Saturday, February 05, 2022

LIBOR $350 Trillion Financial Scandal Warning Sign Notebook

Ad: LIBOR $350 Trillion Financial Scandal Warning Sign Notebook

You know about the current $350 trillion -- yes that's trillion - LIBOR financial scandal don't you? No need to be an economist or financier to enjoy this wry signage humor notebook featuring the yellow diamond warning sign along with the following truism saying about the latest financial scandal on Wall Street: "LIBOR $350 Trillion Financial Scandal Not The First & Not The Last". Make others do a double-take with contemporary economics / financial attitude today! myEconomics

#libor #london #interbank #offered #rate #Notebook

Caffeine Stimulant To My Existence Molecule Coffee Drink Mix

Ad: Caffeine Stimulant To My Existence Molecule Coffee Drink Mix

Is caffeine part of your daily routine? Showcase your wry caffeinated molecule sense of humor with this biochemistry drink mix featuring the caffeine molecule along with the following saying: "Caffeine Stimulant To My Existence". Do you drink coffee soda or tea? If so then you probably know that caffeine is a commonly used stimulant in our lives. Make others do a double-take on the role of caffeine in your life with a dose of science humor with this drink mix! myBiochemistry

Warning! Market Can Remain Irrational Longer Than Notebook

Ad: Warning! Market Can Remain Irrational Longer Than Notebook

Have you ever tried to short a stock? Showcase your wry economics / investing sense of humor with this yellow diamond warning sign notebook featuring the following truism saying about why you should not short stock: "Warning! The Market Can Remain Irrational Longer Than You Can Remain Solvent". Make others do a double-take with a dose of investing signage humor today! myWarning

#warning #investor #sign #economics #markets #Notebook

Warning! Your Privacy Is At Risk (Privacy Humor) T-Shirt

Ad: Warning! Your Privacy Is At Risk (Privacy Humor) T-Shirt

Make others do a double-take at your knowledge of information technology and computers with this wry computer geek saying tee featuring the computer privacy sign along with the saying "Warning! Your Privacy Is At Risk". Tongue-in-cheek yet dead serious warning advice for all those who work live and breathe in the digital world! myWarning

#internet #privacy #computer #TShirt

I Love Chocolate Theobromine Molecule Chemistry Apron

Ad: I Love Chocolate Theobromine Molecule Chemistry Apron

If you love chocolate you'll enjoy this all-over print apron featuring the chemical molecule theobromine the active ingredient that makes chocolate what it is along with the following caption in Love Letters font: "I Love Chocolate". Make others do a double-take at your love of chocolate from a chemist's perspective with this molecular structure geek humor all-over print apron! myBiochemistry

Geologist Embedded Within (Subduction Zone) Tie

Ad: Geologist Embedded Within (Subduction Zone) Tie

Is there a geologist embedded within you? Showcase wry earth science humor with any of these gifts featuring a subduction zone complete with labels along with the tongue-in-cheek scientific truism "Geologist Embedded Within". Whether you are a geologist or seismologist or not you'll enjoy educational plate tectonics humor. Perfect gifts for all earth scientists! myEarthScience

#earth #science #geology #words #Tie

Maternal DNA Inside (DNA Replication) Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Ad: Maternal DNA Inside (DNA Replication) Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Showcase your wry maternal DNA side with this educational scientific mug featuring DNA replication along with the saying that will make others do a double-take on where half of their genes are derived from: "Maternal DNA Inside". myMolecularBiology

#genes #words #unwords #molecular #TwoToneCoffeeMug

Supertaster Genes Inside (DNA Replication) Adult Apron

Ad: Supertaster Genes Inside (DNA Replication) Adult Apron

Are you a supertaster a person who experiences the sense of taste with far greater intensity than average? Scientists believe that there is a genetic component to being a supertaster namely that is related to the presence of the TAS2R38 gene. Showcase your wry molecular biology side if you are a supertaster with any of these gifts featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Supertaster Genes Inside". myMolecularBiology

#supertaster #genes #inside #taste #AdultApron

Insufficient Storage Inside Brain Anatomy Humor Apron

Ad: Insufficient Storage Inside Brain Anatomy Humor Apron

Let your wry anatomical side shine with this all-over print apron featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the following brainy saying: "Insufficient Storage Inside". Make others do a double-take about your memory capacity whenever you cook or create with this all-over print psyche humor apron! myAnatomical

Leadership Involves Lots Of Guts (Digestive Humor) T-Shirt

Ad: Leadership Involves Lots Of Guts (Digestive Humor) T-Shirt

No need to work in the medical field to know that "Leadership Involves Lots Of Guts". Showcase wry anatomical humor with this tee featuring the digestive system complete with all key labels. Make others do a double-take on the connection between leadership and guts with this biological truism saying tee! myAnatomical

