Thursday, February 10, 2022

Love Deoxyribonucleic Acid It's The Stuff Of Life T-Shirt

Ad: Love Deoxyribonucleic Acid It's The Stuff Of Life T-Shirt

Showcase your love of deoxyribonucleic acid with this DNA humor gift tee! Complete with labels of all important parts including polymerase and leading and lagging strands of life. Make everyone do a double-take at this truism tee that says "Love Deoxyribonucleic Acid It's The Stuff Of Life". Perfect tee for anyone with DNA! myMolecularBiology

#acid #TShirt

Flight Or Fight Is A Matter Of Gut Hormones Slip-On Sneakers

Ad: Flight Or Fight Is A Matter Of Gut Hormones Slip-On Sneakers

Do you often experience the "flight or fight" response in your gut? Chalk it up to hormones with this anatomical medical and health humor pair of slip-on sneakers featuring the endocrine system associated with the gut along with the educational scientific truism saying "Flight Or Fight Is A Matter Of Gut Hormones". Make others do a double-take about what is happening inside of their gut when the flight or fight response occurs with these slip-on sneakers! myAnatomical

A Different Type Of Fuel Cell (ATP Molecule) T-Shirt

Ad: A Different Type Of Fuel Cell (ATP Molecule) T-Shirt

Make everyone do a double-take about fuel cells and energy when you wear this wry scientific humor gift tee featuring the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) molecule. Says: "A Different Type Of Fuel Cell Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)". Science attitude gift for all fans of energy! myMolecularBiology

#adenosine #triphosphate #chemistry #biology #TShirt

My Life Is Nothing More Than A Pi Filled Existence T-Shirt

Ad: My Life Is Nothing More Than A Pi Filled Existence T-Shirt

Mathematicians will enjoy any of these gifts with the wry geek humor saying "My Life Is Nothing More Than A Pi Filled Existence". Word play gifts on the word pi / pie featuring pi on a baked pie. Memorable philosophical gifts for all who can't help but think about pi especially when eating pie! myMathematician

#baked #TShirt

Coded For Amino Acids (Genetic Code DNA) Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: Coded For Amino Acids (Genetic Code DNA) Jigsaw Puzzle

Twenty-two amino acids are naturally incorporated into polypeptides and are called proteinogenic or natural amino acids. Of these 20 are encoded by the universal genetic code. Showcase your knowledge of the genetic code for amino acids with any of these "Coded For Amino Acids" gifts. Educational scientific fun featuring amino acid code wheel including the stop codons. myMolecularBiology

#amino #acids #code #coded #JigsawPuzzle

Bridge Is My Religion (Four Card Suits) Throw Pillow

Ad: Bridge Is My Religion (Four Card Suits) Throw Pillow

Make others do a double-take with a dose of bridge attitude with this throw pillow featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Bridge Is My Religion". Great throw pillow for any bridge player who religiously plays the great game of bridge! myBridgePlayer

Duplicate Bridge Players Can Never Overanalyze Flask

Ad: Duplicate Bridge Players Can Never Overanalyze Flask

When you play duplicate bridge do you frequently go over hands after the session? Showcase your wry duplicate bridge attitude with this flask featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Duplicate Bridge Players Can Never Overanalyze A Hand". Make others do a double-take with a sharp observation of what some of the most astute bridge players do after playing bridge when you take a swig from this memorable bridge saying flask! myBridgePlayer

Wanted A Dependable Bridge Partner Four Card Suits Face Shield

Ad: Wanted A Dependable Bridge Partner Four Card Suits Face Shield

Duplicate bridge players who look for partners at the Partnership Desk before bridge tournaments will enjoy this face shield featuring the four card suits along with the bridge saying that most bridge players will agree with: "Wanted A Dependable Bridge Partner". Memorable bridge sentiment face shield for any bridge player or bridge club! myBridgePlayer

Alive The Condition Of My Existence (ECG/EKG) Poster

Ad: Alive The Condition Of My Existence (ECG/EKG) Poster

Electrocardiogram attitude is alive and well on this poster featuring a normal sinus rhythm (heartbeat) along with the following truism saying that will make other do a double-take: "Alive The Condition Of My Existence". No need to work in the medical field to enjoy! myHeartbeat

#alive #geek #humor #Poster

Do Not Invest In A Stock Priced For Perfection iPhone 13 Case

Ad: Do Not Invest In A Stock Priced For Perfection iPhone 13 Case

Showcase your wry political economy style with a dose of sound economic advice with this iPhone 13 case featuring a yellow diamond warning sign along with the saying "Do Not Invest In A Stock Priced For Perfection". Memorable advice iPhone 13 case for any investor who needs a reminder on what not to do! myEconomics

