Monday, September 05, 2022

Defense Is Key To Winning In Bridge Card Suits Apron

Ad: Defense Is Key To Winning In Bridge Card Suits Apron

Are you and your bridge partner good in playing defense? If you love to defend you'll enjoy this bridge attitude all-over print apron featuring the four card suits along with the bridge truism saying "Defense Is Key To Winning In Bridge". Do a double-take with a dose of sound bridge attitude with this bridge/duplicate bridge saying all-over print apron. No need to be a bridge teacher to enjoy. myBridgePlayer

Occupy Your Mind Play Duplicate Bridge Card Suits Apron

Ad: Occupy Your Mind Play Duplicate Bridge Card Suits Apron

Showcase your wry contemporary duplicate bridge sense of humor with this all-over print apron featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Occupy Your Mind Play Duplicate Bridge". No need to be an avid bridge player or bridge teacher to enjoy! Let others know that there's a lot of think about when playing the game of duplicate bridge with this all-over print apron! myBridgePlayer

Keep The Neurons Firing Play Bridge Advice Humor Apron

Ad: Keep The Neurons Firing Play Bridge Advice Humor Apron

No matter what your age or level of experience you'll enjoy this bridge humor all-over print apron featuring the four card suits and the following bridge advice: "Keep The Neurons Firing Play Bridge". Make others do a double-take at what the game of bridge does to a person with wry quirky bridge player humor today! myBridgePlayer

Venn Diagram Of Greek Latin & Russian Cyrillic Two-Tone Coffee Mug #language #linguistics #greek #latin #russian #TwoToneCoffeeMug

Ad: Venn Diagram Of Greek Latin & Russian Cyrillic Two-Tone Coffee Mug #language #linguistics #greek #latin #russian #TwoToneCoffeeMug

Warning! Dynamite Inside Nitroglycerin Molecule Face Mask

Ad: Warning! Dynamite Inside Nitroglycerin Molecule Face Mask

Warn others of your dynamite personality with this wry chemistry humor cotton/polyester face mask featuring the chemical structure of nitroglycerin molecule along with the saying "Warning! Dynamite Inside". Make others do a double-take about what lies inside of you with a dose of tongue-in-cheek scientific attitude today with this face mask! myPsychology

Blame My Neurotransmitters Not Paying Attention Fabric

Ad: Blame My Neurotransmitters Not Paying Attention Fabric

If you do not pay attention you'll enjoy this fabric that features the neuron / synapse and says the following "Blame My Neurotransmitters If I'm Not Paying Attention". Perfect fabric for any who loves to create items and things for anyone who has a short attention span! myPsychology

Where Does Your Fault Lie? Geology Humor Jigsaw Puzzle

Ad: Where Does Your Fault Lie? Geology Humor Jigsaw Puzzle

Ask yourself and others with wry geological attitude "Where Does Your Fault Lie?" with any of the these earth science humor gifts! Featuring subduction zone with labels. Make everyone do a double-take today with psychological double-entendre educational attitude! Plate tectonics humor gifts which are not just for geologists! myPsychology

Elephants Have Best Memories Because Never Forget Trivet

Ad: Elephants Have Best Memories Because Never Forget Trivet

Which animal has the best memory? No need to be a zookeeper handling elephants or a psychologist to enjoy wry animal attitude with this trivet featuring the silhouette of an elephant filled with brain folds along with the often heard saying in scientific circles -- a tautology if there ever was an explanation that was self-explanatory: "Elephants Have The Best Memories Because They Never Forget". Memorable psychology saying for anyone who has the ability to encode memories! myPsychology

Embrace Statistics Be Normal Bell Curve Humor Face Mask

Ad: Embrace Statistics Be Normal Bell Curve Humor Face Mask

Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry statistics geek attitude with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring the bell curve distribution (Gaussian curve normal distribution curve) along with the following statistics advice: "Embrace Statistics Be Normal". myStatistician

World Visibility Of The 2012 Transit Of Venus Postcard #world #visibility2012 #transit #of #venusworld #Postcard

