Friday, September 02, 2022

cAMP Molecule Just A Second Messenger Apron

Ad: cAMP Molecule Just A Second Messenger Apron

Do you know about cyclic adenosine monophosphate? Showcase your chemical sense of style with this all-over print apron featuring the cAMP molecule the second messenger important in many biological processes. cAMP is derived from adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and used for intracellular signal transduction in many different organisms. Make others do a double-take with this scientific educational apron featuring the cAMP molecule with the caption "just a second messenger (used for intracellular signal transduction)"! myBiochemistry

To Know Where You Are Calculate Latitude Longitude Watch

Ad: To Know Where You Are Calculate Latitude Longitude Watch

Do you love looking at maps and finding out exactly where you are? No need to be working in the geolocation industry to enjoy wry earth science attitude with this watch featuring latitude and longitude humor! Truism saying says the following: "To Know Where You Are Calculate Latitude & Longitude". Make others do a double-take on where they are on this planet with this educational math and science humor watch! myEarthScience

#calculate #latitude #geolocation #earth #science #Watch

Earth's Carbon Cycle Earth Science Environmental Fabric #earth's #carbon #cycle #geology #earth #Fabric

Ad: Earth's Carbon Cycle Earth Science Environmental Fabric #earth's #carbon #cycle #geology #earth #Fabric

Food Webs In Perspective (Ocean / Land Biology) Mouse Pad #biology #food #webs #biologist #food #MousePad

Ad: Food Webs In Perspective (Ocean / Land Biology) Mouse Pad #biology #food #webs #biologist #food #MousePad

Life Is A Monty Hall Problem Three Doors Goat Fabric

Ad: Life Is A Monty Hall Problem Three Doors Goat Fabric

If you love wry probabilistic humor you'll enjoy creating with this fabric featuring three doors and a goat along with the following statistical truism saying that will make others do a double-take: "Life Is A Monty Hall Problem". Make others smile at your next do-it-yourself project with this geek humor fabric! myStatistician

Life Is Nothing But A Bell Curve Existence Humor Bath Mat

Ad: Life Is Nothing But A Bell Curve Existence Humor Bath Mat

Existential statistical attitude is alive and well on this educational scientific bath mat featuring the bell curve (normal distribution curve Gaussian curve) along with the saying "Life Is Nothing But A Bell Curve Existence". Do a double-take with a dose of wry stats humor the next time you step into or out of the bathtub or shower with this memorable statistical saying bathmat! myStatistician

Thinking Is My Modus Operandi Brain Anatomy Fabric

Ad: Thinking Is My Modus Operandi Brain Anatomy Fabric

No need to be a psychologist neurologist or philosopher to enjoy wry anatomical brain humor the next time you create with this fabric featuring the different parts of the human brain along with the following saying: "Thinking Is My Modus Operandi". Memorable science humor fabric for any thinker! myAnatomical

Wanted A World Filled With Guts Digestive System iPhone 13 Case

Ad: Wanted A World Filled With Guts Digestive System iPhone 13 Case

If you've ever wanted to express your opinion regarding having guts you'll enjoy this wry anatomical medical humor iPhone 13 case featuring the digestive system along with the truism saying "Wanted: A World Filled With Guts". Do a double-take at the guts within the next time you use this geek humor iPhone 13 case! myAnatomical

Never Call Me Gutless Digestive System Humor Apron

Ad: Never Call Me Gutless Digestive System Humor Apron

Yes everyone has guts. Enjoy wry scientific humor with this educational anatomical all-over print apron featuring the digestive system. Comes with the truism saying "Never Call Me Gutless". Make others do a double-take on the guts that you do have -- both literally and figuratively -- with this tongue-in-cheek digestive system attitude advice apron! myAnatomical

Cardiologists Just Go With The Flow Circulation Bandana

Ad: Cardiologists Just Go With The Flow Circulation Bandana

Showcase your wry anatomical attitude with this medical humor bandana featuring all key arteries and veins of the circulatory system along with the following truism saying about cardiologists: "Cardiologists Just Go With The Flow". myAnatomical

