Friday, October 20, 2023
Nikola Tesla Harnessed Cosmic Rays Motive Device PopSocket #nikola #tesla, #scientist, #electrical #engineer, #PopSocket
Perfectionism Is Ingrained In My DNA Genes Fabric
Ad: Perfectionism Is Ingrained In My DNA Genes Fabric
If you're a perfectionist and think that you are genetically wired to be as such, you'll enjoy creating and making items with this wry molecular biology humor fabric featuring DNA replication along with the following saying that will make others do a double-take at why you are so nit-picky and detail-oriented: "Perfectionism Is Ingrained In My DNA". myMolecularBiology
#genes #words #unwords #Fabric
My Life Operates In A Predictable Cycle Krebs 3 Ring Binder #citric #acid #cycle, #atp, #words #3RingBinder
Life Is A Matter Of Convection Earth Science Humor Socks #earth #science, #earth #scientist, #plate #Socks
Madness & Creativity Can All Stem From A Drink Two-Tone Coffee Mug #madness #and #creativity, #can #all #TwoToneCoffeeMug
Remember: Prokaryotes Rule The World T-Shirt #biology, #microbiology, #microbiologist, #funny, #geek, #TShirt
Winning At Bridge Is Hard To Do When Cards Do Not PopSocket #bridge #game, #lifemaster, #game #of #PopSocket
Formulaic Power Wheel Physics Equations Notebook #formulaic #power #wheel, #words #and #Notebook
Jabberwocky Poem by Lewis Carroll Gift Box #jabberwock, #jabberwocky, #lewis #carroll, #alice #GiftBox
Thursday, October 19, 2023
Environmentalist DNA Inside DNA Replication Face Mask #genes, #environmental, #words #and #unwords, #FaceMask
Controlled Chaos Same Difference (Oxymorons) Coffee Mug #opposites, #language, #oxymoron, #riddle, #brain #CoffeeMug
Caffeine Stimulant To My Existence Molecule Face Mask #caffeine, #chemical #molecule, #chemistry, #chemist, #FaceMask
I Love Chocolate Theobromine Molecule Chemistry Planner #theobromine, #chocolate #molecule, #chemical #molecule, #Planner
Awesome DNA Inside Molecular Biology Humor 3 Ring Binder
Ad: Awesome DNA Inside Molecular Biology Humor 3 Ring Binder
If you are not modest about your DNA, you'll enjoy this tongue-in-cheek scientific binder featuring DNA replication along with the immodest saying "Awesome DNA Inside". Complete with labels of all key parts of DNA replication. Timeless molecular biology humor binder for anyone who believes that he or she has awesome DNA inside! myMolecularBiology
#replication #acid #3RingBinder
Nappes Between Thrusts Is What Orogeny Is All Watch #geek, #plate #tectonics, #continental #collision, #Watch
Geologist Embedded Within Subduction Zone Apron #earth #science, #geology, #words #and #Apron
Think Carefully Before Playing Trick One Bridge Wireless Charger #bridge #humor, #bridge #advice, #words #WirelessCharger
Nappes Between Thrusts Is What Orogeny Is All 3 Ring Binder #orogeny, #mountain #building, #earth #scientist, #3RingBinder
College Fjord Prince William Sound, Alaska T-Shirt #picture #earth, #earth #science, #earth #TShirt
Catalyst For Second Industrial Revolution N. Tesla Face Mask #father #of #radio, #electrical #engineer, #FaceMask
Reduce Mental Errors Take Advantage Opponents Wireless Charger #reduce #your #mental #errors, #take #WirelessCharger
We Are All Genetic Engineers (RNA Splicing) Classic Round Sticker
Ad: We Are All Genetic Engineers (RNA Splicing) Classic Round Sticker
Most people know about DNA, but few know about RNA splicing. Genetic engineering is all about cutting out the junk and leaving a mature RNA. Showcase your biological self with any of these gifts featuring RNA splicing, along with the truism saying "We Are All Genetic Engineers". No need to be a molecular biologist to enjoy! myMolecularBiology
#genetic #engineers #ClassicRoundSticker