Wednesday, December 08, 2021

You Are Here Phylogenetic Tree Of Life (Biology) Dry-Erase Board

Ad: You Are Here Phylogenetic Tree Of Life (Biology) Dry-Erase Board

Showcase your evolutionary biological attitude with any of these gifts featuring the three-kingdom system in biology of the Phylogenetic Tree of Life along with the quirky "You Are Here" call-out to remind others of exactly which branch of the tree of life we are all on! myEvolution

#phylogenetic #tree #life #DryEraseBoard

What's Your Limit? Limit Function Geek Humor Metal Sign

Ad: What's Your Limit? Limit Function Geek Humor Metal Sign

Do you have limits? Let your wry math geek sense of humor shine with this metal parking sign featuring a graph that means whenever a point x is within δ units of c f(x) is within ε units of L. Make others do a double-take with a dose of limit function attitude with this metal sign! myMathematician

#math #graph #whats #your #limit #MetalSign

Warning! No Lifeguards In The Gene Pool (DNA) Notebook

Ad: Warning! No Lifeguards In The Gene Pool (DNA) Notebook

Showcase your wry molecular biology / molecular ecology attitude with any of these gifts featuring DNA replication along with the saying that will make others do a double-take on what you are referring to: "Warning! No Lifeguards In The Gene Pool". myWarning

#genes #sarcasm #lifeguards #Notebook

Leonardo da Vinci Relaxation Work Judgment Power Scarf

Ad: Leonardo da Vinci Relaxation Work Judgment Power Scarf

If you work then you should understand the meaning of rest and relaxation. Celebrate life with this inspirational Leonardo da Vinci quotation scarf featuring da Vinci's timeless words of wisdom on the relationship between relaxation work and judgment. Quotation says: "Every now and then go away even briefly have a little relaxation for when you come back to work your judgment will be surer; since to remain constantly at work will cause you to lose power." Memorable scarf for anyone who takes time away from work to rejuvenate! myDaVinci

#leonardo #vinci #Scarf

Think Before You Act Play Chess Reflective Chess Face Mask

Ad: Think Before You Act Play Chess Reflective Chess Face Mask

Avid chess players and chess teachers will enjoy this cotton/polyester face mask featuring a reflective chess set along with the following sound chess advice: "Think Before You Act Play Chess". It's no secret that chess players devote a fair amount of time to introspection and thought about which move to play next. Showcase your chess attitude to chess players and non-chess players alike with a dose of philosophical attitude with this memorable chess saying cotton/polyester face mask! myChess

#chess #saying #words #unwords #FaceMask

Wonderland Spirit Alice And Her Flamingo Humor Throw Pillow #john #tenniel #lewis #carroll #wonderland #ThrowPillow

Ad: Wonderland Spirit Alice And Her Flamingo Humor Throw Pillow #john #tenniel #lewis #carroll #wonderland #ThrowPillow

Beauty Of A Chess Move Lies In Thought Behind It Metal Sign

Ad: Beauty Of A Chess Move Lies In Thought Behind It Metal Sign

Chess players who love to analyze chess moves will enjoy this metal parking sign featuring a reflective chess set along with the following chess saying: "The Beauty Of A Chess Move Lies In The Though Behind It". Memorable metal sign for anyone who appreciates the thought behind chess moves! myChess

#beauty #chess #move #MetalSign

A View Under The Oceans World Map Geography Pacifier

Ad: A View Under The Oceans World Map Geography Pacifier

No need to be a geographer or earth scientist to enjoy this world map from a different perspective. Showcase "A View Under The Oceans" with any of these educational geography gifts. Continents are in silhouette; differences in color denote differences in elevation. Make others do a double-take about the world often not seen on maps! myEarthScience

#geography #continents #oceans #world #Pacifier

Wonderland Spirit Alice And Her Flamingo Humor 3 Ring Binder #john #tenniel #lewis #carroll #wonderland #3RingBinder

Ad: Wonderland Spirit Alice And Her Flamingo Humor 3 Ring Binder #john #tenniel #lewis #carroll #wonderland #3RingBinder

Chess Players Always Think Two Moves Ahead Notebook

Ad: Chess Players Always Think Two Moves Ahead Notebook

Chess players will enjoy this notebook featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Chess Players Always Think Two Moves Ahead". Make others do a double-take with a dose of chess attitude today! myChess

