Tuesday, January 04, 2022

Be Careful When Studying Math Inequality Euclidean Socks

Ad: Be Careful When Studying Math Inequality Euclidean Socks

Showcase the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality with a dose of geometry attitude with this pair of socks featuring the wry mathematical saying: "Be Careful When Studying Math - There Is A Lot Of Inequality In Euclidean Space". Warn others about studying math with a dose of educational mathematical geek humor whenever you wear these socks! myMathematician

#math #mathematical #mathematician #geometry #geometric #Socks

Molecular Biologist Inside (DNA Replication) Round Clock

Ad: Molecular Biologist Inside (DNA Replication) Round Clock

Showcase your wry molecular biology sense of style with this clock featuring all key components of DNA replication along with the saying "Molecular Biologist Inside". myMolecularBiology

#molecular #biologist #words #unwords #RoundClock

In Love With My Heartbeat Electrocardiogram ECG Trifold Wallet

Ad: In Love With My Heartbeat Electrocardiogram ECG Trifold Wallet

Are you in love with your heartbeat? Ever desired to know what a heartbeat looks like on an electrocardiogram? Showcase your wry scientific sense of humor with this ECG/EKG electrocardiogram wallet featuring the saying "In Love With My Heartbeat" in Love Letters font. Make others do a double-take about the fact that you are in love with your heartbeat with this medical humor wallet! myHeartbeat

#love #with #heartbeat #TrifoldWallet

Do Not Invest In A Stock Priced For Perfection Duvet Cover

Ad: Do Not Invest In A Stock Priced For Perfection Duvet Cover

Showcase your wry political economy style with a dose of sound economic advice with this duvet cover featuring a yellow diamond warning sign along with the saying "Do Not Invest In A Stock Priced For Perfection". Memorable advice duvet cover for any investor who needs a reminder on what not to do! myEconomics

#invest #priced #DuvetCover

To Win At The Game Of Bridge Must Obey Game Logic Socks

Ad: To Win At The Game Of Bridge Must Obey Game Logic Socks

If you play bridge and/or duplicate bridge you'll enjoy this pair of socks featuring the four card suits along with the bridge truism saying "To Win At The Game Of Bridge You Must Obey The Game's Logic". Make others do a double-take at what is required to win with this memorable bridge attitude pair of socks. myBridgePlayer

Nikola Tesla Economic Transmission Of Power T-Shirt

Ad: Nikola Tesla Economic Transmission Of Power T-Shirt

Inventor and genius Nikola Tesla triumphed over Thomas Edison. Inventor of the radio Tesla essentially was the father of today's wireless world. Showcase your Tesla spirit with any of these quotable quote gifts that say "The economic transmission of power without wires is of all-surpassing importance to man." myEconomics

#nikola #tesla #genius #polymath #wireless #TShirt

Warning! Scheming Mind Inside Chess Humor Planner

Ad: Warning! Scheming Mind Inside Chess Humor Planner

Showcase your wry chess player side with this planner featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Warning! Scheming Mind Inside". Make others do a double-take on how you think about chess with this geek humor chess saying planner! myWarning

#chess #teachers #words #unwords #Planner

Do Not Disturb Brain At Work Anatomical Advice Metal Sign

Ad: Do Not Disturb Brain At Work Anatomical Advice Metal Sign

If your brain is constantly working you'll enjoy this metal parking sign featuring all key parts of the human brain along with the following saying that will make others do a double-take before communicating with you: "Do Not Disturb Brain At Work". Classic anatomical geek humor metal parking sign for anyone with a brain and who does not want to be disturbed! myPsychology

Eat ... Sleep ... Play Chess Reflective Chess Set Bandana

Ad: Eat ... Sleep ... Play Chess Reflective Chess Set Bandana

Chess players of all ages will enjoy tongue-in-cheek chess attitude with this bandana featuring a reflective chess set along with the chess saying "Eat ... Sleep ... Play Chess". No need to be a die hard chess player to appreciate this chess humor saying bandana. Memorable bandana for anyone who participates in chess tournaments! myChess

Eat ... Sleep ... Play Chess Reflective Chess Set Scarf

Ad: Eat ... Sleep ... Play Chess Reflective Chess Set Scarf

Chess players of all ages will enjoy tongue-in-cheek chess attitude with this scarf featuring a reflective chess set along with the chess saying "Eat ... Sleep ... Play Chess". No need to be a die hard chess player to appreciate this chess humor saying scarf. Memorable scarf for anyone who participates in chess tournaments! myChess

