Friday, April 09, 2021

Blame Earth She Has Many Faults (Plate Tectonics) Neck Tie

Ad: Blame Earth She Has Many Faults (Plate Tectonics) Neck Tie

No need to be have experienced an earthquake to understand that the Earth has many fault lines. Showcase wry plate tectonics humor with any of these gifts featuring the different plates of the Earth along with the scientific truism double-entendre saying "Blame Earth She Has Many Faults". Comes with a world map featuring the different plates of the Earth. Educational attitude gifts for seismologists geologists earth scientists and all who understand that Earth has many faults! myGeology

#earth #science #geology #NeckTie

A Battle Of Minds Is Found In The Game Of Chess Throw Pillow

Ad: A Battle Of Minds Is Found In The Game Of Chess Throw Pillow

Any chess player who loves to do battle with the game of chess will enjoy this throw pillow featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "A Battle Of Minds Is Found In The Game Of Chess". Excellent throw pillow for any avid chess player or chess teacher! myChess

#chess #saying #words #ThrowPillow

Warning! Chess Player In The Zone Geek Humor Throw Pillow

Ad: Warning! Chess Player In The Zone Geek Humor Throw Pillow

Showcase your wry chess player side with this throw pillow featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Warning! Chess Player In The Zone". Memorable throw pillow for any chess player who likes to go into the zone when playing chess! myChess

#chess #player #zone #ThrowPillow

E=mc^2 Energy Always Exhibits Relativistic Mass Wristwatch

Ad: E=mc^2 Energy Always Exhibits Relativistic Mass Wristwatch

Tell time with a dose of physics attitude with this watch featuring the infamous equation of E=mc^2 along with the following scientific truism saying: "Energy Always Exhibits Relativistic Mass". Great gift for any physicist! myPhysics

#equation #words #unwords #Wristwatch

Why Wonderland Is Like A Chess Game (Preface) Notebook

Ad: Why Wonderland Is Like A Chess Game (Preface) Notebook

Showcase your wry chess player side with a dose of Wonderland flair with this notebook featuring Lewis Carroll's drawing of a chessboard as found in the Preface of "Through The Looking Glass and What Alice Found There" along with the caption: "Why Wonderland Is Like A Chess Game". myChess

#chess #game #words #Notebook

Orbital Variation (Astronomy) Button

Ad: Orbital Variation (Astronomy) Button

If you are an astronomer you'll enjoy this design featuring orbital variation on any of these gifts. Earth scientists geophysicists and astronomers know that eccentricity axial tilt and precession of the Earth's orbit determined climatic patterns on Earth. Make others do a double-take with scientific educational humor featuring orbital variation! myPhysics

#geophysics #physics #astronomy #Button

Happiness Is An Endless Chess Game Chess Pieces Slip-On Sneakers

Ad: Happiness Is An Endless Chess Game Chess Pieces Slip-On Sneakers

Avid chess players who feel happy when playing chess will enjoy this pair of slip-on sneakers featuring a reflective chess set along with following chess saying: "Happiness Is An Endless Chess Game". Make others do a double-take on what truly makes you happy with this chess humor pair of slip-on sneakers! myChess


Get The Veggie Glow Eat Vegetables Round Clock

Ad: Get The Veggie Glow Eat Vegetables Round Clock

Do you desire a slightly yellowish-orange tint for your complexion? Showcase your wry vegetarian attitude with this clock featuring a pile of vegetables along with the saying "Get The Veggie Glow Eat Vegetables". No need to use or wear-makeup -- just eat your veggies! Memorable clock for any vegetarian! myVegetarian

#veggie #glow #RoundClock

Get The Veggie Glow Eat Vegetables Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: Get The Veggie Glow Eat Vegetables Jigsaw Puzzle

Do you desire a slightly yellowish-orange tint for your complexion? Showcase your wry vegetarian attitude with this jigsaw puzzle featuring a pile of vegetables along with the saying "Get The Veggie Glow Eat Vegetables". No need to use or wear-makeup -- just eat your veggies! Memorable jigsaw puzzle for any vegetarian or vegan! myVegetarian

#veggie #glow #JigsawPuzzle

Nikola Tesla Alternate Currents Mechanical Nature Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: Nikola Tesla Alternate Currents Mechanical Nature Jigsaw Puzzle

Electrical engineers physicists and advocates of wireless will enjoy this jigsaw puzzle featuring a portrait of "Wizard of Wireless" and "Father of Radio" Nikola Tesla along with one of his quotes on alternate currents: "Alternate currents especially of high frequencies pass with astonishing freedom through even slightly rarefied gases. The upper strata of the air are rarefied. To reach a number of miles out into space requires the overcoming of difficulties of a merely mechanical nature." myPhysics