Bridge Is A Battlefield Four Card Suits Planner

Ad: Bridge Is A Battlefield Four Card Suits Planner

If you view the game of bridge as a battlefield you'll enjoy this planner featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Bridge Is A Battlefield". Make others do a double-take at the bridge table the next time you play bridge with a dose of intelligent bridge humor aided by this bridge saying planner! myBridgePlayer

Phoenician Alphabet (Ancient Language Symbols) Round Clock #linguistics #cryptography #phoenician #alphabet #linguist #RoundClock

Ad: Phoenician Alphabet (Ancient Language Symbols) Round Clock #linguistics #cryptography #phoenician #alphabet #linguist #RoundClock

Equilibrium Is Well-Defined In Theory Not Often Adult Apron

Ad: Equilibrium Is Well-Defined In Theory Not Often Adult Apron

If you are frequently not in equilibrium - from an economics and psychological perspective - you'll enjoy any of these supply-and-demand curve gifts featuring the supply-and-demand graph along with the wry economics truism saying: "Equilibrium Is Well-Defined In Theory But Not Often Found In Practice". Memorable gifts for all who seek economic equilibrium but often never find it. myPsychology

Same Data Different Interpretation (Duck Rabbit) Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Ad: Same Data Different Interpretation (Duck Rabbit) Two-Tone Coffee Mug

Classic gestalt phenomenon on this mug featuring the infamous duck / rabbit optical illusion along with the saying that will make others do a double-take the next time it comes to interpreting data: "Same Data Different Interpretation". myPsychology

Do Not Confuse Dark Energy With Dark Matter Coffee Mug #astrophysicist #dark #matter #astronomer #words #CoffeeMug

Ad: Do Not Confuse Dark Energy With Dark Matter Coffee Mug #astrophysicist #dark #matter #astronomer #words #CoffeeMug

Osmoregulation Is Key To My Survival Apron

Ad: Osmoregulation Is Key To My Survival Apron

Showcase the importance of osmoregulation with this all-over print apron featuring the sodium-potassium pump used in active transport along with the tongue-in-cheek scientific truism "Osmoregulation Is Key To My Survival". Make others do a double-take about the importance of osmolytic balance to our daily lives! myBiochemistry

Citric Acid Cycle Machinery Embedded Within Krebs Apron

Ad: Citric Acid Cycle Machinery Embedded Within Krebs Apron

No need to be a biochemist or organic chemist to enjoy wry Krebs cycle humor with this citric acid cycle (tricarboxylic acid cycle - TCAC) all-over print apron featuring the following saying: "Citric Acid Cycle Machinery Embedded Within". Make others do a double-take on what they are powered by with a dose of educational scientific fun with this all-over print apron! myBiochemistry

Love Your Brain It's The Only One You Have Advice iPhone 13 Case

Ad: Love Your Brain It's The Only One You Have Advice iPhone 13 Case

Showcase your wry brainy sense of humor with a dose of anatomical attitude with this iPhone 13 case featuring the different anatomical parts of the human brain along with the saying "Love Your Brain It's The Only One You Have". Neurological and psychological geek attitude for anyone with a brain! myAnatomical

Restructure Your Thoughts Make Connections Brain Pocket Watch

Ad: Restructure Your Thoughts Make Connections Brain Pocket Watch

Anatomical brain advice is found on this brain anatomy pocket watch featuring the saying "Restructure Your Thoughts Make The Connections & Build A Better Brain". Comes with the different parts of the human brain. Medical geek humor pocket watch for anyone who thinks! No need to be a psychologist or brain surgeon to enjoy! myAnatomical

Are You At Equilibrium? Supply-and-Demand Humor Bandana #are #you #at #equilibrium #economics #Bandana

Ad: Are You At Equilibrium? Supply-and-Demand Humor Bandana #are #you #at #equilibrium #economics #Bandana

Love Cloud Streets Because That's How I Roll Air T-Shirt #cloud #streets #meteorologist #convrolls #in #TShirt

Ad: Love Cloud Streets Because That's How I Roll Air T-Shirt #cloud #streets #meteorologist #convrolls #in #TShirt

