Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Supply & Demand Shapes My Outlook On Life (Econ) Round Sticker

tagged with: economics, economist, supply and demand curve, saying, truism, social science, graph, money, finance, educational, funny, humor, attitude, geek, wordsunwords, wordsandunwords, psyche, psychology, shopping, words and unwords

Showcase your economics side with a dose of econ humor with any of these supply and demand curve gifts! Economics saying says it all: "Supply & Demand Shapes My Outlook On Life". Educational social science truism gifts for all who understand how bounded they are by the forces of economics!

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Leonardo da Vinci Collage (Collection of Works) Post Card

tagged with: genius, leonardo da vinci, da vinci, mona lisa, rhombidodecahedron, vitruvian man, embryo, renaissance man, polymath, epitome, collage, wordsunwords, wordsandunwords, womb, science, attitude, drawings, italian renaissance, inspirational, motivational, scientist, artist, inventor, words and unwords

If you are a fan of Renaissance poliymath and genius Leonardo da Vinci, you'll enjoy this Leonardo da Vinci collage, featuring 4 of his works: Mona Lisa, rhombidodecahedron, Vitruvian Man, and study of a foetus in the womb. Showcase the mutli-talented epitome of the Italian Renaissance Leonardo da Vinci with any of these gifts!

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Young Woman Or Old Lady? (Optical Illusion) Bag

tagged with: young woman or old lady, optical illusion, illusions, psychology, psyche, psychologist, illusionist, gestalt phenomenon, drawing, optics, visual perception, humor, attitude, brain teaser, truism, inquiry, query, wordsunwords, wordsandunwords, riddles, brain teasers

Featuring classic optical illusion design of either a young woman or an old lady. Gifts for anyone who desire to do a double-take on the two women that are embedded in the picture. Psychology humor gifts featuring differences in visual perception and the gestalt phenomenon.

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Advanced Warning Cross Me At Your Own Risk Hats

tagged with: engineer, traffic, transportation, humor, signs, signage, traffic sign, transportation sign, advanced warning, risk, warning, attitude, psyche, psychology, angry, cross, railroad crossing, wordsunwords, psychological, wordsandunwords, saying, advice, land

Do you know of other people who make you cross? Showcase your wry sense of transportation humor with any of these railroad traffic signs with the saying "Advanced Warning - Cross Me At Your Own Risk". Make others do a double-take today on your attitude toward others! Psychology humor gift!

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Quantum Mechanics Proof That Life Is Relative Tee Shirts

tagged with: quantum mechanics, quantum physics, proof that life is relative, when you think within, schrödinger's cat, entanglement, words and unwords, geek humor, physicist, within the box, attitude, geek saying, funny, physics, sarcasm, humor, physics teacher, relativity

No need to think outside of the box to enjoy any of these wry quantum mechanics / quantum physics sayings featuring the subject of entanglement with Schrödinger's Cat. Make others do a double-take with a dose of tongue-in-cheek physics humor with any of these gifts featuring the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics along with the following saying: "Quantum Mechanics Proof That Life Is Relative When You Think Within The Box". Classic geek humor for all who think both within the box (within a discipline) and outside of the box!

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Lost In The Renal World (Kidney Nephron) Mug

tagged with: kidney, nephron, lost in the renal world, renal world, real world, wordplay, geek, medical, nephrology, words and unwords, nephrologist, medicine, renal

Showcase your renal side with any of these gifts featuring all key parts of a kidney's nephron along with the caption "Lost In The Renal World". Make others do a double-take on what you mean with a dose of renal / real attitude today!

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It's All Organic (Krebs Cycle / Citric Acid Cycle) Coffee Mug

tagged with: krebs cycle, tcac, tricarboxylic acid cycle, it's all organic, saying, truism, chemistry, biology, biochemistry, biochemist, chemist, biologist, science, scientist, humor, geek, attitude, wordsunwords, wordsandunwords, organic chemistry, citric acid cycle

No need to have taken organic chemistry to enjoy wry scientific humor with any of these gifts featuring the Krebs cycle, also known as the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle. Includes truism saying "It's All Organic". Educational biochemistry fun for all who know about the organic cycle within their cells!