Summarizing Statistics Postcard

Ad: Summarizing Statistics Postcard

If you work with statistics all day you'll enjoy any of these wry statistical attitude gifts featuring the normal distribution curve along with the truism caption "Summarizing Statistics". Complete with z-scores and p-values. Make others do a double-take when you try to explain statistics with educational tongue-in-cheek fun! myStatistician

Open Mindset Inside Anatomical Brain Humor Large Christmas Stocking

Ad: Open Mindset Inside Anatomical Brain Humor Large Christmas Stocking

Do you have an open mindset or outlook on life? Showcase your wry brainy sense of humor with this xMas stocking featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Open Mindset Inside". Classic anatomical geek humor xMas stocking for anyone with an open mind! myAnatomical

Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) Energy For Life Notebook

Ad: Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) Energy For Life Notebook

No need to be a chemist or chemistry major to enjoy this notebook featuring a drawing of the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) molecule in 3-D. Comes with the scientific saying "Adenosine Triphosphate Energy For Life". Memorable biochemistry notebook for anyone with energy! myBiochemistry

Paradigm Shift Begins With Psychology Neck Tie

Ad: Paradigm Shift Begins With Psychology Neck Tie

Think different with this duck/rabbit illusion with the caption "Paradigm Shift Begins With Psychology". Perfect gift for all fans of scientific revolutions from within! myOpticalIllusion

#illusion #optical #illusions #paradigm #NeckTie

Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) Energy For Life Silver Plated Necklace

Ad: Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) Energy For Life Silver Plated Necklace

Do you have energy? If so you'll enjoy any of these biochemistry attitude gifts featuring a 3-D molecule of the chemical structure of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Comes with the following title and caption: "Adenosine Triphosphate Energy For Life". Memorable scientific attitude gifts for any biologist chemist biochemist - or anyone with lots of energy! myBiochemistry

Use It Or Lose It Anatomical Brain Advice Humor Doormat

Ad: Use It Or Lose It Anatomical Brain Advice Humor Doormat

If you've ever encountered anyone who does not use their brain you'll enjoy this apropos tongue-in-cheek brain anatomy humor door mat featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Use It Or Lose It". Make others do a double-take about what they should do with their brain with a dose of medical anatomical sound advice attitude with this doormat! myAnatomical

Information Transfer Inside (Brain Anatomy) Throw Pillow

Ad: Information Transfer Inside (Brain Anatomy) Throw Pillow

Showcase your wry brainy side the next time you take a nap with this throw pillow featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Information Transfer Inside". myAnatomical

Heartbeat Life's Rhythm ECG/EKG Electrocardiogram Face Mask

Ad: Heartbeat Life's Rhythm ECG/EKG Electrocardiogram Face Mask

No need to work in the field to know what a normal heartbeat looks like on an electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG). Make others do a double-take with this normal sinus rhythm on an electrocardiogram cotton/polyester face mask along the saying "Heartbeat Life's Rhythm". Wry educational attitude face mask for anyone with a heartbeat and for anyone who knows about life's rhythm! myHeartbeat

#heartbeats #life #rhythm #heartbeat #FaceMask

Wired For Heartbeat Electrocardiogram ECG EKG Bandana

Ad: Wired For Heartbeat Electrocardiogram ECG EKG Bandana

If you have a heartbeat you'll enjoy this wry humor bandana featuring an electrocardiogram of a heartbeat. Includes a normal sinus rhythm ECG/EKG heartbeat. No need to be a lab technician or work in the medical profession to showcase to the world that you are "Wired For Heartbeat" with this bandana! myHeartbeat

#wired #heartbeat #Bandana

Monday, January 03, 2022

What Is Your Life's Blueprint? (Gene Expression) T-Shirt

Ad: What Is Your Life's Blueprint? (Gene Expression) T-Shirt

No need to be a biologist or molecular biologist to understand the role that gene expression plays in developmental biology -- and by extension in the development of one's life. Ask yourself and others this wry scientific query: "What Is Your Life's Blueprint?" Featuring the homeobox gene expression from the fruit fly -- also known as Drosophila melanogaster. Hox genes (i.e. homeobox genes) encode transcription factors that typically switch on cascades of other genes. Make others do a double-take and be thoughtful about how they are developing in life with any of these ponderous scientific humor gifts! myMolecularBiology

#homeobox #genes #genetics #TShirt