Supply Demand Shapes My Outlook On Life Econ Humor Face Mask #economics #economist #supply #and #demand #FaceMask

Ad: Supply Demand Shapes My Outlook On Life Econ Humor Face Mask #economics #economist #supply #and #demand #FaceMask

No One Is Immune To Inflation Upward March Prices Throw Pillow #consumer #price #index #historian #political #ThrowPillow

Ad: No One Is Immune To Inflation Upward March Prices Throw Pillow #consumer #price #index #historian #political #ThrowPillow

Meet Me In Wonderland (Mad Hatter Running) Playing Cards #meet #me #in #wonderland #PlayingCards

Ad: Meet Me In Wonderland (Mad Hatter Running) Playing Cards #meet #me #in #wonderland #PlayingCards

Wonderland Which Way I Ought To Go From Here Drink Coaster #which #way #i #ought #to #DrinkCoaster

Ad: Wonderland Which Way I Ought To Go From Here Drink Coaster #which #way #i #ought #to #DrinkCoaster

Thursday, September 01, 2022

Ohm A Unit Of Electrical Resistance Physics Bandana

Ad: Ohm A Unit Of Electrical Resistance Physics Bandana

Physicists and physics majors will enjoy this bandana featuring the parameters of Ohm's law V I and R. Ohm is a unit of electrical resistance and states that the current through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the potential difference across the two points. myPhysics

#unit #electrical #resistance #Bandana

Know Your Percentages Do Statistics Stats Humor Face Mask

Ad: Know Your Percentages Do Statistics Stats Humor Face Mask

Do you know your percentages? Showcase wry statistical humor with this polyester face mask featuring the normal distribution curve (also known as the bell curve or Gaussian distribution) with the stats truism saying "Know Your Percentages Do Statistics". Make others do a double-take on exactly how well they know statistics with this educational statistical cheat sheet polyester face mask! myPsychology

Remember: Radiation Doses Are Relative Physics Wrist Watch

Ad: Remember: Radiation Doses Are Relative Physics Wrist Watch

No need to be a physicist or a radiologist to enjoy wry nuclear physics attitude the next time you tell time with this watch featuring different radiation doses in millirems along with the saying "Remember: Radiation Doses Are Relative". myPhysics

#radiation #doses #relative #WristWatch

Just Think Linear Regression Statistics Graph Scarf

Ad: Just Think Linear Regression Statistics Graph Scarf

Statisticians economists psychologists and social scientists who think in terms of hypothesis testing and statistics will enjoy this scarf featuring linear regression along with the saying "Just Think Linear Regression". Educational statistical geek attitude scarf for anyone who does statistics! myStatistician

Stop Treating Soil Like Dirt (Soil Horizons) Napkin #stop #treating #soil #like #dirt #Napkin

Ad: Stop Treating Soil Like Dirt (Soil Horizons) Napkin #stop #treating #soil #like #dirt #Napkin

Key Card Placement Is The Name Of The Game Bridge

Ad: Key Card Placement Is The Name Of The Game Bridge

Showcase your wry bridge / duplicate bridge attitude with any of these gifts featuring the four card suits along with the following sound bridge advice saying: "Key Card Placement Is The Name Of The Game". Make others do a double-take about what the game of bridge is all about with a dose of bridge humor today! myBridgePlayer

Never Call Me Gutless Digestive System Humor Socks

Ad: Never Call Me Gutless Digestive System Humor Socks

Yes everyone has guts. Enjoy wry scientific humor with this educational anatomical pair of socks featuring the digestive system. Comes with the truism saying "Never Call Me Gutless". Make others do a double-take on the guts that you do have -- both literally and figuratively -- with this tongue-in-cheek digestive system attitude advice pair of socks! myAnatomical

Key Card Placement Is The Name Of The Game Bridge Fabric

Ad: Key Card Placement Is The Name Of The Game Bridge Fabric

Showcase your wry bridge / duplicate bridge attitude the next time you create with this fabric featuring the four card suits along with the following sound bridge advice saying: "Key Card Placement Is The Name Of The Game". Make others do a double-take about what the game of bridge is all about with a dose of bridge humor with this fabric! myBridgePlayer