Saturday, February 12, 2022

Current Epoch In Perspective Anthropocene Epoch Round Clock

Ad: Current Epoch In Perspective Anthropocene Epoch Round Clock

Showcase your wry geological / earth scientific side with this clock featuring the spiral of geological time along with the title "Current Epoch In Perspective" plus the call-out caption "Anthropocene Epoch You Are Here"! Memorable geek humor clock for anyone who knows where they are on the geological time scale! myEarthScience

#geology #words #unwords #spiral #RoundClock

Dad Is In My Genes (DNA Replication) T-Shirt

Ad: Dad Is In My Genes (DNA Replication) T-Shirt

No need to be a father or to have a living Dad to enjoy any of these wry molecular biology DNA replication gifts with the saying "Dad Is In My Genes". Comes with all key labels in DNA replication. Make others do a double-take with this scientific truism. Perfect "Father's Day" or "Grandfather's Day" gifts for all generations! myMolecularBiology

#genes #words #unwords #molecular #TShirt

Filled To The Brim With Hormones (Anatomy) Coffee Mug

Ad: Filled To The Brim With Hormones (Anatomy) Coffee Mug

Showcase the hormones in the brain and thyroid with any of these gifts featuring the different hormones complete with all key labels along with the tongue-in-cheek anatomical saying "Filled To The Brim With Hormones". Make others do a double-take about how many hormones are actually associated with their head (brain thyroid etc.) with any of these anatomical science humor gifts! myAnatomical

Another Year Older With A Strong Heartbeat ECG/EKG Baby Bodysuit

Ad: Another Year Older With A Strong Heartbeat ECG/EKG Baby Bodysuit

Celebrate your own or a loved one's birthday with a dose of wry medical humor with any of these gifts featuring a normal sinus rhythm on an electrocardiogram along with the saying "Another Year Older With A Strong Heartbeat". Make others do a double-take with a dose of ECG/EKG attitude today -- no matter what age you are! myHeartbeat

#heartbeat #words #unwords #BabyBodysuit

Another Year Older With A Strong Heartbeat ECG/EKG Notebook

Ad: Another Year Older With A Strong Heartbeat ECG/EKG Notebook

Celebrate your own or a loved one's birthday with a dose of wry medical humor with this notebook featuring a normal sinus rhythm on an electrocardiogram along with the saying "Another Year Older With A Strong Heartbeat". Make others do a double-take with a dose of ECG/EKG attitude today -- no matter what age you are! myHeartbeat

#heartbeat #words #unwords #Notebook

Investor Genes Inside DNA Replication Geek Humor Apron

Ad: Investor Genes Inside DNA Replication Geek Humor Apron

Are you born to invest? Showcase your wry DNA attitude with this all-over print apron featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Investor Genes Inside". Tongue-in-cheek molecular biology humor all-over print apron for any investor and for anyone who enjoys profiting from the vicissitudes of Mr. Market! myEconomics

#replication #investing #money #Apron

Duplicate Bridge Players Know How To Count Adult Apron

Ad: Duplicate Bridge Players Know How To Count Adult Apron

If you play duplicate bridge then you surely must know how to count your cards in several different ways everything from your winners losers and what cards your bridge partner may hold. Showcase your wry duplicate bridge attitude with any of these gifts featuring the four card suits (spade heart club diamond) along with the bridge truism saying "Duplicate Bridge Players Know How To Count In Many Ways"! Memorable gifts for any die-hard duplicate bridge player! myBridgePlayer

Quantum Physicist Inside (Higgs Field Higgs Boson) Silver Plated Necklace

Ad: Quantum Physicist Inside (Higgs Field Higgs Boson) Silver Plated Necklace

Showcase your knowledge of the Higgs Boson with any of these gifts featuring the Higgs field along with the saying "Quantum Physicist Inside". Memorable educational science humor gifts for anyone into quantum mechanics! myPhysics

#quantum #physicist #inside #words #SilverPlatedNecklace

Chaos Theory's Butterfly Effect Sensitive Face Shield

Ad: Chaos Theory's Butterfly Effect Sensitive Face Shield

Do you know about chaos theory and the butterfly effect? Showcase intelligent attitude with this "Chaos Theory's Butterfly Effect" face shield. No need to be a physicist or atmospheric scientist to let others know that small minute changes have major consequences with this face shield! myPhysics

#physics #graph #butterfly #effect #chaos #FaceShield

Be Powerful (Power Equations) Study Physics Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Ad: Be Powerful (Power Equations) Study Physics Two-Tone Coffee Mug

No need to be a physicist or physics teacher or physics major to enjoy this educational informative mug featuring four different equations for power along with the saying "Be Powerful Study Physics". Classic geek humor mug for anyone who studies physics and is powerful because of his or her knowledge! myPhysics

