Friday, December 03, 2021

100 Percent Organic Krebs Cycle TCAC Watch

Ad: 100 Percent Organic Krebs Cycle TCAC Watch

Organic chemistry fans will enjoy telling time with this watch featuring the Krebs cycle (also known as the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle) along with the saying "100% Organic". Great geek humor watch gift for anyone with lots of energy! myBiochemistry

#percent #organic #krebs #Watch

Lactic Acid Inside Chemistry Molecule Fabric

Ad: Lactic Acid Inside Chemistry Molecule Fabric

Do you exercise? Showcase your wry sense of chemical molecule humor with this fabric featuring "Lactic Acid Inside" and the lactic acid chemical molecule. Make others do a double-take at the biochemistry within you with this scientific saying geek humor fabric! myBiochemistry

#lactic #acid #Fabric

Pitfalls Of Big Data Lie Overreliance Correlation Fabric

Ad: Pitfalls Of Big Data Lie Overreliance Correlation Fabric

If you've heard about how big data from mega-corporations are going to dominate the way we live and work you'll enjoy wry statistical humor with this fabric featuring various correlations and their correlation coefficients along with the following truism saying: "The Pitfalls Of Big Data Lie In Its Overreliance On Correlation". Make others do a double-take on the need for corporate hubris amongst big data advocates with a dose of educational stats humor the next time you create with this fabric! myStatistician

#statistician #correlation #words #unwords #Fabric

Statistical Error Summarized (Hypothesis Testing) Coffee Mug

Ad: Statistical Error Summarized (Hypothesis Testing) Coffee Mug

No need to be a statistician to enjoy any of these educational "Statistical Error Summarized" gifts featuring the various hypothesis testing outcomes. Make others do a double-take on statistical error with any of these stats attitude gifts today! Psychologists economists scientists and all who engage in hypothesis testing will enjoy! myStatistician

#statistical #error #summarized #CoffeeMug

Warning! Pyroclastic Flows Inside (Volcano) Postcard

Ad: Warning! Pyroclastic Flows Inside (Volcano) Postcard

Is there a volcano inside of you? Make others do a double-take with wry geological humor with any of these gifts featuring an active volcano and the saying "Warning! Pyroclastic Flows Inside". Make others do a double-take about what's going on inside of you with these earth science attitude gifts! myWarning

#warning #pyroclastic #flows #inside #Postcard

Wired For Statistics Stats Bell Curve Humor Serving Tray

Ad: Wired For Statistics Stats Bell Curve Humor Serving Tray

Statisticians psychologists mathematicians economists and anyone who works with statistics on a daily basis will enjoy this memorable stats humor saying serving tray featuring the bell curve along with the caption "Wired For Statistics". Make others do a double-take with a dose of intelligent educational style with this statistical attitude serving tray! Featuring percentages under the curve along with the normal distribution curve (Gaussian distribution). myStatistician

#wired #statistics #geek #ServingTray

Pitfalls Of Big Data Lie Overreliance Correlation Table Lamp

Ad: Pitfalls Of Big Data Lie Overreliance Correlation Table Lamp

If you've heard about how big data from mega-corporations are going to dominate the way we live and work you'll enjoy wry statistical humor with this lamp featuring various correlations and their correlation coefficients along with the following truism saying: "The Pitfalls Of Big Data Lie In Its Overreliance On Correlation". Make others do a double-take on the need for corporate hubris amongst big data advocates with a dose of educational stats humor today! myStatistician

#statistician #correlation #words #unwords #TableLamp

How Correlated Are You With The Rest Of The World? T-Shirt

Ad: How Correlated Are You With The Rest Of The World? T-Shirt

No need to be a statistician to enjoy stats humor with a dose of educational attitude on this tee. Featuring various correlation coefficients along with the tongue-in-cheek stats saying: "How Correlated Are You With The Rest Of The World?" Psychological humor t-shirt for anyone who is correlated at some point with the rest of the world! myPsychology

#statistics #correlation #correlated #TShirt

Save Earth Stop Global Warming Blue Marble Earth Trivet #save #earth #stop #global #warming #Trivet

Ad: Save Earth Stop Global Warming Blue Marble Earth Trivet #save #earth #stop #global #warming #Trivet

What Is Your Life's Blueprint? Drosophila Biology Metal Sign

Ad: What Is Your Life's Blueprint? Drosophila Biology Metal Sign

Showcase your wry molecular biology attitude with a dose of educational scientific fun with this metal parking sign featuring the homeobox gene expression as found in the Drosophila melanogaster along with the following query that will make others do a double-take: "What Is Your Life's Blueprint?" myMolecularBiology

