logo) T-Shirt

Are you a polymath? Showcase your wry psychological sense of humor with any of these gifts featuring an anatomical human brain along with the following advice to others: "Warning! Polymath Inside". Make others do a double-take at all of the subjects that you know about with a dose of psychological humor today! myAnatomical

Eat... Sleep... Bridge (Bridge Humor Card Suits) Coffee Mug

Ad: Eat... Sleep... Bridge (Bridge Humor Card Suits) Coffee Mug

If you are trying to make Lifemaster in record time you'll enjoy any of these wry bridge attitude gifts featuring the four card suits (heart club diamond spade) along with the common saying "Eat... Sleep... Bridge". Make others do a double-take about what goes on in your life every hour of the day with a dose of bridge player humor today! For all die-hard bridge players! myBridgePlayer

Insufficient Storage Inside (Brain Anatomy Humor) Round Clock

Ad: Insufficient Storage Inside (Brain Anatomy Humor) Round Clock

Anatomical attitude is alive and well with this clock featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying that will make others do a double-take: "Insufficient Storage Inside". myAnatomical

Beauty May Be Skin Deep But Five Layers Of Skin Face Mask

Ad: Beauty May Be Skin Deep But Five Layers Of Skin Face Mask

No need to be a dermatologist to enjoy wry anatomical and scientific humor with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring a diagram of the various epidermal layers. Comes with the saying that will make others do a double-take on what you are saying about beauty: "Beauty May Only Be Skin Deep But There Are Five Layers Of Skin". Educational scientific cotton/polyester face mask for anyone with skin and a dose of epidermal attitude! myAnatomical

Ricci Flow Solution Poincaré Conjecture (Geometry) Mouse Pad

Ad: Ricci Flow Solution Poincaré Conjecture (Geometry) Mouse Pad

No need to be a mathematician or physicist or topologist to enjoy this mousepad featuring the Ricci flow a kind of nonlinear diffusion equation. For the record the Ricci flow (named after Gregorio Ricci-Curbastro) was introduced by Richard Hamilton in 1981 in order to gain insight into the geometrization conjecture of William Thurston which concerns the topological classification of three-dimensional smooth manifolds. The Ricci flow plays an important role in Grigori Perelman's solution of the Poincaré conjecture. Memorable geometric mousepad for any fan of geometric flows! myMathematician

#ricci #flow #geometry #math #mathematician #MousePad

Know Your Percentages Do Statistics Stats Humor Trivet

Ad: Know Your Percentages Do Statistics Stats Humor Trivet

Showcase your wry statistical side with a dose of educational stats humor with this trivet featuring the normal distribution curve along with the saying "Know Your Percentages Do Statistics". myMathematician

#psychology #teacher #stats #mathematician #hypothesis #Trivet

A Distressed Day At Bridge Beats A Satisfactory Magnet

Ad: A Distressed Day At Bridge Beats A Satisfactory Magnet

Showcase your wry bridge / duplicate bridge attitude with any of these gifts featuring the saying "A Distressed Day At Bridge Beats A Satisfactory Day At Work". Featuring the four card suits (hearts spades diamonds clubs). Make others do a double-take about how you compare playing the game of bridge with working with a dose of tongue-in-cheek bridge attitude today! Memorable gifts for all avid bridge players! myWork

#work #bridge #game #Magnet

Okun's Rule Of Thumb (Linear Regression Economics) Large Tote Bag

Ad: Okun's Rule Of Thumb (Linear Regression Economics) Large Tote Bag

Economists and social scientists will enjoy any of these gifts featuring a linear regression plot of Okun's Rule Of Thumb which notes that a 1% increase in the unemployment rate is associated with a 2% decrease in GDP. Make others do a double-take with your educational economic sense of style today! myEconomics

#economist #regression #okuns #rule #LargeToteBag

Warning! The Stairs Of Life Can Be Slippery (Sign) T-Shirt

Ad: Warning! The Stairs Of Life Can Be Slippery (Sign) T-Shirt

Signage humor gifts featuring sign of person falling down the stairs -- meaning warning of slippery steps -- along with the following truism saying that will make others do a double-take on the different paths of life that one can take: "Warning! The Stairs Of Life Can Be Slippery". myWarning

#words #unwords #warning #signage #TShirt