Sunday, October 22, 2023
Wake Up It's Time To Activate Your Brain (Humor) Two-Tone Coffee Mug #wake #up,it's #time #to #activate,your #TwoToneCoffeeMug
Gone Fishin' (Xiphophorus maculatus) T-Shirt #biology, #humor, #attitude, #gone #fishin, #TShirt
I Love Bridge Four Card Suits Bridge Game Attitude iPhone 13 Case #i #love #bridge, #bridge #game, #iPhone13Case
A Definition Of Jerk Physics Equation Humor Table Lamp #physics, #jerk, #second #derivative #of #TableLamp
Wonderland Be Careful What You Drink (Alice) Coffee Mug #john #tenniel, #drinking, #alice, #lewis #CoffeeMug
Saturday, October 21, 2023
Reduce Smog Support Photosynthesis Light Dependent Socks #photosynthesis, #reduce #smog, #support #photosynthesis, #Socks
Remember Junk DNA Is Not Actually Junk Mature RNA Planner
Ad: Remember Junk DNA Is Not Actually Junk Mature RNA Planner
Molecular biology and RNA splicing attitude is alive and well on this planner featuring introns, exons, and mature RNA along with the following scientific truism saying for all who know about the non-coding regions of genes and their importance in gene regulation: "Remember Junk DNA Is Not Actually Junk". myMolecularBiology
#introns #remember #molecular #biology #exons #Planner
Can You Identify The 20 Amino Acids? Biochemistry iPhone 13 Case #chemistry, #chem #major, #amino #acids, #iPhone13Case
Zealandia Earth's Newest Continent Socks #continent, #zealandia, #earth's #newest #continent, #Socks
Glaciologist Inside Glacier Earth Science 3 Ring Binder #geology, #glaciologist #inside, #firn, #moulin, #3RingBinder
Stamp Out Obesity Think Proportions Advice Socks #diet, #nutrition, #myplate, #logo, #stamp #Socks
Where Does Your Fault Lie? Geology Humor Water Bottle #geology, #psychology, #subduction #zone, #plate #WaterBottle
Learning By Osmosis Occurs Over Time T-Shirt #biology, #biological, #biologist, #psyche, #psychological, #TShirt
Nikola Tesla Progressive Development Of Man Quote Water Bottle #wireless, #genius, #father #of #radio, #WaterBottle
One Can Never Play Too Much Bridge Four Card Suits Ceramic Ornament #one #can #never #play, #too #CeramicOrnament
Awesome DNA Inside Molecular Biology Humor Planner
Ad: Awesome DNA Inside Molecular Biology Humor Planner
If you are not modest about your DNA, you'll enjoy this tongue-in-cheek scientific attitude planner featuring DNA replication along with the immodest saying "Awesome DNA Inside". Complete with labels of all key parts of DNA replication. Timeless molecular biology humor planner for anyone who believes that he or she has awesome DNA inside! myMolecularBiology
#replication #acid #Planner