Ad: World Visibility Of The 2012 Transit Of Venus Postcard #world #visibility2012 #transit #of #venusworld #Postcard

Acetyl-CoA Don't Even Think Of Metabolism Without Socks

Ad: Acetyl-CoA Don't Even Think Of Metabolism Without Socks

Showcase your wry biochemical sense of humor with this pair of socks featuring the enzyme acetyl-CoA. Comes with chemical structure and the tongue-in-cheek science truism saying "Don't Even Think Of Metabolism Without It". Educational scientific attitude pair of socks for anyone who knows that one should not even think of metabolism without acetyl-coA! myBiochemistry

Happiness Molecule Inside Serotonin Chemistry Socks

Ad: Happiness Molecule Inside Serotonin Chemistry Socks

Showcase your wry and inspirational chemical side with this pair of socks featuring the ball-and-stick model of the serotonin chemical molecule along with the saying "Happiness Molecule Inside". Serotonin is often called the "happiness molecule" because it influences one's mood. myBiochemistry

Just Be Prepared For Wacky Weather Adult Apron #enso #el #nino #la #nina #AdultApron

Ad: Just Be Prepared For Wacky Weather Adult Apron #enso #el #nino #la #nina #AdultApron

Life Is A Series Of Economies & Diseconomies Scale Jigsaw Puzzle #economist #economics #economies #of #scale #JigsawPuzzle

Ad: Life Is A Series Of Economies & Diseconomies Scale Jigsaw Puzzle #economist #economics #economies #of #scale #JigsawPuzzle

Life Is A Series Of Economies & Diseconomies Scale Planner #economist #economics #economies #of #scale #Planner

Ad: Life Is A Series Of Economies & Diseconomies Scale Planner #economist #economics #economies #of #scale #Planner

Congratulations On Your Graduation (White Rabbit) T-Shirt #congratulations #on #your #graduation #white #TShirt

Ad: Congratulations On Your Graduation (White Rabbit) T-Shirt #congratulations #on #your #graduation #white #TShirt

Arsenal Of Pattern Recognition Rules Inside Chess Socks #chess #teacher #words #and #unwords #Socks

Ad: Arsenal Of Pattern Recognition Rules Inside Chess Socks #chess #teacher #words #and #unwords #Socks

We All Live A Mirrorlike Existence (Wonderland) T-Shirt

Ad: We All Live A Mirrorlike Existence (Wonderland) T-Shirt

No need to have read Lewis Carroll's sequence to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland to enjoy this Wonderland t-shirt. Featuring Alice stepping through the looking glass as illustrated by John Tenniel in Through The Looking Glass and What Alice Found There. Make others do a double-take about life and mirrors with this endearing and enchanting saying "We All Live A Mirrorlike Existence" on this timeless tee. Truism humor for all who look at and through mirrors when critically looking at themselves! myPsychology

Transform Your Mind Play Chess Geek Advice Planner #transform #your #mind #chess #game #Planner

Ad: Transform Your Mind Play Chess Geek Advice Planner #transform #your #mind #chess #game #Planner

Chess A Ruthless Game Reflective Chess Set Planner #reflective #chess #set #chess #humor #Planner

Ad: Chess A Ruthless Game Reflective Chess Set Planner #reflective #chess #set #chess #humor #Planner

Sunday, September 04, 2022

PET Scan Anyone? (Positron Emission Tomography) T-Shirt #positron #emission #tomography #words #and #TShirt

Ad: PET Scan Anyone? (Positron Emission Tomography) T-Shirt #positron #emission #tomography #words #and #TShirt

Occupy Your Mind Play Duplicate Bridge Card Suits Fabric

Ad: Occupy Your Mind Play Duplicate Bridge Card Suits Fabric

Showcase your wry contemporary duplicate bridge sense of humor the next time you create with this fabric featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Occupy Your Mind Play Duplicate Bridge". No need to be an avid bridge player or bridge teacher to enjoy! Let others know that there's a lot of think about when playing the game of duplicate bridge with this fabric! myBridgePlayer