Heartbeat My Internal Music (ECG/EKG Heartbeat) T-Shirt

Ad: Heartbeat My Internal Music (ECG/EKG Heartbeat) T-Shirt

We all have a heartbeat. Showcase wry medical and health attitude with this electrocardiogram t-shirt featuring a heartbeat along with the health truism saying "Heartbeat My Internal Music". No need to work in the medical field or be a music lover to enjoy nature's internal music! myHeartbeat

#heartbeat #sinus #rhythm #TShirt

I Just Need Some Leads (ECG/EKG Heartbeat) Large Tote Bag

Ad: I Just Need Some Leads (ECG/EKG Heartbeat) Large Tote Bag

No need to work in the medical field to enjoy this wry emergency medical technician (EMT) tote bag featuring a sinus rhythm on an electrocardiogram. ECG/EKG humor for all along with the tongue-in-cheek saying "I Just Need Some Leads". Make others do a double-take about what you need and what you are measuring with a dose of scientific technical heartbeat rhythm fun! myHeartbeat

#emergency #medical #technician #LargeToteBag

Geological Time Rocks! Geological Age Humor Socks #geological #time #rocks #geological #time #Socks

Ad: Geological Time Rocks! Geological Age Humor Socks #geological #time #rocks #geological #time #Socks

In Order To Win Just Follow The Winning Line Play Face Mask

Ad: In Order To Win Just Follow The Winning Line Play Face Mask

Bridge players will enjoy this bridge / duplicate bridge attitude cotton/polyester face mask featuring the four card suits along with the following apropos bridge advice: "In Order To Win Just Follow The Winning Line Of Play". Make others do a double-take at the bridge table with a dose of sound bridge advice today! No need to be an avid bridge player or bridge teacher to enjoy. myBridgePlayer

Are You At Equilibrium? Supply-and-Demand Humor Planner

Ad: Are You At Equilibrium? Supply-and-Demand Humor Planner

Economics humor comes alive on this planner featuring a supply-and-demand curve on a graph along with the following query caption: "Are You At Equilibrium?" No matter what your psychological (mental) state or economic state is showcase your wry econ sense of humor with this geek query humor planner! No need to be an economist or econ major to enjoy! myEconomics

#equilibrium #economics #Planner

Play Bridge It's Cheaper Than Therapy Card Suits Rubber Stamp

Ad: Play Bridge It's Cheaper Than Therapy Card Suits Rubber Stamp

Showcase your wry bridge / duplicate bridge sense of humor with this rubber stamp featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Play Bridge It's Cheaper Than Therapy". Make others do a double-take the next time you play bridge or send correspondence to a bridge partner with this memorable bridge saying rubber stamp! myBridgePlayer

Nikola Tesla Economic Transmission Of Power T-Shirt

Ad: Nikola Tesla Economic Transmission Of Power T-Shirt

Wireless genius Nikola Tesla was once quoted: "The economic transmission of power without wires is of all-surpassing importance to man". Let others know who invented today's wireless society with this electrical engineer/inventor gift tee. For all those who invent with the future of wireless in mind! myEconomics

#nikola #tesla #scientist #inventor #radio #TShirt

Equilibrium Is Well-Defined In Theory Not Often Coffee Mug

Ad: Equilibrium Is Well-Defined In Theory Not Often Coffee Mug

If you are frequently not in equilibrium - from an economics and psychological perspective - you'll enjoy any of these supply-and-demand curve gifts featuring the supply-and-demand graph along with the wry economics truism saying: "Equilibrium Is Well-Defined In Theory But Not Often Found In Practice". Memorable gifts for all who seek economic equilibrium but often never find it. myEconomics

#curve #economics #economist #humor #CoffeeMug

Key Card Placement Is The Name Of The Game Bridge

Ad: Key Card Placement Is The Name Of The Game Bridge

Showcase your wry bridge / duplicate bridge attitude with any of these gifts featuring the four card suits along with the following sound bridge advice saying: "Key Card Placement Is The Name Of The Game". Make others do a double-take about what the game of bridge is all about with a dose of bridge humor today! myBridgePlayer

Quantum Physicist Inside (Higgs Field Higgs Boson) Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: Quantum Physicist Inside (Higgs Field Higgs Boson) Jigsaw Puzzle

Showcase your knowledge of the Higgs Boson with any of these gifts featuring the Higgs field along with the saying "Quantum Physicist Inside". Memorable educational science humor gifts for anyone into quantum mechanics! myPhysics

#quantum #physicist #inside #words #JigsawPuzzle