tagged with: ricci flow, geometry, math, mathematician, geometric flows, poincaré conjecture, topology, physics, geek, words and unwords, geometric, heat, physicist, solution, flow, nonlinear, diffusion equation, topologist, humor, attitude, educational, gregorio ricci-curbastro, richard hamilton, educational resources, a part of the solution
No need to be a mathematician or physicist or topologist to enjoy this stamp featuring the Ricci flow, a kind of nonlinear diffusion equation. For the record, the Ricci flow (named after Gregorio Ricci-Curbastro) was introduced by Richard Hamilton in 1981 in order to gain insight into the geometrization conjecture of William Thurston, which concerns the topological classification of three-dimensional smooth manifolds. The Ricci flow plays an important role in Grigori Perelman's solution of the Poincaré conjecture. Memorable geometric stamp for any fan of geometric flows!
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