#study #physics #teacher #TwoToneCoffeeMug

Physicists Do It With Uniform Harmonic Motion Face Mask

Ad: Physicists Do It With Uniform Harmonic Motion Face Mask

Are you a physicist? Showcase your wry scientific side with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring a mass spring damper diagram along with the tongue-in-cheek saying: "Physicists Do It With Uniform Harmonic Motion". Make others do a double-take at exactly what physicists do with educational scientific humor today! myPhysics

#mass #spring #damper #physicists #uniform #FaceMask

Which Quadrant Are You In? T-Shirt

Ad: Which Quadrant Are You In? T-Shirt

No need to be a psychologist philosophy or a psychology or philosophy major to enjoy this thoughtful intellectual geek gift tee featuring the 4 quadrants based upon the 2 axes of knowledge and consciousness. Ask yourself and others exactly how much do you know with this "Which Quadrant Are You In?" t-shirt! Gift for everyone at any level of consciousness about their state of knowledge! myPsychology

Lactic Acid Inside Chemistry Molecule Bandana

Ad: Lactic Acid Inside Chemistry Molecule Bandana

Do you exercise? Showcase your wry sense of chemical molecule humor with this bandana featuring "Lactic Acid Inside" and the chemical structure of lactic acid. Make others do a double-take at the biochemistry within you with this scientific saying geek humor bandana! myBiochemistry

Resting Potential Inside Active Transport Humor Bandana

Ad: Resting Potential Inside Active Transport Humor Bandana

Showcase your wry and witty biochemical side with this bandana featuring the sodium-potassium pump used in active transport along with the saying "Resting Potential Inside". myBiochemistry

I Always Operate On A Convoluted Cycle (Krebs) Throw Pillow

Ad: I Always Operate On A Convoluted Cycle (Krebs) Throw Pillow

Showcase your wry biochemistry geek sense of humor with this pillow featuring the Krebs cycle (citric acid cycle tricarboxylic acid cycle) along with the following saying that will make others do a double-take at how you operate in life: "I Always Operate On A Convoluted Cycle". Classic geek attitude pillow for anyone who likes to nap at different times throughout the day! myBiochemistry

3-D Patagonia Argentina Adult Apron

Ad: 3-D Patagonia Argentina Adult Apron

If you enjoy visualizing plateaus you'll enjoy any of these visual geography satellite photo gifts featuring a stereoscopic image pair of Patagonia Argentina. Stunning Earth views from outer space. Comes complete with instructions on how to see in 3-D. No need to have visited Patagonia to enjoy any of these Picture Earth gifts! myEarthScience

#stereoscopic #image #pair #patagonia #plateau #AdultApron

Filled With Biochemical Energy Krebs Cycle Humor Large Christmas Stocking

Ad: Filled With Biochemical Energy Krebs Cycle Humor Large Christmas Stocking

Krebs cycle attitude is alive and well on this xMas stocking featuring the citric acid cycle (tricarboxylic acid cycle - TCAC) along with the saying "Filled With Biochemical Energy". Scientific truism fun for anyone who knows how biochemical energy is produced within cells! Memorable scientific saying xMas stocking for any biochemist scientist or science teacher! myBiochemistry

Are We In Another Maunder Minimum Period? Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Ad: Are We In Another Maunder Minimum Period? Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Have you noticed colder winters in the past couple of years? Solar activity observers noted that centuries ago the Maunder Minimum a period roughly spanning 1645 to 1715 when sunspots became exceedingly rare occurred and that a low-level of sunspot activity is occurring today. Showcase your earth science / climate change / meteorological side with this mug featuring a frozen lagoon of Venice as painted by Gabriele Bella in 1708 along with the ubiquitous query nowadays: "Are We In Another Maunder Minimum Period?" myEarthScience

#maunder #minimum #meteorology #words #TwoToneCoffeeMug

Are We In Another Maunder Minimum Period? T-Shirt

Ad: Are We In Another Maunder Minimum Period? T-Shirt

Have you noticed colder winters in the past couple of years? Solar activity observers noted that centuries ago the Maunder Minimum a period roughly spanning 1645 to 1715 when sunspots became exceedingly rare occurred and that a low-level of sunspot activity is occurring today. Showcase your earth science / climate change / meteorological side with this tee featuring a frozen lagoon of Venice as painted by Gabriele Bella in 1708 along with the ubiquitous query nowadays: "Are We In Another Maunder Minimum Period?" myEarthScience

#maunder #minimum #meteorology #words #TShirt

Red Queen Hypothesis Alice Red Queen Wonderland Throw Pillow

Ad: Red Queen Hypothesis Alice Red Queen Wonderland Throw Pillow

Biologists will enjoy this throw pillow featuring the Red Queen's Hypothesis which states the following: "In reference to an evolutionary system continuing adaptation is needed in order for a species to maintain its relative fitness amongst the systems it is co-evolving with". Includes John Tenniel's illustration of Alice being dragged by the Red Queen as found in Lewis Carroll's "Through The Looking Glass and What Alice Found There". myEvolution

#queen #hypothesis #ThrowPillow