#what #your #lifes #blueprint #MetalSign

Awesome DNA Inside (DNA Replication) iPhone 11 Case

Ad: Awesome DNA Inside (DNA Replication) iPhone 11 Case

If you are not modest about your DNA you'll enjoy any of these tongue-in-cheek scientific gifts featuring DNA replication along with the immodest saying "Awesome DNA Inside". Complete with labels of all key parts of DNA replication. Timeless humor gifts for all those who believe that they have awesome DNA inside! myMolecularBiology

#replication #acid #iPhone11Case

I've Got Rhythm (EKG/ECG Heartbeat) Ceramic Ornament

Ad: I've Got Rhythm (EKG/ECG Heartbeat) Ceramic Ornament

No need to be a music lover to showcase your medical musical style with any of these "I've Got Rhythm" gifts (Old Gate Lane Outline font) featuring a normal heartbeat (sinus rhythm)! myHeartbeat

#heartbeat #words #unwords #CeramicOrnament

Thursday, December 02, 2021

Life Is Nothing More Than A Spliced Event (RNA) Round Clock

Ad: Life Is Nothing More Than A Spliced Event (RNA) Round Clock

Showcase your wry molecular biology attitude with this clock featuring the formation of mature RNA along with the saying "Life Is Nothing More Than A Spliced Event". Make others do a double-take on what you mean with a dose of educational scientific fun! Memorable science humor saying clock -- not just for molecular biologists only! myMolecularBiology

#mature #life #nothing #RoundClock

Trust Is A Biochemical Phenomenon Oxytocin Humor Fabric

Ad: Trust Is A Biochemical Phenomenon Oxytocin Humor Fabric

No need to be a chemist or biochemist to enjoy wry scientific humor the next time you create with this fabric featuring the chemical structure of the mammalian hormone oxytocin along with the following truism saying: "Trust Is A Biochemical Phenomenon". Make others do a double-take at the chemistry behind the feeling of trust with this geek humor fabric today! myBiochemistry

#trust #biochemical #phenomenon #Fabric

It's All Organic Krebs Cycle Geek Humor Planner

Ad: It's All Organic Krebs Cycle Geek Humor Planner

No need to have taken organic chemistry to enjoy wry scientific humor with this planner featuring the Krebs cycle also known as the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle. Includes truism saying "It's All Organic". Educational biochemistry fun for all who know about the organic cycle within their cells! myBiochemistry

#krebs #cycle #tcac #Planner

Are You Saturated Yet? (Chemistry Humor) Watch

Ad: Are You Saturated Yet? (Chemistry Humor) Watch

Enzyme kinetics humor is alive and well on this geek attitude watch featuring the relationship between substrate concentration and reaction rate on a graph along with the following ponderous query: "Are You Saturated Yet?" Classic scientific humor watch gift for any chemist or biochemist! myBiochemistry

#enzyme #kinetics #science #humor #Watch

Bridge My Favorite Form Of Mental Exercise Tote Bag

Ad: Bridge My Favorite Form Of Mental Exercise Tote Bag

Showcase your tongue-in-cheek yet oh so serious bridge attitude with any of these bridge saying gifts featuring the four card suits with the following words: "Bridge My Favorite Form Of Mental Exercise". Make others do a double-take with a dose of bridge / duplicate bridge humor at your next bridge game! myBridgeTeacher

#bridge #attitude #duplicate #words #ToteBag

Just Trust Me Oxytocin Mammalian Hormone Humor Bandana

Ad: Just Trust Me Oxytocin Mammalian Hormone Humor Bandana

Let your wry biochemical side shine with this bandana featuring the chemical structure of oxytocin the mammalian hormone responsible for social bonding and trust along with the following truism saying: "Just Trust Me". Classic biochemistry geek humor bandana for anyone who desires to be trusted! myBiochemistry

#just #trust #oxytocin #Bandana

Trust Is A Biochemical Phenomenon Oxytocin Humor Scarf

Ad: Trust Is A Biochemical Phenomenon Oxytocin Humor Scarf

No need to be a chemist or biochemist to enjoy wry scientific humor with this scarf featuring the chemical structure of the mammalian hormone oxytocin along with the following truism saying: "Trust Is A Biochemical Phenomenon". Make others do a double-take at the chemistry behind the feeling of trust with this geek humor scarf today! myBiochemistry

#trust #biochemical #phenomenon #Scarf

Mad Hatter To The Rescue Wonderland Sentiment Large Christmas Stocking #wonderland #mad #hatter #to #the #LargeChristmasStocking

Ad: Mad Hatter To The Rescue Wonderland Sentiment Large Christmas Stocking #wonderland #mad #hatter #to #the #LargeChristmasStocking