Thursday, April 01, 2021

Life Is Like A Twisted Chess Game Chess Humor Serving Tray

Ad: Life Is Like A Twisted Chess Game Chess Humor Serving Tray

Showcase your wry twisted chess attitude with this serving tray featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Life Is Like A Twisted Chess Game". Chess geek humor serving tray for anyone who knows about the similarities between life and chess! myChess

#life #like #ServingTray

Mean Thoughts Inside Stats Geek Humor Scarf

Ad: Mean Thoughts Inside Stats Geek Humor Scarf

Showcase wry statistical humor with this psychological stats scarf featuring the bell curve (Gaussian distribution curve) along with the definition saying "Mean Thoughts Inside". Shows the percentages of a normal distribution curve. No need to be a statistician psychologist or an angry person to enjoy! Perfect double entendre scarf for anyone who thinks about averages and statistics constantly! myStatistics

#mean #thoughts #inside #stats #Scarf

Institutional Behavior Does Not Look Like This Bandana

Ad: Institutional Behavior Does Not Look Like This Bandana

Social scientific attitude is alive and well on this bandana featuring linear least squares (i.e. linear regression) on a graph along with the social science truism "Unfortunately Institutional Behavior Does Not Look Like This". Make others do a double-take on how institutions truly are with this memorable stats saying bandana today! myStatistics

#linear #regression #statistician #Bandana

Organic Machinery Inside (Krebs Cycle) Silver Plated Necklace

Ad: Organic Machinery Inside (Krebs Cycle) Silver Plated Necklace

Showcase your wry biochemistry / biological side with this Krebs cycle necklace featuring the saying "Organic Machinery Inside". Make others do a double-take at where you get your energy from with a dose of educational scientific fun! myBiochemistry

#organic #machinery #inside #citric #SilverPlatedNecklace

Statistical Outlier Inside (Bell Curve Humor) Glass

Ad: Statistical Outlier Inside (Bell Curve Humor) Glass

No need to be a statistician or statistical outlier to enjoy this wry statistical humor drinking glass featuring the normal distribution curve (bell curve) along with the call-out "I Am Here" and the saying "Statistical Outlier Inside". Make others do a double-take on how truly exceptional you are from a statistical point of view today with this educational geek humor stats attitude glass tumbler! myStatistics

#statistical #outlier #inside #statistics #Glass

Life Thought How Correlated Are You With World Doormat

Ad: Life Thought How Correlated Are You With World Doormat

Showcase your wry statistical side with this door mat featuring various correlations and their corresponding correlation coefficients along with the following query: "In Life & Thought How Correlated Are You With The Rest Of The World?" Make others do a double-take on the subject of correlation with a dose of statistical attitude today with this doormat! myStatistics

#statistician #words #unwords #Doormat

Vegetarian Manner Of Living Human Temperament Water Bottle

Ad: Vegetarian Manner Of Living Human Temperament Water Bottle

No need to be an avid vegetarian to understand the benefits of a vegetarian manner of living. Showcase your vegetarian attitude with any of these featuring a plant cell diagram complete with all key labels as well as the following quote: "In my view the vegetarian manner of living by its purely physical effect on the human temperament beneficially influences us all." myVegetarian

#vegetarian #manner #WaterBottle

Wanted A Partner With A Good Hand Four Card Suits Face Shield

Ad: Wanted A Partner With A Good Hand Four Card Suits Face Shield

Bridge attitude is alive and well on this face shield featuring the four card suits along with the following saying that is often heard around partnership desks at bridge tournaments: "Wanted A Partner With A Good Hand". myBridge

#bridge #humor #words #FaceShield

Live Long And Be Happy Play Bridge Four Card Suits Bandana

Ad: Live Long And Be Happy Play Bridge Four Card Suits Bandana

If you desire to live longer and be happy and are a bridge player you'll enjoy this bridge bandana featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Live Long & Be Happy Play Bridge". Sound bridge advice bandana for any avid bridge / duplicate bridge player - no matter what age! myBridge

#live #long #happy #Bandana

If You Can't Hear What I Am Saying (Ear Anatomy) Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: If You Can't Hear What I Am Saying (Ear Anatomy) Jigsaw Puzzle

Otolaryngologists and audiologists will enjoy any of these gifts featuring an anatomical diagram of the human ear along with the following saying that will make others do a double-take the next time you have a conversation with them: "If You Can't Hear What I Am Saying It's Time To Get Your Hearing Checked". myAnatomy

