Wednesday, January 05, 2022

Winning At Bridge Requires Common System Card Suit Planner

Ad: Winning At Bridge Requires Common System Card Suit Planner

Showcase your wry bridge attitude with a dose of sensible bridge advice with this planner featuring the four card suits along with the truism saying "Winning At Bridge Requires A Common System". No need to be an avid bridge player or bridge teacher to enjoy! myBridgePlayer

Work Is For People Who Do Not Play Bridge Face Mask

Ad: Work Is For People Who Do Not Play Bridge Face Mask

Make others do a double-take about the type of work that is being done during a bridge game with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring the four card suits and the wry saying "Work Is For People Who Do Not Play Bridge". Bridge humor cotton/polyester face mask for anyone who understands that bridge is more important than work and can consume a lot of time away from his or her occupation! myBridgePlayer

Duplicate Bridge Is A Scintillating Game Notebook

Ad: Duplicate Bridge Is A Scintillating Game Notebook

Showcase your wry duplicate bridge / bridge sense of humor with this notebook featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Duplicate Bridge Is A Scintillating Game". Make others do a double-take at what a scintillating game the game of bridge truly is with a dose of bridge attitude whenever you utilize this notebook! myBridgePlayer

Remember: Learning Is An Iterative Process Synapse Mouse Pad

Ad: Remember: Learning Is An Iterative Process Synapse Mouse Pad

Showcase your wry neurological attitude toward learning with a dose of educational scientific fun with this mousepad featuring all key parts of a neuron / synapse along with the following biological and psychological truism saying: "Remember: Learning Is An Iterative Process". myPsychology

Develop Your Intellectual Prowess Play Chess Notebook

Ad: Develop Your Intellectual Prowess Play Chess Notebook

Showcase your intellectual prowess with a dose of chess humor with this notebook featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Develop Your Intellectual Prowess Play Chess". Sound chess advice for anyone with an intellectual mindset! myChess

Which Quadrant Are You In? Magnet

Ad: Which Quadrant Are You In? Magnet

Showcase wry intelligent psychological and philosophical humor with any of these gifts that sport the quadrant with knowlege and conscious as the axes. Ask yourself and others no matter how little you know or how much you know "Which Quadrant Are You In? Truism saying gift for all graduates! Make others do a double-take and be more philosophical about themselves today! myPsychology

Warning! Download In Progress Geek Humor Signage Luggage Tag

Ad: Warning! Download In Progress Geek Humor Signage Luggage Tag

Do you use the computer when you go? Geek potty and computer privacy humor is alive and well with any of these gifts featuring a figure looking at a computer while sitting on the toilet along with the saying "Warning! Download In Progress". Double-entendre signage attitude fun for all who type while at the john! myWarning

#warning #geek #computer #privacy #download #LuggageTag

Make The Creative Connections Think Neuron Synapse Face Mask

Ad: Make The Creative Connections Think Neuron Synapse Face Mask

Are you a creative person? Showcase your wry creative side with a dose of biological attitude with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring all key parts of a neuron / synapse along with the truism saying "Make The Creative Connections Think". Make others do a double-take with a touch of philosophical and neurological geek attitude with this scientific advice cotton/polyester face mask today! myPsychology

Life Is Like A Chess Game Foresight Strategy Haste Long Apron

Ad: Life Is Like A Chess Game Foresight Strategy Haste Long Apron

Chess players will enjoy this timeless chess saying apron featuring the following chess truism: "Life Is Like A Chess Game - Foresight & Strategy Triumphs Hindsight & Haste". Comes with a reflective chess set along with this chess analogy to which any chess player can relate! myChess

Embrace Your Normal Self Bell Curve Humor Face Mask

Ad: Embrace Your Normal Self Bell Curve Humor Face Mask

No need to be a statistician or psychologist to enjoy wry statistical humor with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring the bell curve distribution (also known as the Gaussian curve normal distribution curve) along with the following saying that will make others do a double-take: "Embrace Your Normal Self". Classic geek humor cotton/polyester face mask for anyone who embraces one's own normal self with a dose of psychological statistical attitude style! myStatistician

