Sunday, April 11, 2021

Duplicate Bridge A Psychological Game Keychain

Ad: Duplicate Bridge A Psychological Game Keychain

No need to be an avid duplicate bridge player to enjoy any of these gifts featuring the four card suits along with the bridge truism saying "Duplicate Bridge A Psychological Game". Duplicate bridge really is a game of psychology involving logic memory and a dose of understanding how people play and why they make decisions the way they do. Make others do a double-take at the bridge table the next time you play with any of these memorable bridge psyche saying gifts today! myBridge

#four #card #suits #words #Keychain

We All Regress To The Mean Eventually Stats Humor Trivet

Ad: We All Regress To The Mean Eventually Stats Humor Trivet

Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry stats humor with this trivet featuring linear regression on a graph along with the following stats truism saying: "We All Regress To The Mean Eventually". No need to be a statistician economist or psychologist to enjoy this statistical attitude trivet! myStatistics

#stats #linear #regression #Trivet

Reduce Smog Support Photosynthesis T-Shirt

Ad: Reduce Smog Support Photosynthesis T-Shirt

No need to be a plant biologist or environmentalist to enjoy wry scientific advice with any of these gifts featuring the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis. Includes the scientific truism saying for all who know what photosynthesis is all about: "Reduce Smog Support Photosynthesis". Memorable gifts for Earth Day & beyond! myBiochemistry

#science #humor #words #TShirt

Just Generating A Form Of Usable Energy (Krebs) T-Shirt

Ad: Just Generating A Form Of Usable Energy (Krebs) T-Shirt

Tongue-in-cheek biochemistry attitude comes alive on any of these gifts featuring the Krebs cycle also known as the citric acid cycle (TCAC) or the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Wry scientific truism says it all: "Just Generating A Form Of Usable Energy". Anyone who generates ATP from their cells via the Krebs cycle -- and that means you! -- will enjoy these biology / biochemistry attitude gifts! myBiochemistry

#citric #acid #cycle #krebs #TShirt

Storytelling Genes Inside (DNA Replication) Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Ad: Storytelling Genes Inside (DNA Replication) Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Those who love to tell stories will enjoy this molecular biology attitude mug featuring all key components of DNA replication along with the saying "Storytelling Genes Inside". Make others do a double-take on where you get your storyteller skills from with a dose of educational scientific humor today with this mug! myDna

#genes #words #unwords #TwoToneCoffeeMug

Where Does Your Fault Lie? (Geology Humor) Classic Round Sticker

Ad: Where Does Your Fault Lie? (Geology Humor) Classic Round Sticker

Ask yourself and others with wry geological attitude "Where Does Your Fault Lie?" with any of the these earth science humor gifts! Featuring subduction zone with labels. Make everyone do a double-take today with psychological double-entendre educational attitude! Plate tectonics humor not just for geologists! myGeology

#geology #psychology #subduction #ClassicRoundSticker

Beauty Of A Chess Move Lies In Thought Behind It Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Ad: Beauty Of A Chess Move Lies In Thought Behind It Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Avid chess players who enjoy the beauty of a chess move will enjoy this chess saying mug featuring a reflective chess set along with the following thought: "The Beauty Of A Chess Move Lies In The Thought Behind It". myChess

#beauty #chess #move #TwoToneCoffeeMug

Electromagnetic University (Electromag. Spectrum) Mouse Pad

Ad: Electromagnetic University (Electromag. Spectrum) Mouse Pad

No need to be studying physics to enjoy any of these gifts featuring the electromagnetic spectrum along with the caption "Electromagnetic University" in Varsity lettering. Make others do a double-take about the visible and invisible portions of light with a dose of educational scientific attitude today! myPhysics

#physics #physicist #MousePad

The Science Of Logic Is Found In The Game Of Chess Coffee Mug

Ad: The Science Of Logic Is Found In The Game Of Chess Coffee Mug

If you love to think logically and play chess you'll enjoy this mug featuring a reflective chess set along with the chess truism saying "The Science Of Logic Is Found In The Game Of Chess". Make others do a double-take at what the game of chess teaches with this chess attitude mug! myChess

#game #chess #CoffeeMug

Alternate Currents Rarefied Gases Mechanical T-Shirt

Ad: Alternate Currents Rarefied Gases Mechanical T-Shirt

Advocated by Nikola Tesla often known as "Father of the Radio" and inventor of today's wireless world alternate currents are widely used today. Showcase Tesla's genius in foreseeing the usage of alternate currents with any of these quote gifts with the following quote: "Alternate currents especially of high frequencies pass with astonishing freedom through even slightly rarefied gases. The upper strata of the air are rarefied. To reach a number of miles out into space requires the overcoming of difficulties of a merely mechanical nature." T-shirt for any inventor scientist engineer and fan who understands that limits are of a merely mechanical nature! myPhysics