#cant #hear #JigsawPuzzle

Do I Really Repeat Myself? DNA Replication Humor Bandana

Ad: Do I Really Repeat Myself? DNA Replication Humor Bandana

Molecular biology humor is alive and well on this bandana featuring all key parts of DNA replication along with the saying "Do I Really Repeat Myself?" Make others do a double-take with a dose of scientific fun today with this bandana! myDna

#genetics #biology #Bandana

Just Expressing Myself With Sedimentary Thoughts Socks

Ad: Just Expressing Myself With Sedimentary Thoughts Socks

No need to be a geologist to enjoy wry scientific humor with this pair of socks featuring Grand Canyon stratigraphy along with the sedimentary truism saying "Just Expressing Myself With Sedimentary Thoughts"! Memorable geology pun pair of socks for anyone who is sedimental (sentimental) and into rocks. myGeology

#geology #sentimental #thoughts #Socks

Warning! Radioactive Inside (Radiation Sign) T-Shirt

Ad: Warning! Radioactive Inside (Radiation Sign) T-Shirt

No need to be a nuclear physicist or radiologist to enjoy wry scientific signage humor with any of these gifts featuring the nuclear radiation warning sign along with the saying "Warning! Radioactive Inside". Make others do a double-take whenever they approach you with any of these geek signage gifts! myPhysics

#signs #signage #physics #TShirt

Checkmate Is My Mantra Chess Pieces Humor Shower Curtain

Ad: Checkmate Is My Mantra Chess Pieces Humor Shower Curtain

Avid chess players who desire to reach the Grandmaster level will enjoy this shower curtain featuring a reflective chess set along with the following saying: "Checkmate Is My Mantra". Memorable chess saying shower curtain for any chess player who loves to checkmate opponents! myChess

#chess #game #ShowerCurtain

Just Call Me Nuclear (Radioactive Warning Sign) T-Shirt

Ad: Just Call Me Nuclear (Radioactive Warning Sign) T-Shirt

No need to be a physicist or nuclear physicist to enjoy wry geek humor with any of these signage gifts featuring the radioactive / nuclear warning sign. Comes with the saying: "Just Call Me Nuclear". Make others wonder about the radiation levels that you have been exposed to with any of these scientific signage humor gifts today! myPhysics

#signs #signage #physics #TShirt

Just Call Me Radioactive (Radioactive Sign) T-Shirt

Ad: Just Call Me Radioactive (Radioactive Sign) T-Shirt

No need to be exposed to radiation on a daily basis to enjoy any of these wry signage humor with a dose of scientific attitude! Featuring the radioactive/nuclear warning sign and the saying "Just Call Me Radioactive". Memorable tongue-in-cheek humor gifts for nuclear physicists radiologists and all who understand radiation! myPhysics

#signs #signage #physics #TShirt

Life Is Chess Chess Is Life (Reflective Chess Set) Throw Pillow

Ad: Life Is Chess Chess Is Life (Reflective Chess Set) Throw Pillow

Showcase your wry chess attitude with this throw pillow featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Life Is Chess Chess Is Life". Make others do a double-take about how intertwined chess and life truly are! myChess

#chess #saying #words #ThrowPillow

Dermatology Is Part Of My Existence Ceramic Ornament

Ad: Dermatology Is Part Of My Existence Ceramic Ornament

Showcase your wry dermal layers side with any of these anatomical medical attitude gifts featuring a diagram of the human skin. Comes with the saying that will strike a chord with all dermatologists: "Dermatology Is Part Of My Existence"! Existential humor for all skin doctors! myAnatomy

#skin #human #CeramicOrnament

See What Graduate School Has Done To Me (Skeleton) Card

Ad: See What Graduate School Has Done To Me (Skeleton) Card

Are you a graduate student? Have you studied yourself to the bone? Whether you are being literal or figurative showcase to others with a wry sense of humor exactly what graduate school has done to you with any of these timeless Vesalius skeleton gifts! Caption says it all: "See What Graduate School Has Done To Me". No matter how close you are to finishing that thesis or dissertation let others know that you have worked yourself to the bone with tongue-in-cheek anatomical humor! myAnatomy

#anatomy #skeleton #vesalius #Card

Love Your Legumes Bean Dicotyledon Throw Pillow

Ad: Love Your Legumes Bean Dicotyledon Throw Pillow

If you love beans you'll enjoy this throw pillow featuring all key parts of a bean (dicotyledon) seed along with the sound advice saying "Love Your Legumes". Memorable throw pillow for any vegetarian or anyone who likes to eat beans! myVegetarian

#bean #vegetable #dicotyledon #ThrowPillow