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I Move Mountains At Work (Software Developer) Galaxy S4 Cover

tagged with: i move mountains at work, software developer, software engineer, duke, java, geek, humor, work, saying, words and unwords, virtual mountain

No need to program in Java to enjoy any of these software developer / software engineer gifts featuring Java's unofficial mascot Duke pulling on a lever to move a virtual mountain along with the saying "I Move Mountains At Work". Make everyone do a double-take at what you do with a dose of tongue-in-cheek geek humor today!

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To Analyze Clumps Of Data Cophenetic Correlation Coffee Mug

tagged with: statistician, psychologist, biostatistics, mathematician, engineer, to analyze clumps of data, data, clumps, cophenetic correlation coefficient, biologist, pairwise distances, statistics, stats, statistical, geek, humor, attitude, educational, cluster, analyze, analysis, stats teacher, equation, math formula, biostatistician, wordsunwords, wordsndunwords, advice, definition, cophenetic correlation, correlation, words and unwords, wordsandunwords, education

Those who work with tons of data will enjoy any of these wry stats humor gifts featuring the formula for calculating the cophenetic correlation coefficient. Says: "To Analyze Clumps Of Data Just Calculate Cophenetic Correlation Coefficient", with the caption "Note: Magnitude of c should be close to 1 for a high-quality solution." Cophenetic correlation represents a measure how faithfully a dendrogram preserves the pairwise distances between the original unmodeled data points. Make others do a double-take with intelligent biostatistical humor with any of these definitional stats gifts!

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Thought Requires A Lot Of Nerve (Synapse) Coffee Mug

tagged with: neuron, synapse, junction, neurotransmitters, neurology, philosopher, thinking, thought, think, saying, truism, neurologist, biologist, psyche, psychologist, nerve, biology, science, scientist, geek, wordsunwords, wordsandunwords, humor, attitude, educational, words and unwords, medical

Showcase your wry medical humor side with any of these anatomical gifts featuring a synapse, along with the scientific truism "Thought Requires A Lot Of Nerve". Showcase tongue-in-cheek biology humor with a dose of educational fun with any of these science attitude gifts! No need to work in the medical field to enjoy!

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Our Solar System's Planets In Perpsective Laptop Bags

tagged with: educational, our solar system's planets, planets in perspective, solar system, astronomy, astronomer, cosmic, attitude, saying, words and unwords

Showcase your knowledge of our solar system the next time you travel with this laptop bag featuring all of our planets, their relative sizes to each other, and their relative distance to the Sun, along with the following scientific truism: "Our Solar System's Planets In Perspective".

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Cooking Is Just Chemistry (Periodic Table) Keychains

tagged with: cooking is just chemistry, periodic table of elements, periodic table, chemistry, cooking, science, educational, geek, humor, attitude, saying, cooking saying, words and unwords, science in society

Do you love cooking? Combine your love of cooking with a dose of wry scientific humor with any of these gifts featuring the Periodic Table of Elements with the saying "Cooking Is Just Chemistry". Make others do a double-take with a dose of educational geek humor today! Memorable gifts for lovers of cooking and chemistry!

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Don't Take The Schist For Granite (Geology Humor) Custom Invitations

tagged with: funny, earthquake, seismologist, attitude, earth science, science, geologist, humor, geology, scientist, earth scientist, plate boundaries, plate tectonics, saying, truism, schist, granite, rock hound, wordsunwords, wordsandunwords, words and unwords, truisms

Showcase wry geology humor with any of the colorful gifts featuring the three different type of plate boundaries, along with the geological truism saying "Don't Take The Schist For Granite". Perfect gifts for geologists, earth scientists, and rock hounds of all ages!

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Smilodon (Sabre-Toothed Cat) Inside Pet ID Tag

tagged with: smilodon, sabre-toothed cat, inside, sabre-toothed tiger, saber-toothed, feline, wild cat, extinct wild cat, words and unwords, geek, extinct, portrait, maxillary canines, psychology, brain teaser, humor, attitude, riddles, brain teasers

Showcase your inner wild cat side from thousands of years ago with any of these gifts featuring the Smilodon, also known as the sabre-toothed cat or sabre-toothed tiger which went extinct around 10,000 BC. Gifts include a female Smilodon and says "Smilodon (Sabre-Toothed Cat) Inside". Memorable feline gifts for all extinct wild cat fans! Attitude for all who desire to have lengthy maxillary canines!