#rarefied #gases #alternate #currents #JigsawPuzzle

Just Eyeball It (Eye Anatomy Approximation Saying) Button

Ad: Just Eyeball It (Eye Anatomy Approximation Saying) Button

Have you ever been told to eyeball it? Do you eyeball things -- such as measurements? Showcase your wry anatomical humor side with any of these literal gifts featuring all key parts of a human eye. Includes the truism saying "Just Eyeball It". Make others do a double-take at exactly what you mean with any of these memorable ophthamological attitude gifts today! No need to be an optician optometrist or ophthalmologist to enjoy! myAnatomy

#just #eyeball #words #Button

Be Social Play Bridge Four Card Suits Advice Napkins

Ad: Be Social Play Bridge Four Card Suits Advice Napkins

Make others do a double-take with a dose of social bridge humor with this customizable paper napkin featuring the four card suits and the saying "Be Social Play Bridge". Sound bridge advice paper napkin for your next bridge event! myBridge

#bridge #advice #saying #Napkins

The Pitfalls Of Big Data Overreliance Correlation Throw Pillow

Ad: The Pitfalls Of Big Data Overreliance Correlation Throw Pillow

Showcase your wry statistical side with this pillow featuring correlations and their respective correlation coefficients along with the following saying that will make others do a double-take on the corporate world of big data: "The Pitfalls Of Big Data Lie In Its Overreliance On Correlation". myStatistics

#statistician #correlation #words #ThrowPillow

Warning! Strong Defender Inside Four Card Suits Planner

Ad: Warning! Strong Defender Inside Four Card Suits Planner

If you're really good at defense when playing the game of bridge you'll enjoy this wry bridge attitude planner featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Warning! Strong Defender Inside". Make others do a double-take about what lies within with this memorable bridge player warning planner today! myBridge

#warning #strong #defender #inside #Planner

Thursday, April 08, 2021

Duplicate Bridge Only Game Where Being Average Apron

Ad: Duplicate Bridge Only Game Where Being Average Apron

If you play duplicate bridge you'll enjoy wry bridge humor with this all-over print apron featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Duplicate Bridge - The Only Game Where Being Average Is A Good Result". Make others do a double-take at the concept of average and getting to an average game in the world of bridge with this memorable bridge saying all-over print apron! myBridge

#duplicate #bridge #humor #Apron

Don't Take The Schist For Granite (Geology Humor)

Ad: Don't Take The Schist For Granite (Geology Humor)

Showcase wry geology humor with any of the colorful gifts featuring the three different type of plate boundaries along with the geological truism saying "Don't Take The Schist For Granite". Perfect gifts for geologists earth scientists and rock hounds of all ages! myGeology

#funny #earthquake #seismologist

I Function On A Complex Cycle (Krebs Cycle) Round Clock

Ad: I Function On A Complex Cycle (Krebs Cycle) Round Clock

Do you function on a complex cycle? Showcase your wry Krebs cycle attitude with a dose of educational scientific flair with any of these gifts featuring the saying "I Function On A Complex Cycle". Make others do a double-take regarding how energy is produced in their cells with these citric acid cycle saying gifts! myBiochemistry

#humor #complex #cycle #RoundClock

Pitfalls Of Big Data Lie Overreliance Correlation Fabric

Ad: Pitfalls Of Big Data Lie Overreliance Correlation Fabric

If you've heard about how big data from mega-corporations are going to dominate the way we live and work you'll enjoy wry statistical humor with this fabric featuring various correlations and their correlation coefficients along with the following truism saying: "The Pitfalls Of Big Data Lie In Its Overreliance On Correlation". Make others do a double-take on the need for corporate hubris amongst big data advocates with a dose of educational stats humor the next time you create with this fabric! myStatistics

#statistician #correlation #words #Fabric

Team Adrenaline Chemical Molecule Humor Socks

Ad: Team Adrenaline Chemical Molecule Humor Socks

Do you enjoy the adrenaline pumping through your circulatory system? No need to be a runner or jogging to enjoy wry chemical molecule with this "Team Adrenaline" design featuring the adrenaline molecule. Scientific educational attitude pair of socks for anyone who is part of Team Adrenaline! myBiochemistry

#chemistry #biochemistry #adrenaline #Socks

Tryptophan Metabolism (Chemistry) Coffee Mug

Ad: Tryptophan Metabolism (Chemistry) Coffee Mug

Interested in what happens to tryptophan after you ingest it? Showcase "Tryptophan Metabolism" on any of these chemistry attitude gifts. Educational scientific design featuring the different chemical compounds that tryptophan breaks down into inside of your cells. No need to be a chemist or drinker of milk to enjoy! myBiochemistry

#chemical #molecules #serotonin #CoffeeMug