Thursday, February 10, 2022

Happiness In Life Is A Matter Of Equilibrium Ceramic Tile

Ad: Happiness In Life Is A Matter Of Equilibrium Ceramic Tile

Showcase your wry economics side with this tile that includes the supply-and-demand curve and says "Happiness In Life Is A Matter Of Equilibrium". Truism saying for all who are happy and in equilibrium! No need to be an economist or econ major to enjoy tongue-in-cheek social science humor. myEconomics

#happiness #supply #demand #curve #CeramicTile

Leonardo da Vinci Relaxation Work Judgment Power Apron

Ad: Leonardo da Vinci Relaxation Work Judgment Power Apron

If you work then you should understand the meaning of rest and relaxation. Celebrate life with this inspirational Leonardo da Vinci quotation all-over print apron featuring da Vinci's timeless words of wisdom on the relationship between relaxation work and judgment. Quotation says: "Every now and then go away even briefly have a little relaxation for when you come back to work your judgment will be surer; since to remain constantly at work will cause you to lose power." Memorable apron for anyone who takes time away from work to rejuvenate! myWork

#leonardo #vinci #Apron

Happiness In Life Is A Matter Of Equilibrium Econ Notebook

Ad: Happiness In Life Is A Matter Of Equilibrium Econ Notebook

Showcase your wry economics side with this notebook that includes the supply-and-demand curve and says "Happiness In Life Is A Matter Of Equilibrium". Truism saying for all who are happy and in equilibrium! No need to be an economist or econ major to enjoy tongue-in-cheek social science humor. myEconomics

#happiness #supply #demand #curve #Notebook

Warning! Faulty Connections Inside Neuron Synapse Face Mask

Ad: Warning! Faulty Connections Inside Neuron Synapse Face Mask

Showcase your wry neuron / synapse sense of humor with this educational scientific cotton/polyester face mask for anyone who has faulty connections inside and would like to warn others with the following saying: "Warning! Faulty Connections Inside". myWarning

#warning #geek #words #unwords #FaceMask

Running On The Krebs Cycle (Science Humor) Trucker Hat

Ad: Running On The Krebs Cycle (Science Humor) Trucker Hat

Biochemistry is a part of us whether or not you are a runner. Showcase your intelligent witty sense of science humor with this Krebs cycle hat that includes the saying "Running On The Krebs Cycle (Literally & Figuratively)". Perfect hat for anyone who understands the importance of the citric acid cycle (also known as tricarboxylic acid cycle) in order to have energy and function throughout the day! myBiochemistry

Reduce Smog Support Photosynthesis T-Shirt

Ad: Reduce Smog Support Photosynthesis T-Shirt

No need to be a plant biologist or environmentalist to enjoy wry scientific advice with any of these gifts featuring the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis. Includes the scientific truism saying for all who know what photosynthesis is all about: "Reduce Smog Support Photosynthesis". Memorable gifts for Earth Day & beyond! myBiochemistry

Reduce Smog Support Photosynthesis T-Shirt

Ad: Reduce Smog Support Photosynthesis T-Shirt

No need to be a plant biologist or environmentalist to enjoy wry scientific advice with this tee featuring the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis. Includes the scientific truism saying for all who know what photosynthesis is all about: "Reduce Smog Support Photosynthesis". Memorable t-shirt for Earth Day & beyond! myBiochemistry

Earthquakes Are Not My Fault (Plate Tectonics) T-Shirt

Ad: Earthquakes Are Not My Fault (Plate Tectonics) T-Shirt

Geologists earth scientists and plate tectonics fans will enjoy these educational scientific world map gifts featuring the different tectonic plates of the world along with the following scientific saying: "Earthquakes Are Not My Fault". Tell everyone the true story about the origin of earthquakes with a dose of fault driven geek humor today! myEarthScience

#earthquakes #faultplate #TShirt

Millions Of People Live On An Edge Earth Science Apron

Ad: Millions Of People Live On An Edge Earth Science Apron

No need to be an earth scientist to understand plate tectonics the scientific theory which describes the large scale motions of Earth's lithosphere. Showcase your knowledge of the plates of the world with this all-over print apron featuring a map of the Earth's tectonic plates along with the truism saying and query: "Millions Of People Live On An Edge Will Mother Nature's Friction Affect You?" Memorable all-over print apron for any earthquake watcher! No need to have been in an earthquake or lived on a plate boundary to enjoy! myEarthScience