Develop Your Resilience Play Bridge Card Suits Bandana

Ad: Develop Your Resilience Play Bridge Card Suits Bandana

Showcase your bridge player side with a dose of sound bridge advice with this bandana featuring the four card suits along with the following saying: "Develop Your Resilience Play Bridge". Let others know about facing the vicissitudes of the great game of bridge -- and of course the vicissitudes in life -- today with this bandana! myBridgePlayer

Evolution Is Often Overrated Fishapod Tiktaalik Notebook #evolution #often #overrated #tetrapod #tiktaalik #Notebook

Ad: Evolution Is Often Overrated Fishapod Tiktaalik Notebook #evolution #often #overrated #tetrapod #tiktaalik #Notebook

Adenosine Triphosphate Fuel For All Living Things Throw Pillow

Ad: Adenosine Triphosphate Fuel For All Living Things Throw Pillow

Showcase your biochemical attitude with this educational scientific throw pillow featuring the chemical molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP) along with the following caption: "Fuel For All Living Things". Memorable throw pillow for any biologist chemist biochemist or scientist! myBiochemistry

All The Way With mRNA Messenger RNA Molecular Bio Throw Pillow

Ad: All The Way With mRNA Messenger RNA Molecular Bio Throw Pillow

No need to be a medical researcher or geneticist to enjoy wry molecular biology / biochemistry humor with this design featuring the chemical structure of messenger RNA - i.e. mRNA or messenger ribonucleic acid. Make others do a double-take with a dose of scientific attitude with this throw pillow featuring the saying "All The Way With mRNA". Biotechnology attitude throw pillow for everyone who knows about the importance of messenger RNA as a biochemical component for current vaccine development. myBiochemistry

Happiness Molecule Inside Serotonin Chemistry Planner

Ad: Happiness Molecule Inside Serotonin Chemistry Planner

Showcase your wry and inspirational chemical side with this planner featuring the ball-and-stick model of the serotonin chemical molecule along with the saying "Happiness Molecule Inside". Serotonin is often called the "happiness molecule" because it influences one's mood. myBiochemistry

Lactic Acid Inside Chemistry Molecule Planner

Ad: Lactic Acid Inside Chemistry Molecule Planner

Do you exercise? Do you have caries? Showcase your wry sense of chemical molecule humor with this planner featuring "Lactic Acid Inside" and the lactic acid chemical molecule. Make others do a double-take at the chemistry within you with this geek humor planner! myBiochemistry

North American Craton In Perspective Bandana

Ad: North American Craton In Perspective Bandana

No need to be an earth scientist or geologist to enjoy a dose of geological perspective with this bandana featuring "North American Craton In Perspective". Make others do a double-take at the size and extent of unchanged continental crust in North America for hundreds of millions of years with this educational scientific bandana on what plate tectonics has NOT changed! myEarthScience

#geology #north #american #craton #Bandana

North American Craton In Perspective Planner

Ad: North American Craton In Perspective Planner

No need to be an earth scientist or geologist to enjoy a dose of geological perspective with this planner featuring "North American Craton In Perspective". Make others do a double-take at the size and extent of unchanged continental crust in North America for hundreds of millions of years with this educational scientific planner on what plate tectonics has NOT changed! myEarthScience

#geology #north #american #craton #Planner

Lateral Thinker Inside Brain Geek Humor Fabric

Ad: Lateral Thinker Inside Brain Geek Humor Fabric

Are you a lateral thinker? Do you think in a non-linear manner? Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry brainy attitude the next time you create with this fabric featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Lateral Thinker Inside". Any creative thinker will enjoy this fabric! myAnatomical

Bridge Is A Game Where Repetition Is Key Fabric

Ad: Bridge Is A Game Where Repetition Is Key Fabric

If you are a bridge player you'll enjoy creating and making items with this fabric featuring the four card suits along with the following bridge truism saying: "Bridge Is A Game Where Repetition Is Key". No matter whether you are a beginner or a very experienced bridge player if you understand pattern recognition and how repetitive the game of bridge / duplicate bridge can be you'll appreciate this bridge saying fabric! myBridgePlayer