Sunday, July 23, 2023
Preempt Or Be Preempted Bridge Humor 4 Card Suits Table Lamp #bridge #humor, #words #and #unwords, #TableLamp
Play Bridge For Mental Social Benefits Card Suits Matchboxes #bridge #player, #bridge #advice, #play #Matchboxes
Quantum Mechanics Many Worlds Interpretation Face Mask #film #reel #physics, #subject #to #FaceMask
Save Earth Stop Global Warming (Blue Marble Earth) Invitation #save #earth, #stop #global #warming, #Invitation
My Mind Regresses Toward Mean Linear Regression Poster
Ad: My Mind Regresses Toward Mean Linear Regression Poster
No need to be a statistician or statistics major to enjoy wry statistical humor with this poster featuring linear regression and the tongue-in-cheek saying "My Mind Regresses Toward The Mean When Constantly Doing Linear Regression". Make others do a double-take about what happens to your mind when doing statistics with a dose of geek humor today! myStatistician
#mind #regresses #words #Poster
Wall Street Is Paved With Too Much Beta Alpha Planner #wall #street, #sign, #value #investor, #Planner
Work Is For People Who Do Not Play Bridge Face Mask #duplicate #bridge, #bridge #game, #bridge #FaceMask
This Machine Is Powered By Serotonin (Chemistry) Notebook #molecular #structure, #serotonin, #geek, #words #Notebook
Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Humor) Coffee Mug #reduce #greenhouse #gas #emissions, #decrease #CoffeeMug
Be Social Play Bridge Four Card Suits Advice Scarf #bridge #advice, #bridge #saying, #four #Scarf
Both Wave & Particle Are Possible In Quantum World Table Lamp #quantum #world, #de #broglie #wave, #TableLamp
Wonderland Which Way I Ought To Go From Here Notebook #which #way #i #ought, #to #Notebook
Saturday, July 22, 2023
Summarizing Statistics Coffee Mug
Ad: Summarizing Statistics Coffee Mug
If you work with statistics all day, you'll enjoy any of these wry statistical attitude gifts featuring the normal distribution curve, along with the truism caption "Summarizing Statistics". Complete with z-scores and p-values. Make others do a double-take when you try to explain statistics with educational tongue-in-cheek fun! myStatistician
#bell #curve #educational #summarizing #statistics #CoffeeMug
Stop Treating Soil Like Dirt Soil Horizons PopSocket #stop #treating #soil #like #dirt, #PopSocket
In Life, Are You Catalytic Enough? Enzyme Humor Wireless Charger #catalytic, #biochemistry, #activation #energy, #inducedfit #WirelessCharger
Get Cultured Work With Bacteria (Agar Plate) Stainless Steel Water Bottle #cultured, #get #cultured, #work #with #StainlessSteelWaterBottle
Appalachian Orogeny Mountain Building Over Time Water Bottle #geology, #mountain #range, #earth #scientist, #WaterBottle
It May Be Counterintuitive Always Look Down Invest Apron #economics, #value #investing, #sign, #signage, #Apron
To Finesse Or Not To Finesse? That Is The Question iPhone 13 Case #to #finesse #or #not, #not #iPhone13Case
My Thinking Cannot Be Outsourced Brain Anatomy Socks #brain, #words #and #unwords, #psychologist, #Socks
Irrevocably Correlational (Correlation Statistics) Postcard
Ad: Irrevocably Correlational (Correlation Statistics) Postcard
No need to be a statistician to enjoy any of these gifts featuring various correlations and their correlation coefficients, along with the wry saying "Irrevocably Correlational". You are probably correlated to something whether you like it or not. Showcase your tongue-in-cheek statistical sense of humor with these educational, statistical gifts! myStatistician
#correlations #words #unwords #irrevocably #Postcard