#chess #attitude #saying #reflective #Notebook

Tribal DNA Inside DNA Replication Bio-Anthropology Notebook

Ad: Tribal DNA Inside DNA Replication Bio-Anthropology Notebook

Are you part of an tribe? No need to be a person of any particular origin or group to enjoy wry molecular biology humor with this notebook featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Tribal DNA Inside". Make others do a double-take about the tribe that you belong to with this biological anthropology humor notebook! myMolecularBiology

#science #humor #words #unwords #Notebook

Genius Within (Leonardo da Vinci Self-Portrait) Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: Genius Within (Leonardo da Vinci Self-Portrait) Jigsaw Puzzle

All budding geniuses will enjoy this Renaissance self-portrait of Leonardo da Vinci along with the saying "Genius Within". Showcase your artistic scientific introverted side with any of these timeless gifts! myDaVinci

#words #unwords #genius #within #JigsawPuzzle

Climate Change Is Here We Are Living Pyrocene Era Playing Cards #climate #change #global #warming #forest #PlayingCards

Ad: Climate Change Is Here We Are Living Pyrocene Era Playing Cards #climate #change #global #warming #forest #PlayingCards

Protein Synthesis Inside (mRNA tRNA) Round Clock

Ad: Protein Synthesis Inside (mRNA tRNA) Round Clock

Showcase your biological side with a dose of educational scientific fun with this clock featuring mRNA and tRNA in the following illustration that any cell and molecular biologist can relate to: "Protein Synthesis Inside". myMolecularBiology

#protein #synthesis #inside #RoundClock

Be Prepared Consequences Climate Change Vegetarian Two-Tone Coffee Mug #vegetarianpile #of #vegetablesbe #prepared #for #TwoToneCoffeeMug

Ad: Be Prepared Consequences Climate Change Vegetarian Two-Tone Coffee Mug #vegetarianpile #of #vegetablesbe #prepared #for #TwoToneCoffeeMug

Nursing Is In My Genes (DNA Replication) Water Bottle

Ad: Nursing Is In My Genes (DNA Replication) Water Bottle

Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry medical and biological attitude with any of these featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Nursing Is In My Genes". Great science humor for any nurse who is genetically wired to take care of others as a nurse! myMolecularBiology

#genes #nursing #words #unwords #WaterBottle

Just Call Me Statistically Significant Pinback Button

Ad: Just Call Me Statistically Significant Pinback Button

No need to be a statistician to enjoy wry statistical humor with any of these gifts featuring the normal distribution curve (bell curve Gaussian curve) along with the tongue-in-cheek saying "Just Call Me Statistically Significant". Memorable stats attitude gifts for those who engage in hypothesis testing and know that they are statistically significant! myStatistician

#humor #normal #distribution #curve #geek #PinbackButton

Tribal DNA Inside (DNA Replication) Round Clock

Ad: Tribal DNA Inside (DNA Replication) Round Clock

Are you part of an tribe? No need to be a person of any particular origin or group to enjoy wry molecular biology humor with this clock featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Tribal DNA Inside". Make others do a double-take about the tribe that you belong to with this scientific humor clock! myMolecularBiology

#science #humor #words #unwords #RoundClock

Cardiologists Do It With Rhythm EKG Sinus Rhythm Face Mask

Ad: Cardiologists Do It With Rhythm EKG Sinus Rhythm Face Mask

Showcase your wry cardiology side with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring a normal sinus rhythm on an electrocardiogram (ECG / EKG) along with the following saying: "Cardiologists Do It With Rhythm". Make others do a double-take on exactly what you mean with a dose of healthcare attitude today with this cotton/polyester face mask! myHeartbeat

#heartbeat #normal #sinus #rhythm #FaceMask

Heartbeat Is My Modus Operandi Sinus Rhythm Apron

Ad: Heartbeat Is My Modus Operandi Sinus Rhythm Apron

Make others do a double-take with a dose of heartbeat humor with this all-over print apron featuring a normal sinus rhythm on an electrocardiogram along with the following saying: "Heartbeat Is My Modus Operandi". No need to work in the medical field to enjoy! myHeartbeat

#sinus #rhythm #Apron