No need to be a statistician or psychologist to enjoy wry stats humor with this tee featuring the bell curve (normal distribution curve) along with the following saying: "Normal Is My State Of Mind". Great tongue-in-cheek statistical attitude tee for anyone who does hypothesis testing or has a normal state of mind! myStatistician
Monday, February 07, 2022
Normal Is My State Of Mind Bell Curve Geek Humor T-Shirt
Statistics The Taming Of Randomness Stats Humor Ceramic Ornament
Statistics by any other definition is essentially the taming of randomness. Showcase this fact with this statistics humor ceramic ornament featuring linear regression today! No need to be a statistician or stats major to enjoy! myStatistician
Just Call Me Cerebral Brain Anatomy Humor Tea Bag Drink Mix
Showcase your wry cerebral sense of humor with a dose of anatomical fun with this drink mix featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Just Call Me Cerebral". No need to be a brain surgeon or philosopher or psychologist to enjoy pensive geek humor today with this drink mix! myAnatomical
Never Criticize Your Partner During Play (Bridge) Mouse Pad
Ad: Never Criticize Your Partner During Play (Bridge) Mouse Pad
Bridge / duplicate bridge players understand the following tenet when playing bridge: "Never Criticize Your Partner During Play". Because bridge is such a psychological game you'll understand this sound advice. No need to be an avid bridge player or bridge teacher to enjoy this mousepad! myBridgePlayer
Just Call Me Cerebral Brain Anatomy Humor iPhone 13 Case
Showcase your wry cerebral sense of humor with a dose of anatomical fun with this iPhone 13 case featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Just Call Me Cerebral". No need to be a brain surgeon or philosopher or psychologist to enjoy pensive geek humor today with this iPhone 13 case! myAnatomical
Evolution Of Life A Timeline Biology Large Christmas Stocking
Ad: Evolution Of Life A Timeline Biology Large Christmas Stocking
Showcase your scientific biological side with this timeline of the evolution of life from Earth's inception to the present. Title and caption says it all for all biology fans: "Evolution Of Life A Timeline". Educational scientific attitude xMas stocking for any evolutionary biologist! myEvolution
#evolution #life #timeline #LargeChristmasStocking
Your Life Is The Fruit Of Your Own Doing Playing Cards
Ad: Your Life Is The Fruit Of Your Own Doing Playing Cards
Showcase your sacred geometric perspective on life with any of these gifts featuring the "Fruit Of Life" diagram of sacred geometry along with the following truism saying: "Your Life Is The Fruit Of Your Own Doing". Make others do a double-take about geometry math and free will today with this sacred geometric saying! myMathematician
#your #life #fruit #PlayingCards
Welcome To Information Asymmetry County (Sign) T-Shirt
We live in the age of information. What I know someone else probably doesn't. Showcase your wry sense of signage humor about live and living in the modern world with this county transportation sign humor tee! Featuring the following truism saying for today's information age: "Welcome To Information Asymmetry County". No need to be working in a field such as arbitrage or mergers and acquisitions to enjoy! myWork
#welcome #information #asymmetry #county #TShirt
Warning! Breastfeeding Can Happen Anytime Anywhere Coffee Mug
Ad: Warning! Breastfeeding Can Happen Anytime Anywhere Coffee Mug
No need to be pregnant or breastfeeding to enjoy any of these breastfeeding signage attitude gifts featuring the mother-child breastfeeding sign and the warning saying: "Warning! Breastfeeding Can Happen Anytime Or Anywhere". Make others do a double-take with respect to the various locations and times of day when breastfeeding can occur with a dose of motherly attitude with any of these signage gifts! myWarning
#sign #breastfeeding #breastfeed #CoffeeMug
Inflation Is Never What It Used To Be Economics Jigsaw Puzzle
Ad: Inflation Is Never What It Used To Be Economics Jigsaw Puzzle
Showcase your wry economics side with any of these inflation saying gifts featuring this historical rate of inflation in the United States over the centuries until Year 2000. Make others do a double-take about inflation over the years with the wry econ truism saying: "Inflation Is Never What It Used To Be". Impress others with a dose of economic ambiguity today! myEconomics
