Sunday, August 09, 2015

Summarizing Statistics (Bell Curve Distribution) Dry Erase Whiteboards

tagged with: summarizing statistics, statistics, summarizing, normal distribution curve, bell curve, words and unwords, statistician, psyche, psychology, gaussian curve, educational, stats, geek, attitude, cheat sheet

Showcase your wry bell curve attitude with any of these educational, statistical gifts featuring the normal distribution curve (bell curve, Gaussian curve) along with the caption "Summarizing Statistics". A statistics cheat sheet for any die-hard statistician or statistics fan!

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Success Involves Taking A Break From Time To Time Round Wall Clocks

tagged with: success involves taking a break, success, open source, java, java's unofficial mascot duke, software engineer, software developer, programmer, snorkeling, words and unwords, code, coder, fish tank, software development, advice, geek, humor, attitude

No need to be a programmer in the open source world to enjoy any of these gifts featuring Java's unofficial mascot Duke going snorkeling in a fish tank along with the following saying: "Success Involves Taking A Break From Time To Time". Make others do a double-take on what you mean with a dose of sound software development advice! Geek humor and advice at its best!

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The World Contains Many Faults (Plate Tectonics) Spiral Notebooks

tagged with: the world contains many faults, plate tectonics, earth science, geologist, geology, tectonic plates of the world, seismologist, words and unwords, geek, humor, attitude, saying, earth scientist, earth science faults, earthquakes, earthquake fan

Showcase your wry plate tectonics sense of humor with any of these gifts featuring the tectonic plates of the world along with the saying "The World Contains Many Faults". Memorable gifts for geologists, seismologists, and earth scientists!

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Multipotent Inside (Blood Cell Formation Humor) Round Wall Clocks

tagged with: multipotent inside, multipotency, blood cell formation, health, medicine, hematology, geek, humor, words and unwords, hematologist, polymath, renaissance person, multipotent

Do you have multipotency? Showcase your wry medical and anatomical sense of humor with any of these gifts featuring an illustration from Gray's Anatomy on blood cell formation along with the saying "Multipotent Inside". Great geek humor gift for any polymath or Renaissance person! No need to be working in the healthcare fields to enjoy.

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Periodicity Rules My Life (Periodic Table) Double-Sided Ceramic Round Christmas Ornament

tagged with: chemistry, periodic table of elements, periodicity rules my life, humor, attitude, geek, periodic table, words and unwords, educational, educational resources

Chemistry humor comes alive on any of these gifts featuring the Periodic Table of Elements along with the saying "Periodicity Rules My Life". If you like to punctual, consistent, and regular -- as opposed to irregular -- you'll enjoy any of these wry geek attitude gifts that will make people do a double-take at exactly what you are referring to! No need to be a chemistry major or chemistry teacher to enjoy a touch of Mendeleev humor!

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Understanding Wine Begins With Knowing Wine Grape iPod Touch 4G Skin

tagged with: attitude, wine, wine lover, wine fan, wine connoisseur, biology, grape berry, wine grape berry anatomy, words and unwords, grape berry anatomy, humor, funny, grape, saying, truism, biologist, anatomical, truisms

If you know your wine grape berries, you'll enjoy intelligent attitude with this anatomical biology of a wine grape, along with the saying: "Understanding Wine Begins With Knowing Wine Grape Berries". No need to be a wine grower to enjoy any of these wine grape berry attitude gifts! Wine connoisseurs with a scientific bent will especially love these wine grape berry anatomy gifts!

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Dynamic Electric Machine US Patent by Nikola Tesla iPhone 5 Covers

tagged with: dynamic electric machine, nikola tesla, tesla, us patent, wireless, us patent 390721, electrical engineer, ac dynamo, words and unwords, alternate current, patent, genius, historical, electrical

If you are into wireless, you'll enjoy any of these gifts featuring the AC dynamo, the "Dynamic Electric Machine" US Patent 390721 By Nikola Tesla (1856-1943). Showcase Tesla genius in today's modern wireless times!

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Blood Cell Lineage (Biology Health Medicine) iPhone 5 Case

tagged with: blood cell lineage, blood cells, hemocytoblast, medicine, health, blood donor, blood research, educational, words and unwords, hematology, cells, biology, scientific, development biology, educational resources, hematologist

Ever wondered how a white blood cell evolved or where a red blood cell came from? Showcase your developmental biological style with any of these educational scientific gifts featuring "Blood Cell Lineage", from hemocytoblast and the varying blood cells that are derived from it. No need to be a blood donor, hematologist, or medical researcher to appreciate your blood cell lineage!

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When Life Gives You Lemons Make Pi (Pie Humor) Puzzle

tagged with: words and unwords, math, humor, geek, geek humor, irrational number, mathematical constant, baked pie, baked pi, pie humor, brain teasers, riddles, mathematician, brain teaser, attitude, life saying, truism, saying, transcendental number

No need to be a mathematician or a cook to enjoy wry baked pie / pi humor with any of these gifts featuring a twist on the old saying. Saying says it all: "When Life Gives You Lemons Make Pi". Make others do a double-take at what you mean with a dose of mathematical constant attitude with these timeless gifts! Geek advice humor for all who know how to be happy in life and are fans of pi!