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Nikola Tesla Let The Future Tell The Truth Quote Pinback Buttons

tagged with: nikola tesla, serbian-american, genius, radio, wireless, futurist, inventor, engineer, scientist, entrepreneur, philosopher, thinker, quote, tesla, quotation, saying, evaluation, work, accomplishment, achievement, success, the present is theirs, the future is mine, inspirational, motivational, goals, science, attitude, wordsunwords, wordsandunwords, alternating current, words and unwords

Serbian-American Nikola Tesla was an inventor and scientist and best known for being "Father of Radio" and our modern wireless world. Showcase your forward thinking with any of these Tesla quote gifts that say the following: "Let the future tell the truth and evaluate each one according to his works and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine." Memorable quote gifts for scientists, inventors, entrepreneurs, futurists and those who believe that the future is theirs for the taking!

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Mature RNA Inside Coffee Mugs

tagged with: junk dna, mature rna inside, rna, ribonucleic acid, gene splicing, genetic engineer, biotechnology, science, scientist, biology, molecular biology, exons, introns, humor, attitude, truism, saying, wordsunwords, wordsandunwords, words and unwords, growing up

Face it -- you are naturally a genetic engineer. Showcase educational scientific attitude with this gift featuring RNA splicing, along with the saying "Mature RNA Inside". Science humor truism gifts for all those who understand exons, introns, and genes get spliced!

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3-D Patagonia, Argentina Tote Bag

tagged with: stereoscopic image pair, patagonia, plateau, argentina, south america, satellite photo, geography, geographer, earth science, satellite, earth scientist, attitude, humor, visualization, wordsunwords, wordsandunwords, stereoscopic, imagery, plains, glaciers, 3-d

If you enjoy visualizing plateaus, you'll enjoy any of these visual geography satellite photo gifts featuring a stereoscopic image pair of Patagonia, Argentina. Stunning Earth views from outer space. Comes complete with instructions on how to see in 3-D. No need to have visited Patagonia to enjoy any of these Picture Earth gifts!

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This Machine Is Powered By Caffeine (Molecule) Mouse Pad

tagged with: caffeine, chemistry, molecule, chemical, this machine is powered by, truism, saying, chemical molecule, molecular, biochemistry, caffeine molecule, science, scientist, educational, geek, humor, attitude, words and unwords, wordsandunwords, wordsunwords, truisms

Are you powered by caffeine? Look no further than any of these gifts featuring wry chemical molecule humor with the caffeine molecule along with the truism saying for everyone who drinks coffee to wake up in the morning! Saying says it all: "This Machine Is Powered By Caffeine". Memorable gifts for all caffeine addicts!

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The Golden Rectangle (Mathematical Ratio) Refrigerator Magnet

tagged with: the golden rectangle, golden rectangle, math, mathematical, mathematician, geometry, proportion, spiral, phi, golden ratio, wordsunwords, wordsandunwords, scientific, attitude, humor, geek, math teacher, educational, rectangle, shape, educational resources

No need to be a mathematician to enjoy any of these gifts featuring "The Golden Rectangle", a rectangle whose side lengths are in the golden ratio, one-to-phi -- or approximately 1:1.618. The most distinctive feature of this shape is that when a square section is removed, the remainder is another golden rectangle; that is, with the same proportions as the first. Square removal can be repeated infinitely, resulting in an infinite sequence of points on the golden spiral, the unique logarithmic spiral with this property. Make others do a double-take with aesthetically pleasing proportions with any of these mathematical attitude gifts!

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Strong Rhythm Inside (ECG/EKG Heartbeat) Mugs

tagged with: electrocardiogram, ecg, ekg, heartbeat, inside, rhythm, strong, strong rhythm inside, normal heartbeat, words and unwords, funny, geek, health, medicine, medical, humor, attitude, doctor, nurse, lab technician, emt, saying, truism

No need to be in love to have a strong heartbeat. Showcase your "Strong Rhythm Inside" with a dose of health humor with any of these gifts featuring a heartbeat on an electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG). Make others do a double-take at the strong rhythm inside of you with any of the educational medical attitude gifts!

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