#plate #tectonics #earth #science #millions #Apron

Morphogenesis Inside (Drosophila Homeobox Genes) Laptop Sleeve

Ad: Morphogenesis Inside (Drosophila Homeobox Genes) Laptop Sleeve

No need to be familiar with the fruit fly (known by its taxonomic name Drosophila melanogaster) to enjoy wry molecular biology humor with this neoprene laptop sleeve featuring the homeobox genes (i.e. Hox genes) for the fruit fly. Make others do a double-take with educational attitude. Biological truism saying says: "Morphogenesis Inside". myMolecularBiology

#biology #morphology #morphogenesis #inside #molecular #LaptopSleeve

A Well-Defined Shoulder Anatomical Attitude Scarf

Ad: A Well-Defined Shoulder Anatomical Attitude Scarf

You do not need to have a well-defined shoulder to enjoy this medical and anatomical humor scarf that features what else "A Well-Defined Shoulder". Showcase your medical knowledge of the different parts of your shoulder with this labeled cheat sheet design on this scarf! myAnatomical

Gastroenterology Requires Guts (Digestive System) Keychain

Ad: Gastroenterology Requires Guts (Digestive System) Keychain

If you are a gastroenterologist or know of someone who understands gastroenterology you'll enjoy any of these medical digestive system humor gifts! Comes with all key labels of the digestive system along with the scientific truism saying "Gastroenterology Requires Guts". Make others do a double-take at exactly what you are trying to say with any of these medical saying gag gifts! myAnatomical

Use It Or Lose It Anatomical Brain Advice Humor Face Mask

Ad: Use It Or Lose It Anatomical Brain Advice Humor Face Mask

If you've ever encountered anyone who does not use his or her brain you'll enjoy this apropos tongue-in-cheek brain anatomy humor cotton/polyester face mask featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Use It Or Lose It". Make others do a double-take about what one should do with one's brain with a dose of anatomical sound advice attitude with this face mask! myAnatomical

Signs Of Life Inside EMT Medical Heartbeat Humor Matchboxes

Ad: Signs Of Life Inside EMT Medical Heartbeat Humor Matchboxes

No need to work in the medical field to enjoy wry heartbeat humor with this matchbox featuring a normal sinus rhythm on an ECG/EKG (electrocardiogram) along with the saying "Signs Of Life Inside". Make others do a double-take about what lies within with a dose of heartbeat attitude today with this matchbox! myHeartbeat

#signs #life #inside #Matchboxes

Do Not Sit Out The Game Of Bridge Four Card Suits Bath Mat

Ad: Do Not Sit Out The Game Of Bridge Four Card Suits Bath Mat

Avid bridge players will enjoy this bridge saying bath mat featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Do Not Sit Out The Game Of Bridge". Memorable bridge advice for anyone who loves to play bridge! myBridgePlayer

You Are Here (Geological Age Earth's History) Neck Tie #geology #geological #age #earth's #history #NeckTie

Ad: You Are Here (Geological Age Earth's History) Neck Tie #geology #geological #age #earth's #history #NeckTie

Repetition Makes Everything Come Easy Bridge Suits Notebook

Ad: Repetition Makes Everything Come Easy Bridge Suits Notebook

Showcase your sound bridge sense of style with this bridge / duplicate bridge attitude notebook featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Repetition Makes Everything Come Easy & Natural". Make others do a double-take at the bridge table on how well you can remember and on how well you can play with this memorable bridge saying notebook! myBridgePlayer

Economics Not Matter Of Life Or Death Equilibrium Round Clock

Ad: Economics Not Matter Of Life Or Death Equilibrium Round Clock

No need to be an economist or social scientist to enjoy this wry econ humor clock featuring the supply-and-demand curve along with the economics truism: "Economics: Not A Matter Of Life Or Death Just A Matter Of Equilibrium". Make others do a double-take with this tongue-in-cheek yet deadly serious educational economics clock today! myEconomics

#economics #just #matter #RoundClock

Wanted A Dependable Bridge Partner Four Card Suits Face Mask

Ad: Wanted A Dependable Bridge Partner Four Card Suits Face Mask

Duplicate bridge players who look for partners at the Partnership Desk before bridge tournaments will enjoy this polyester face mask featuring the four card suits along with the bridge saying that most bridge players will agree with: "Wanted A Dependable Bridge Partner". Memorable bridge sentiment polyester face mask for any bridge player or bridge club! myBridgePlayer

Test Your Hypothesis Play Bridge (Four Card Suits)

Ad: Test Your Hypothesis Play Bridge (Four Card Suits)

Showcase your wry bridge / duplicate bridge attitude with any of these gifts featuring the four card suits along with the following bridge saying: "Test Your Hypothesis Play Bridge". No need to be a bridge teacher or avid bridge player to enjoy! myBridgePlayer