Any gutsy person will enjoy this wry digestive system humor face shield featuring all key parts of the digestive system along with the following rhetorical question: "Who Said I Didn't Have Any Guts?" Memorable educational scientific face shield for any gutsy person! myAnatomical
Wednesday, February 09, 2022
Who Said I Didn't Have Any Guts? Digestive System Face Shield
Organic Machinery Inside (Krebs Cycle) T-Shirt
Face it - you run on the Krebs cycle also known as the tricarboxylic acid cycle or citric acid cycle. Showcase your organic self with this educational scientific tee featuring the Krebs cycle along with the tongue-in-cheek scientific truism saying "Organic Machinery Inside"! myBiochemistry
Eye Dream Anatomical Human Eyeball Humor Bandana
Do you dream a lot? No need to be an ophthalmologist to enjoy wry anatomical eye humor with this bandana featuring all key parts of the human eye along with the following saying: "Eye (I) Dream". Make others do a double-take at what you dream about with a dose of selfish eyeball attitude today with this bandana! myAnatomical
Oxytocin Building Blocks Of Love Chemistry Round Clock
No need to be a chemist or biochemist to know about the peptide hormone oxytocin known as the "Building Blocks Of Love". Make others do a double-take with a dose of scientific attitude over the true origins of love today! Memorable geek humor clock for Valentine's Day Mother's Day etc.! myBiochemistry
VIP DNA (DNA Replication Humor) Coffee Mug
Ad: VIP DNA (DNA Replication Humor) Coffee Mug
Showcase wry molecular biology humor with any of these DNA replication gifts featuring "VIP DNA". Educational science attitude gifts that lets you make others do a double-take today about the genes of a very important person -- you! myMolecularBiology
#replication #acid #CoffeeMug
Strong Rhythm Inside (Electrocardiogram) Silver Plated Necklace
Ad: Strong Rhythm Inside (Electrocardiogram) Silver Plated Necklace
If you have a strong heartbeat you'll enjoy this necklace featuring a sinus rhythm on an electrocardiogram (ECG / EKG) along with the saying "Strong Rhythm Inside". Make others do a double-take with medical humor today! myHeartbeat
#heartbeat #strong #rhythm #inside #SilverPlatedNecklace
Tuesday, February 08, 2022
Trust Is A Biochemical Phenomenon Oxytocin Humor Scarf
No need to be a chemist or biochemist to enjoy wry scientific humor with this scarf featuring the chemical structure of the mammalian hormone oxytocin along with the following truism saying: "Trust Is A Biochemical Phenomenon". Make others do a double-take at the chemistry behind the feeling of trust with this geek humor scarf today! myPsychology
Warning! External Locus Of Identity Inside Sign Planner
Psyche humor is alive and well on this signage humor planner featuring the yellow diamond warning sign which says the following: "Warning! External Locus Of Identity Inside". If you are too affected by how others view you you'll enjoy this classic geek signage humor planner! No need to be a psychologist to enjoy! myPsychology
What's Your Angular Momentum? Physics Diagrams Face Mask
Ad: What's Your Angular Momentum? Physics Diagrams Face Mask
No need to be a physics teacher or snowboarder to enjoy wry scientific attitude with this geek humor cotton/polyester face mask featuring various diagrams of angular momenta of a classical object. Comes with the following query that will make others do a double-take on what you are referring to: "What's Your Angular Momentum?" myPhysics
#whats #your #angular #momentum #FaceMask
Elephants Have The Best Memories They Never Forget Notebook
Which animal has the best memory? No need to be a zookeeper handling elephants or a psychologist to enjoy wry animal attitude with this notebook featuring the silhouette of an elephant filled with brain folds along with the often heard saying in scientific circles -- a tautology if there ever was an explanation that was self-explanatory: "Elephants Have The Best Memories Because They Never Forget". myPsychology
Use It Or Lose It Anatomical Brain Advice Humor Face Mask
If you've ever encountered anyone who does not use his or her brain you'll enjoy this apropos tongue-in-cheek brain anatomy humor cotton/polyester face mask featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Use It Or Lose It". Make others do a double-take about what one should do with one's brain with a dose of anatomical sound advice attitude with this face mask! myPsychology
Lorenz Transformation Inside Physics Doormat
