Sunday, September 04, 2022
Clean Air Wanted Because Smoke Smog Dust Ruin My Business Card #alveoli #lungs #clean #air #wanted #BusinessCard
A Bridge Hand Never Goes To Waste Four Card Suits Doormat
Ad: A Bridge Hand Never Goes To Waste Four Card Suits Doormat
Showcase your wry bridge player side with this door mat featuring the four card suits along with the following bridge saying: "A Bridge Hand Never Goes To Waste". Make others do a double-take at every card they play with a dose of bridge attitude with this door mat. Perfect doormat for any bridge club! myBridgePlayer
Develop Your Resilience Play Bridge Card Suits Fabric
Ad: Develop Your Resilience Play Bridge Card Suits Fabric
Showcase your bridge player side with a dose of sound bridge advice when you make items with this fabric featuring the four card suits along with the following saying: "Develop Your Resilience Play Bridge". Let others know about facing the vicissitudes of the great game of bridge -- and of course the vicissitudes in life -- today with this bridge saying fabric. myBridgePlayer
Never Underestimate The Power Of A Pawn Chess Geek Planner #chess #advice #chess #player #Planner
Brain Is Full Can't Think Anymore (Brain Anatomy) Jigsaw Puzzle #brain #is #full #can't #think #JigsawPuzzle
Chess Is Part Of My Existence Reflective Chess Set Round Clock #chess #part #of #my #existence #RoundClock
Warning! Discombobulated Mind Inside (Brain Humor) Skateboard Deck
Showcase your wry intelligent side with this skateboard gift featuring the different anatomical parts of the human brain along with the saying that will make others do a double-take: "Warning! Discombobulated Mind Inside". Brainy humor gift for skaterboarders and non-skateboarders! myPsychology
Stamp Out Mental Laziness Learn How To Play Chess Drawstring Bag #stamp #out #mental #laziness #chess #DrawstringBag
A Definition Of Jerk Physics Equation Geek Humor Fabric
Ad: A Definition Of Jerk Physics Equation Geek Humor Fabric
Do you know how to define jerk? Do you know about the definition of jerk in physics? In physics jerk also known as jolt surge and lurch is the rate of change of acceleration -- meaning the derivative of acceleration with respect to time the second derivative of velocity or the third derivative of position. Make others do a double-take with wry physics humor with this fabric which features "A Definition Of Jerk" -- or rather the physics definition of jerk and its three variants! myPhysics
#physics #jerk #second #derivative #Fabric
Are You Leading Or Lagging In The Strands Of Life? Throw Pillow #are #you #leading #or #lagging #ThrowPillow
Mentally By The Game Of Bridge (Humor) Playing Cards
Do you play bridge or duplicate bridge? Do you feel the sting -- the mental anguish -- after going down 1100 or 1400? Showcase your wry bridge / duplicate bridge sense of humor with any of these gifts featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Mentally By The Game Of Bridge". Make others do a double-take at what happens when one plays the maddening game of bridge with these bridge saying gifts! myPsychology
Think Probabilities Not Possibilities Statistics Socks
Showcase wry educational stats humor with this pair of socks featuring the normal distribution curve (also known as the bell curve or Gaussian curve) along with the saying "Think Probabilities Not Possibilities - Do Statistics". No need to be a statistician or statistics major to enjoy. Psychological statistical attitude socks for any realist who understands how important it is to think in terms of probabilities and not possibilities! myPsychology
Awakened Brain Inside (Brain Anatomy) Throw Pillow
Showcase your wry anatomical sense of style the next time you take a nap with this medical psyche throw pillow featuring the different parts of the human brain long with the saying "Awakened Brain Inside". Memorable throw pillow for anyone who has just awakened! myPsychology
Use It Or Lose It Anatomical Brain Advice Humor iPhone 13 Case
If you've ever encountered anyone who does not use his or her brain you'll enjoy this apropos tongue-in-cheek brain anatomy humor iPhone 13 case featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the saying "Use It Or Lose It". Make others do a double-take about what one should do with one's brain with a dose of medical anatomical sound advice attitude with this iPhone 13 case! myPsychology
Physics Is Phun (Fun) Schrödinger's Cat Experiment Fabric
Ad: Physics Is Phun (Fun) Schrödinger's Cat Experiment Fabric
Quantum physics phun for anyone who thinks about quantum mechanics is found on this memorable fabric featuring the infamous paradox of Schrödinger's cat. Entanglement and Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics humor at its best. No need to be a quantum physicist to enjoy making items with this geek humor fabric! myPhysics
#physics #phun #quantum #mechanics #Fabric
Strategy Requires Thought Tactics Observation iPhone 13 Case