#invest #iPhone13Case

Wanted A Dependable Bridge Partner (Card Suits) Throw Pillow

Ad: Wanted A Dependable Bridge Partner (Card Suits) Throw Pillow

Showcase your wry bridge / duplicate bridge player side with this throw pillow featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Wanted A Dependable Bridge Partner". myBridgePlayer

Do Not Invest In A Stock Priced For Perfection Large Christmas Stocking

Ad: Do Not Invest In A Stock Priced For Perfection Large Christmas Stocking

Showcase your wry econ humor with a dose of sound economic advice with this xMas stocking featuring a yellow diamond warning sign along with the saying "Do Not Invest In A Stock Priced For Perfection". Memorable saying xMas stocking for any do-it-yourself investor who needs a gentle reminder on what not to do! myEconomics

#invest #LargeChristmasStocking

Tunnel Vision Is Dangerous When Playing Bridge Planner

Ad: Tunnel Vision Is Dangerous When Playing Bridge Planner

No need to be a bridge teacher to understand the following advice when it comes to play bridge: "Tunnel Vision Is Dangerous When Playing Bridge". Planner features the four card suits along with sound bridge truism advice for any bridge player who understands not to be so fixated with one suit! myBridgePlayer

Warning! Sitting Is The New Smoking Cross-Out Sign Bathroom Mat

Ad: Warning! Sitting Is The New Smoking Cross-Out Sign Bathroom Mat

Do you or others sit around too much? Do a double-take with a dose of wry signage humor with this bath mat featuring a person sitting in a chair with a cross-out sign on top along with the following sound advice: "Warning! Sitting Is The New Smoking". Ponderous attitude on lifestyle choices for the next time you step into or out of the bathtub or shower! myWarning

#warning #sitting #BathroomMat

Procrastinator Inside Diamond Warning Sign Clock 3 Ring Binder

Ad: Procrastinator Inside Diamond Warning Sign Clock 3 Ring Binder

Are you a procrastinator? Warn others with a dose of wry signage attitude with this yellow diamond warning sign featuring a clock with minute hour and second hands along with the saying "Procrastinator Inside". Make other do a double-take about what you do -- i.e. put things off until later -- with this tongue-in-cheek signage binder. myWarning

#warning #sign #words #unwords #3RingBinder

Warning! The Stairs Of Life Can Be Slippery Face Mask

Ad: Warning! The Stairs Of Life Can Be Slippery Face Mask

Signage humor cotton/polyester face mask featuring sign of person falling down the stairs -- meaning warning of slippery steps -- along with the following truism saying that will make others do a double-take on the different paths of life that one can take: "Warning! The Stairs Of Life Can Be Slippery". myWarning

#signage #life #advice #sign #FaceMask

Procrastinator Inside Diamond Warning Sign Clock Planner

Ad: Procrastinator Inside Diamond Warning Sign Clock Planner

Are you a procrastinator? Warn others with a dose of wry signage attitude with this yellow diamond warning sign featuring a clock with minute hour and second hands along with the saying "Procrastinator Inside". Make other do a double-take about what you do -- i.e. put things off until later -- with this tongue-in-cheek signage planner. myWarning

#warning #sign #words #unwords #Planner

Blame My Neurotransmitters If Not Paying Attention Pinback Button

Ad: Blame My Neurotransmitters If Not Paying Attention Pinback Button

If you do not pay attention you'll enjoy any of these gifts that features the neuron / synapse and says the following "Blame My Neurotransmitters If I'm Not Paying Attention". Perfect gift for all who do not pay attention! myPsychology

Which Quadrant Are You In? Psychology Geek Humor Apron

Ad: Which Quadrant Are You In? Psychology Geek Humor Apron

Showcase wry intelligent psychological and philosophical humor with this all-over print apron that shows the quadrant with knowledge and consciousness as the axes. Ask yourself and others no matter how little you know or how much you know "Which Quadrant Are You In? Make others do a double-take and be more philosophical about how conscious they are of the knowledge that they have with this all-over print apron! myPsychology

We All Regress To The Mean Eventually Stats Humor Scarf

Ad: We All Regress To The Mean Eventually Stats Humor Scarf

Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry stats humor with this scarf featuring linear regression on a graph along with the following stats truism saying: "We All Regress To The Mean Eventually". No need to be a statistician economist or psychologist to enjoy this statistical attitude scarf! myStatistician