Ad: Lorenz Transformation Inside Physics Doormat
This diagram shows the Lorentz transformations on the Minkowski light cone spacetime diagram for one spatial dimension. The Lorentz transformation or Lorentz-Fitzgerald transformation describes how according to the theory of special relativity different measurements of space and time by two observers can be converted into the measurements observed in either frame of reference. Showcase your knowledge of physics with a dose of relativistic attitude with this geek humor doormat featuring the saying "Lorenz Transformation Inside". myPhysics
#theory #relativity #physics #lorenz #Doormat
Pitfalls Of Big Data Lie Overreliance Correlation 3 Ring Binder
If you've heard about how big data from mega-corporations are going to dominate the way we live and work you'll enjoy wry statistical humor with this binder featuring various correlations and their correlation coefficients along with the following truism saying: "The Pitfalls Of Big Data Lie In Its Overreliance On Correlation". Make others do a double-take on the need for corporate hubris amongst big data advocates with a dose of educational stats humor today! myStatistician
Powered By Statistics Bell Curve Stats Humor Face Mask
Are you powered by statistics? Showcase your wry sense of statistical humor with this bell curve distribution (normal distribution curve Gaussian curve) cotton/polyester face mask complete with percentages and the stats truism saying "Powered By Statistics". No need to be a statistician or stats major to enjoy! Memorable educational scientific cotton/polyester face mask for anyone who works with statistics! myPsychology
Normal Is My State Of Mind Bell Curve Stats Humor Large Christmas Stocking
No need to be a statistician or psychologist to enjoy wry stats humor with this xMas stocking featuring the bell curve (normal distribution curve) along with the following saying: "Normal Is My State Of Mind". Great tongue-in-cheek statistical attitude xMas stocking for anyone who does hypothesis testing or has a normal state of mind! myPsychology
Do Not Let Life Pass By You Study Physics Bandana
Ad: Do Not Let Life Pass By You Study Physics Bandana
Showcase your wry twisted physics attitude with this bandana featuring the Doppler Effect along with the double-entendre saying that will make others do a double-take on the subject of physics: "Do Not Let Life Pass By You Study Physics". Note: There is no error in the saying "Do Not Let Life Pass By You" as opposed to the common saying of "do not let life pass you by". You'll need to seize the moment with a dose of physics humor with this bandana which promotes the study of physics! No need to be a physics major or physics teacher to enjoy. myPhysics
#life #pass #Bandana
Powered By Statistics Bell Curve Stats Humor Margarita Drink Mix
Are you powered by statistics? Showcase your wry sense of statistical humor with this bell curve distribution (normal distribution curve Gaussian curve) drink mix complete with percentages and the stats truism saying "Powered By Statistics". No need to be a statistician or stats major to enjoy! Memorable educational scientific drink mix for anyone who works with statistics! myStatistician
Particle Physics Is An Elementary Matter Model Slip-On Sneakers
Ad: Particle Physics Is An Elementary Matter Model Slip-On Sneakers
Make others do a double-take on the world of particle physics with this pair of slip-on sneakers featuring the Standard Model of Elementary Particles along with the following geek humor saying: "Particle Physics Is An Elementary Matter." Memorable pair of slip-on sneakers for any physicist or physics major who thinks in terms of leptons quarks electrons gluons neutrinos and bosons! myPhysics
#particle #physics #elementary #matter #standard #SlipOnSneakers
Statistics The Taming Of Randomness Stats Humor Jigsaw Puzzle
Statistics by any other definition is essentially the taming of randomness. Showcase this fact with this statistics humor jigsaw puzzle featuring linear regression today! No need to be a statistician or stats major to enjoy! myStatistician
I Only Play Bridge On Days That End In Y Magnet
Ad: I Only Play Bridge On Days That End In Y Magnet
Showcase your wry bridge / duplicate bridge attitude with any of these gifts featuring the four card suits along with the following saying: I Only Play Bridge On Days That End In "Y". Great bridge saying gifts for any avid bridge player! myBridgePlayer