Dermatologists Know Their Skin (Anatomy) Keepsake Box

Ad: Dermatologists Know Their Skin (Anatomy) Keepsake Box

Dermatologists will enjoy any of these gifts featuring all key parts of the human skin along with the following truism saying: "Dermatologists Know Their Skin". Make others wonder exactly what you are talking about with these tongue-in-cheek anatomical humor gifts today! myAnatomical

Paradigm Shift Begins With Psychology Duck Rabbit Metal Sign

Ad: Paradigm Shift Begins With Psychology Duck Rabbit Metal Sign

Think different with this duck/rabbit illusion metal parking sign with the caption "Paradigm Shift Begins With Psychology". Perfect psyche geek attitude metal parking sign for any fan of the scientific revolution from within! myOpticalIllusion

#illusion #optical #illusions #paradigm #MetalSign

Young Woman Or Old Lady? (Optical Illusion) Stationery

Ad: Young Woman Or Old Lady? (Optical Illusion) Stationery

Featuring classic optical illusion design of either a young woman or an old lady. Gifts for anyone who desire to do a double-take on the two women that are embedded in the picture. Psychology humor gifts featuring differences in visual perception and the gestalt phenomenon. myOpticalIllusion

#young #woman #lady #Stationery

The Making Of ATP Photosynthetic Attitude Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: The Making Of ATP Photosynthetic Attitude Jigsaw Puzzle

Showcase your biochemical side with this jigsaw puzzle featuring "The Making Of ATP" as found in a chloroplast. Educational scientific puzzle featuring the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis. Memorable educational biology puzzle for anyone who knows how ATP is produced in plants! No need to be a biologist or botanist to enjoy! myBiochemistry

Practicing Neurologist Inside Neuron Synapse Face Mask

Ad: Practicing Neurologist Inside Neuron Synapse Face Mask

Are you a neurologist? Showcase your wry neurological side with a dose of educational anatomical fun with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring all key parts of a neuron / synapse along with the saying "Practicing Neurologist Inside". Classic biology humor cotton/polyester face mask for any neurologist! myAnatomical

Exhausted Brain Inside Anatomical Brain Humor Throw Pillow

Ad: Exhausted Brain Inside Anatomical Brain Humor Throw Pillow

Are you exhausted mentally from time to time? Showcase your wry anatomical side with this pillow gift featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Exhausted Brain Inside". myAnatomical

I Just Need Some Leads (ECG/EKG Heartbeat) Notebook

Ad: I Just Need Some Leads (ECG/EKG Heartbeat) Notebook

No need to work in the medical field to enjoy any of these wry emergency medical technician (EMT) gifts featuring a sinus rhythm on an electrocardiogram. ECG/EKG humor for all along with the tongue-in-cheek saying "I Just Need Some Leads". Make others do a double-take about what you need and what you are measuring with a dose of scientific technical heartbeat rhythm fun! myHeartbeat

#emergency #medical #technician #doctor #Notebook

Heartbeat Is My Internal Music (ECG/EKG) T-Shirt

Ad: Heartbeat Is My Internal Music (ECG/EKG) T-Shirt

No need to work in the medical field to recognize that your heartbeat is your internal music. Showcase medical attitude with this ECG/EKG (electrocardiography) sinus rhythm of a normal heartbeat on any of these gifts with the health truism saying "Heartbeat Is My Internal Music". Make others do a double-take with educational medical fun! myHeartbeat

#words #unwords #TShirt

I Just Need Some Leads (ECG/EKG Heartbeat) Drink Coaster

Ad: I Just Need Some Leads (ECG/EKG Heartbeat) Drink Coaster

No need to work in the medical field to enjoy this wry emergency medical technician (EMT) coaster featuring a sinus rhythm on an electrocardiogram. ECG/EKG humor for all along with the tongue-in-cheek saying "I Just Need Some Leads". Make others do a double-take about what you need and what you are measuring with a dose of scientific technical heartbeat rhythm fun! myHeartbeat

#emergency #medical #technician #doctor #DrinkCoaster

Tuesday, January 04, 2022

Resilient Genes Inside (DNA Replication) Travel Mug

Ad: Resilient Genes Inside (DNA Replication) Travel Mug

If you have lots of resilience perhaps you attribute this fact to your genetic disposition. Showcase your wry molecular biology attitude with this mug featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Resilient Genes Inside". myMolecularBiology

#resilience #words #unwords #TravelMug