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This Machine Is Powered By Nitroglycerin Letterhead

tagged with: this machine is powered by, words and unwords, chemistry, medical, nitroglycerin, medicine, molecular structure, geek humor, chemical molecule, powered by

If you take nitroglycerin for a heart condition, you'll enjoy any of these wry chemical molecule humor gifts featuring the nitroglycerin molecule. Comes with the saying "This Machine Is Powered By Nitroglycerin". Make everyone do a double-take regarding what you are powered by with any of these science humor gifts today!

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How Focused Are You? (Parabola Graph) Yubo Lunch Box

tagged with: how focused are you, graph, parabola, geometry, math, focus point, geek, humor, scientist, words and unwords, mathematician, query, focused, question, attitude

The next time you have lunch, showcase your wry geek sense of humor with this lunch box featuring a parabola along with the following query: "How Focused Are You?" Classic geometric geek humor gift for all who wonder how focused they are in life!

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Communication In Dits And Dahs (Morse Code) Round Wall Clock

tagged with: communication, code, words and unwords, communication in dits and dahs, morse code, international morse code, geek, attitude, imc

Make others do a double-take with a dose of 19th century communication humor with any of these gifts featuring International Morse Code along with the saying "Communication In Dits And Dahs". Educational fun for all Morse code fans!

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Not Anal Just Dermal (Layers Of Skin Dermatology) Watches

tagged with: not anal just dermal, layers of skin, dermal, dermatology, skin, anatomy, words and unwords, geek, just dermal, dermatologist, skin doctor, medical, anatomical, humor, attitude, saying, educational, scientific

Showcase your wry dermatological side the next time you tell time with this watch featuring the different layers of skin, along with all key skin parts labeled, plus the saying "Not Anal Just Dermal". Great watch gift for any dermatologist!

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Another Year Older With A Strong Heartbeat ECG/EKG Laptop Commuter Bag

tagged with: heartbeat, ecg, words and unwords, aging, with a strong heartbeat, electrocardiogram, humor, ekg, another year older, geek birthday

Showcase your wry medical side the next time you travel with this laptop bag featuring a normal sinus rhythm on an electrocardiogram along with the saying "Another Year Older With A Strong Heartbeat". Make others do a double-take at reading an ECG/EKG today with a dose of tongue-in-cheek geek humor today!

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Wait For Several Moments (Quadrupole Moment) Jigsaw Puzzles

tagged with: magnetic quadrupole moment, physics, wait for several moments, patience, magnets, magnetism, moment, quadrupole moment, geek, words and unwords, word play, science, scientist, physicist, attitude, advice, lifestyle

If you desire others to wait for several moments, you'll enjoy any of these wry physics humor gifts featuring the magnetic quadrupole moment along with the saying "Wait For Several Moments". Make others do a double-take on the meaning of the word "moment" with any of these word play magnetic humor gifts! No need to be a physicist or scientist to enjoy!

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Thomas Edison Results Invention Pure Simple Quote Premium Keepsake Box

tagged with: inspirational, never once made a discovery, thomas alva edison, all my work was deductive, quote, words and unwords, pure and simple, engineer, genius, thomas edison, research, scientist, experimentation, invent, invention

If you love to invent, you'll enjoy this timeless words of wisdom quote by Thomas Edison, who noted the following: "During all those years of experimentation and research, I never once made a discovery. All my work was deductive, and the results I achieved were those of invention, pure and simple." Showcase the power of invention with any of these inspirational quotable Edison quote gifts!

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Lost In A World Of Chess (Reflective Chess Set) Round Clock

tagged with: chess saying, words and unwords, world of chess, chess, chess game, lost in a world, reflective chess set, chess humor, chess geek, lost in chess

Showcase your wry reflective chess attitude the next time you tell time with this clock gift featuring a reflective chess set along with the saying "Lost In A World Of Chess".

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Do You Ever Wish You Could Go Through The Mirror? Small Square Tile

tagged with: query, saying, question, alice in wonderland, wonderland, lewis carroll, john tenniel, reflection, mirror, words and unwords, self-reflection, looking glass, ponder, thinker, writer, artist, logician, philosopher, magician, magic, alice, wish, adventure, lifestyle

Gifts for all fans of Lewis Carroll's "Through The Looking Glass, And What Alice Found There" along with two of John Tenniel's drawings of Alice going through the mirror. Ask yourself and others this key question: "Do you ever wish you could go through the mirror?"

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Yet Another Year Older Still Just As Twisted DNA Classic Round Sticker

tagged with: yet another year older, and still just as twisted, dna, molecular biology, geek, science, humor, dna replication, words and unwords, molecular biologist, scientist, getting older, funny, attitude, saying

Showcase your wry molecular biology attitude toward aging with any of these gifts featuring DNA replication along with the saying "Yet Another Year Older ... And Still Just As Twisted". Makes a great birthday gift for any molecular biologist or scientist!

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Guess Intelligently Play Bridge (Four Card Suits) 15 Oz Stainless Steel Travel Mug

Showcase your wry bridge player / duplicate bridge player side with any of these gifts featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Guess Intelligently Play Bridge". Make others -- both other bridge players and non-bridge players alike -- do a double-take at what bridge players do all the time!

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