#rarefied #gases #alternate #currents #TShirt

Morals Of Chess Benjamin Franlin Quote T-Shirt

Ad: Morals Of Chess Benjamin Franlin Quote T-Shirt

Showcase the power of chess with this chess attitude gift tee featuring a quote by Benjamin Franklin as found in his essay "The Morals Of Chess". Benjamin Franklin once wrote: "The game of chess is not merely an idle amusement...for life is a kind of chess..." Vintage chess humor fun comes alive on this reflective chess set t-shirt for all players and educators of this maddening game! Draw your analogies between the game of chess and the game of life today! myChess

#chess #teacher #TShirt

Graze And Gorge As Much As You Want Go Vegetarian Poster

Ad: Graze And Gorge As Much As You Want Go Vegetarian Poster

Showcase your wry vegetarian side with this poster featuring a pile of vegetables along with the following vegetarian saying about going vegetarian: "Graze And Gorge As Much As You Want Go Vegetarian". myVegetarian

#graze #gorge #Poster

Particle Physics Is An Elementary Matter Model Planner

Ad: Particle Physics Is An Elementary Matter Model Planner

Make others do a double-take on the world of particle physics with this planner featuring the Standard Model of Elementary Particles along with the following geek humor saying: "Particle Physics Is An Elementary Matter." Memorable planner for any physicist or physics major who thinks in terms of leptons quarks electrons gluons neutrinos and bosons! myPhysics

#particle #physics #elementary #matter #Planner

Never Mind ... Brain Anatomy Psyche Humor Scarf

Ad: Never Mind ... Brain Anatomy Psyche Humor Scarf

Showcase your wry brainy sense of humor with this scarf featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Never Mind ...". Make others do a double-take on what you are referring to with a dose of geek psyche humor with this scarf! myAnatomy

#brain #words #unwords #Scarf

A View Under The Oceans (World Map) Business Card

Ad: A View Under The Oceans (World Map) Business Card

Geologists seismologists and oceanographers will enjoy introducing themselves with any of these business cards featuring a map of the Earth (World map) along with the caption "A View Under The Oceans". Make others do a double-take at what lies underneath the ocean with any of these plate tectonics attitude business cards! myGeology

#world #plate #tectonics #BusinessCard

Brain Power Is For Real Brain Anatomy Attitude Scarf

Ad: Brain Power Is For Real Brain Anatomy Attitude Scarf

If you like to think contemplate and decide then you know that "Brain Power Is For Real". Showcase your wry geek side with this educational anatomical scarf featuring the various parts of a brain and the truism saying about brain power. Memorable scarf for anyone who uses one's brain and knows that brain power is for real! myAnatomy

#brain #anatomy #anatomical #parts #Scarf

The Science Of Bridge Found In Play Of Hand Suits Metal Sign

Ad: The Science Of Bridge Found In Play Of Hand Suits Metal Sign

Avid bridge players / duplicate bridge players who believe that communication in bridge is a science will enjoy this metal parking sign featuring the four card suits along with the saying "The Science Of Bridge Is Found In The Play Of The Hand". Do a double-take at what the game of bridge is all about with this bridge saying metal sign! myBridge

#game #bridge #science #MetalSign

Bridge Insomniac Inside Four Card Suits Humor Metal Sign

Ad: Bridge Insomniac Inside Four Card Suits Humor Metal Sign

Do you lay awake at night thinking about the bridge hands that you have played earlier in the day? Showcase your wry bridge attitude with this metal sign featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Bridge Insomniac Inside"! Memorable metal parking sign for any avid bridge player. myBridge

#duplicate #bridge #saying #MetalSign

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Subduction Leads To Orogeny (Mountain Building) Business Card

Ad: Subduction Leads To Orogeny (Mountain Building) Business Card

Geologists and earth scientists will enjoy introducing themselves with these business cards featuring the three different types of plate boundaries along with the following geological truism saying: "Subduction Leads To Orogeny". myGeology

#subduction #leads #orogeny #BusinessCard

Geologists Are So Sedimental (Grand Canyon) Round Clock

Ad: Geologists Are So Sedimental (Grand Canyon) Round Clock

Geologists will enjoy this clock featuring the Grand Canyon rock layers along with the scientific truism saying that is a word play on the word "sentimental". Says: "Geologists Are So Sedimental". Make others do a double-take with this word play clock on the word "sedimental" and "sentimental" -- regardless of how you feel about geology! myGeology

#geologists #sedimental #RoundClock