No need to be a Grandmaster to enjoy this chess truism quote that says "Strategy Requires Thought - Tactics Require Observation". Includes reflective chess set design. Chess attitude iPhone 13 case for anyone who loves chess strategy and who observes carefully at the chessboard when playing chess! myPsychology
We All Live Through A Mirror (Wonderland Alice) Notebook #philosophy #life #saying #attitude #lewis #Notebook
Life Is Nothing But An Organic Cycle Krebs Humor Face Mask
Life is all about birth death and the Krebs cycle! Showcase wry organic chemistry humor with this cotton/polyester face mask featuring the Krebs cycle also known as the citric acid cycle (TCAC) or the tricarboxylic acid cycle along with the scientific truism saying "Life Is Nothing But An Organic Cycle". Intelligent educational double-entendre geek attitude face mask for anyone who knows that life follows an organic cycle! myBiochemistry
Feeling Cramped In Your Room? Wonderland Alice Fabric #feeling #cramped #in #your #room #Fabric
Are You Saturated Yet? Chemistry Humor 3 Ring Binder
Do you feel saturated by life? Are you saturated by chemistry? Showcase your wry geek side with this tongue-in-cheek biochemistry / chemistry binder featuring a graph of the substrate concentration versus the reaction rate. Caption says it all: "Are You Saturated Yet?" Make others do a double-take with this enzyme kinetics humor binder today! myBiochemistry
It's Storm Surge Season Are You Prepared? Fabric
Ad: It's Storm Surge Season Are You Prepared? Fabric
Meteorologists and earth scientists will enjoy creating with this fabric featuring an illustration of a storm surge along with the following wise words for anyone who lives along the coastline and has experienced severe weather: "It's Storm Surge Season - Are You Prepared?" myEarthScience
#storm #surge #season #Fabric
Earthquakes Are Not My Fault Plate Tectonics Socks
Ad: Earthquakes Are Not My Fault Plate Tectonics Socks
Geologists earth scientists and plate tectonics fans will enjoy this educational scientific world map pair of socks featuring the different tectonic plates of the world along with the following scientific saying: "Earthquakes Are Not My Fault". Tell everyone the true story about the origin of earthquakes with a dose of fault driven geek humor the next time you wear this geological attitude pair of socks! myEarthScience
#earthquakes #fault #Socks
Let's Go Hydroelectric Generator Turbine Apron #let's #go #hydroelectric #turbine #generator #Apron
Welcome To Pyrocene Era Air Quality Index Geek Scarf #environmental #change #environmental #protection #agency #Scarf
Age Is Relative Geological Time Chart Geek Humor Scarf
Ad: Age Is Relative Geological Time Chart Geek Humor Scarf
Showcase your wry geological time attitude with this scarf featuring the eons epochs and periods throughout Earth's history along with the saying that says it all age geological age: "Age Is Relative". Memorable scientific saying scarf for any geologist earth scientist or anyone who believes that age truly is a relative phenomenon! myEarthScience
#relative #geological #time #Scarf
Limnology A Subset Of Ecology (Lake Oceanography) Two-Tone Coffee Mug #environment #lake #hawea #oceanography #limnology #TwoToneCoffeeMug
Embrace Statistics Be Normal (Bell Curve) Mouse Pad
Make others do a double-take with a dose of wry bell curve attitude with this mousepad featuring the normal distribution curve along with the following sound statistical advice: "Embrace Statistics Be Normal". No need to be a statistician to enjoy tongue-in-cheek stats geek humor with this memorable and informative statistical saying mousepad! myStatistician
Think Linear Linear Least Squares (Statistics) Mouse Pad
If you work with linear regression and linear least squares you'll enjoy this educational math and statistics mousepad that featuring the truism saying "Think Linear - Linear Least Squares". Make others do a double-take today on why they should think in a linear manner. No need to be a mathematician statistician psychologist or economist to enjoy! myStatistician
Taking Deep Breaths Is Important To My State Mind 3 Ring Binder
If you are into health and wellness you'll enjoy this binder featuring all key parts of the respiratory system along with the following wellness saying: "Taking Deep Breaths Is Important To My State Of My Mind". Promote good mental health with this physiology binder today! myAnatomical
Taking Deep Breaths Is Important To My State Mind Planner
If you are into health and wellness you'll enjoy this planner featuring all key parts of the respiratory system along with the following wellness saying: "Taking Deep Breaths Is Important To My State Of My Mind". Promote good mental health with this physiology planner today! myAnatomical
Life Is A Renal Existence Kidney Nephron 3 Ring Binder
Nephrologists along with kidney donors and recipients will enjoy this wry anatomical nephron attitude binder featuring the truism saying "Life Is A Renal Existence". Make others do a double-take with a dose of educational scientific fun with this binder featuring a kidney's nephron complete with all key parts. myAnatomical