Showcase your wry anatomical side with this bandana featuring the rhetorical question "What Is Your Achilles' Heel?" Make others do a double-take with a dose of Gray's Anatomy medical and psychological attitude with this educational scientific illustration Achilles' heel bandana! myAnatomical
Wednesday, February 09, 2022
What Is Your Achilles' Heel? Heel Anatomy Psyche Bandana
Joyful Heartbeat Inside ECG EKG Electrocardiogram T-Shirt
Ad: Joyful Heartbeat Inside ECG EKG Electrocardiogram T-Shirt
Do you have a joyful heartbeat inside of you? No need to work in the medical field to appreciate your heartbeat with a dose of wry geek style with any of these gifts featuring a normal sinus rhythm on an electrocardiogram (ECG / EKG) along with the saying "Joyful Heartbeat Inside". Memorable heartbeat attitude gifts for anyone with a heartbeat to match his or her joyful personality! myHeartbeat
#joyful #heartbeat #inside #TShirt
Ageism Should Never Affect A Person In The Present Keychain #geology #words #and #unwords #geological #Keychain
Play Bridge It's A Nonpareil Game Four Card Suits Planner
Ad: Play Bridge It's A Nonpareil Game Four Card Suits Planner
Showcase your wry bridge / duplicate bridge attitude with this planner featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Play Bridge It's A Nonpareil Game". No need to be a bridge teacher or avid bridge player to know that bridge is like no other game in the world! myBridgePlayer
Economists Do It With Models (Economics Humor) Mouse Pad
Ad: Economists Do It With Models (Economics Humor) Mouse Pad
Wry suggestive economics humor comes alive on this mousepad featuring the supply and demand curve along with the truism saying "Economists Do It With Models". Those who work with econometrics will definitely agree that economists do it with models. Social scientists will enjoy this double entendre economics attitude mousepad that's just perfect for anyone who a model in their head! myEconomics
#economics #econ #economist #econometrics #mathematician #MousePad
Do Not Sit Out The Game Of Bridge Four Card Suits Planner
Ad: Do Not Sit Out The Game Of Bridge Four Card Suits Planner
Bridge club owners and avid bridge players will enjoy this planner featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Do Not Sit Out The Game Of Bridge". Wry bridge humor planner for anyone who loves to play the game of bridge! myBridgePlayer
Play Bridge It's A Nonpareil Game Four Card Suits Binder
Ad: Play Bridge It's A Nonpareil Game Four Card Suits Binder
Showcase your wry bridge / duplicate bridge attitude with this binder featuring the four card suits along with the following sound bridge advice for all who view bridge as incomparable to any other game: "Play Bridge It's A Nonpareil Game". myBridgePlayer
Keep The Neurons Firing Play Bridge Advice Humor Planner
Ad: Keep The Neurons Firing Play Bridge Advice Humor Planner
No matter what your age or level of experience you'll enjoy this bridge humor planner featuring the four card suits and the following bridge advice: "Keep The Neurons Firing Play Bridge". Make others do a double-take at what the game of bridge does to a person with this wry quirky bridge player humor planner! myBridgePlayer
Second Law Of Thermodynamics Work (Physics) Long Apron
Ad: Second Law Of Thermodynamics Work (Physics) Long Apron
Physicists will enjoy any of these Carnot engine work definition gifts featuring the Second Law of Thermodynamics which is elucidated in the following: "The Second Law Of Thermodynamics states that temperature differences between systems in contact tend to even out & that work can be obtained from these non-equilibrium differences." Make others do a double-take with a dose of educational thermodynamics physics attitude today with these gifts! myPhysics
#second #LongApron
Thought Process Experimentation Inside Neuron Geek Metal Lunch Box
Are you a thinker who likes to think about different variables and scenarios? Showcase your wry neuron / synapse attitude with this metal lunch box featuring all key anatomical parts of a neuron / synapse along with the following saying for anyone who likes to experiment: "Thought Process Experimentation Inside". myPsychology
Make The Creative Connections Think Neuron Synapse Scarf
Are you a creative person? Showcase your wry creative side with a dose of biological attitude with this scarf featuring all key parts of a neuron / synapse along with the truism saying "Make The Creative Connections Think". Make others do a double-take with a touch of philosophical and neurological geek attitude with this scientific advice scarf today! myPsychology
Speed Limit Zero Rest Is My Top Speed Sign Face Mask
Ad: Speed Limit Zero Rest Is My Top Speed Sign Face Mask
Showcase your wry behavior -- especially if you are a couch potato -- with this geek humor signage cotton/polyester face mask featuring the speed limit zero sign along with the saying "Rest Is My Top Speed". Memorable face mask for anyone who likes to be at rest and who is high on entropy! myPhysics
#speed #limit #zero #rest #FaceMask
Warning! Discombobulated Mind Inside Brain Humor iPhone 13 Case
If you feel fragmented and confused at the end of the day you'll enjoy this wry anatomical geek humor iPhone 13 case featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Warning! Discombobulated Mind Inside". myPsychology
If I Am Lost In Translation Just Blame My RNA Magnet
Are you frequently lost in translation? No need to know about protein synthesis to enjoy wry biochemistry humor with any of these gifts featuring messenger RNA along with the tongue-in-cheek truism saying that is applicable in life: "If I Am Lost In Translation Just Blame My RNA". Make others do a double-take about language and meaning with a scientific attitude today! myBiochemistry
It's Storm Surge Season Are You Prepared? Neck Tie
Ad: It's Storm Surge Season Are You Prepared? Neck Tie
Meteorologists and earth scientists will enjoy this double-sided necktie featuring an illustration of a storm surge along with the following wise words for anyone who lives along the coastline and has experienced severe weather: "It's Storm Surge Season - Are You Prepared?" myEarthScience
#storm #surge #season #NeckTie
Eat ... Sleep ... Think Statistics Bell Curve Geek Face Mask
Bell curve knowledge is alive and well on this cotton/polyester face mask featuring all key aspects of the normal distribution curve along with the saying that will make others do a double-take on the subject of statistics: "Eat ... Sleep ... Think Statistics". Classic statistics humor cotton/polyester face mask for anyone who thinks about statistics -- awake and asleep! myStatistician
A Bad Day At Golf Beats A Good Day At Work Round Clock
Golfers will enjoy any of these wry golf saying gifts featuring a golfer taking a swing on a golf course on a sunny day along with the saying "A Bad Day At Golf Beats A Good Day At Work". Memorable gifts for anyone who loves golf! myWork
#golf #RoundClock
Eye (I) Matter (Anatomical Human Eyeball) Round Clock
No need to be an optometrist or ophthalmologist to enjoy any of these wry medical and anatomical humor gifts featuring a diagram of all parts of the eye with the truism saying "(Eye) Matter". Make others do a double-take today on how your eyes matter in this world! myAnatomical
Life Requires Lots Of Guts (Digestive System) Jigsaw Puzzle
Showcase wry anatomical humor with this jigsaw puzzle featuring the digestive system complete with labels of all important parts. Truism scientific saying says: "Life Requires Lots Of Guts". Tongue-in-cheek inspirational biology attitude jigsaw puzzle for anyone who understands that life truly does require a lot of guts! myAnatomical