#economics #econ #words #unwords #JigsawPuzzle
Warning! Neural Circuitry Inside Neuron Synapse Bandana
Ad: Warning! Neural Circuitry Inside Neuron Synapse Bandana
No need to be a neurologist to know that you have delicate neural circuitry inside of you. Provide others with a tongue-in-cheek biology humor warning with this bandana that says: "Warning! Neural Circuitry Inside". Educational scientific attitude design for anyone with neurons! myWarning
#inside #synapse #neuron #warning #neural #Bandana
Acetyl-CoA Metabolism Inside (Chemical Molecule) Pitcher
If you metabolize then you should be familiar with acetyl-CoA the molecule that is key to metabolism. Showcase wry intelligent chemistry attitude with any of these gifts that feature a 3-D molecule of acetyl-CoA along with the saying "Metabolism Inside". No need to be a biochemistry or chemistry major to enjoy! myBiochemistry
Spiral Of Geological Time Earth's History Spiral Matchboxes
Ad: Spiral Of Geological Time Earth's History Spiral Matchboxes
Showcase the "Spiral Of Geological Time" with this matchbox featuring Earth's history along a spiral. Take a closer look at eons epochs and periods such as when the dinosaurs flourished. Memorable geological age matchbox for anyone who enjoys learning about Earth's history! myEarthScience
#geologist #geology #earths #history #earth #Matchboxes
The Rock Cycle Geology Earth Science Doormat
Ad: The Rock Cycle Geology Earth Science Doormat
No need to be a rock hound or geologist to appreciate this educational scientific door mat featuring "The Rock Cycle". Make others do a double-take on the cycle that rocks traverse through over several hundred million years with this doormat! myEarthScience
#rock #cycle #rocks #geology #Doormat
If You Are Confused About Life Don't Worry Drawstring Bag
Ad: If You Are Confused About Life Don't Worry Drawstring Bag
Showcase your wry molecular biology sense of humor with this drawstring bag featuring the sense and antisense strand involved in transcription. Comes with the following humorous saying that will surely make other do a double-take on their outlook on life: "If You Are Confused About Life Don't Worry - Life Is Comprised Of A Lot Of Sense And Antisense Strands". Memorable biology geek humor drawstring backpack for anyone who ponders about life! myMolecularBiology
#biology #confused #DrawstringBag
DNA Is Life The Rest Is Just Matter (DNA Strands) Mouse Pad
Ad: DNA Is Life The Rest Is Just Matter (DNA Strands) Mouse Pad
Make others do a double-take with wry life science humor this molecular biology mousepad featuring DNA replication both leading and lagging strands complete with all key labels. Scientific truism saying says it all: "DNA Is Life The Rest Is Just Matter". You'll enjoy this educational attitude mousepad that is a perfect gift for geneticists biologists scientists and those who understand the nature of what really matters in life! myMolecularBiology
#biology #replication #molecular #MousePad
Immunity Is In My Genes Immunology Chromosome 6 Planner
Ad: Immunity Is In My Genes Immunology Chromosome 6 Planner
Showcase your knowledge of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) -- also known as the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) -- with this biology humor planner featuring the various genes of the HLA on human chromosome 6 along with the saying "Immunity Is In My Genes". Memorable planner for any immunologist! myMolecularBiology
#immunity #genes #Planner
Are You At The Centromere Or Telomere Of Life? Drawstring Bag
Ad: Are You At The Centromere Or Telomere Of Life? Drawstring Bag
Showcase your wry telomeric sense of humor with this drawstring bag featuring "Are You At The Centromere Or Telomere Of Life?" Memorable existential geek humor query drawstring backpack for any cell/molecular biologist or biology teacher who ponders! myMolecularBiology
#centromere #DrawstringBag
Life Is Nothing More Than A Spliced Event RNA Trivet
Ad: Life Is Nothing More Than A Spliced Event RNA Trivet
Showcase your wry molecular biology attitude with this trivet featuring the formation of mature RNA along with the saying "Life Is Nothing More Than A Spliced Event". Make others do a double-take on what you mean with a dose of educational scientific fun! Memorable science humor saying trivet -- not just for molecular biologists only! myMolecularBiology
#mature #life #nothing #Trivet